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Everything posted by Ubermager716

  1. I remember back when runescape was all about having fun and thinking that 1k was a lot of money..oh how I wish it was still that way today.
  2. I would suggest planting toadflax and marigolds. I do a run every 75 mins, and the profit just rolls in. I start my run in Camelot and running to catherby, I then Ecto, then glory to draynor, then tele to ardougne. The run takes me maybe 5-10 mins. I know a lot of people showed other runs but personally you couldn't pay me to change.
  3. Gilded alter gives 350% with burners lit, not 300%. As others have said in the time your going to save you would be able to make back that money with no problem.
  4. I don't really know of any update, I check a few times a day and I don't have any problems, perhaps just do that?
  5. At first I didn't browse that much, but now i browse/post a lot more. It's more addictive than runescape. :shock:
  6. When I first joined members I thought the same thing that you are thinking, but really, there isn't to much in f2p you can do to prepare for members, OT: As others have said, I would get sapphire necklaces, emerald rings..to be on the safe side, 100 of each? I use about that many per month. Laws, your definitely going to want quite a bit of these. In p2p you fly through laws like a hot knife through butter. I would get all your f2p quests done. When you first start, your going to want to finish fishing contest, wolfs whistle, druid ritual, etc..the quests that get you started. Aside from that, if I were you I would just get members and have fun with it! Explore the new world and see what there is to say. Don't kill the fun of it before it starts.
  7. Goodluck on the white party hat. If you ever want someone to chat with, my chat is always on. :
  8. Now I'm probably wrong, but I would think that excalibur would be more useful to lower leved players because when I had my SGS, I didnt hit high enough on specs to make it worth it for me. I don't think it's going to affect the market much if it all.
  9. If you want to merchant, try to get at least 300-500k. That way your profits are going to be higher because your able to buy more of whatever item your merching. With 20k, you would get maybe...5k profit?
  10. Personally, I pick up greens blues and crimsons. I have like 900 golds in the bank, and I don't really see the point in using them.
  11. As others have said, I also ignore Keldagrim. I have to go there soon to get my bolt pouch, and I'm already not looking forward to the long trip there. I don't really do quests unless I need to, and I really need to do more quests ;) Only 103 QP I've been ignoring this whole penguin thing going on, just doesn't appeal to me. Aside from that, I just do my own thing in game, when these new updates come out, they don't really appeal to me at first.
  12. I need to get my prayer to 70 anyway, and im going for 99 fm..so I'm probably going to be doing it soon. the new updated Excalibur seems interesting to me.
  13. I don't know if anyone suggested this as I just skimmed the post, but there was a guide posted on how to only lose 27k per 1k alchs. What you do is buy however many nature runes you need for the amount of alchs you plan on doing. Then go to Zanaris into the trading area and there should be a ring seller. You want to buy 26 rings from him, alch them and then repeat. I'm not going to show the math in this post, but thats what I have been doing for the past week, and it is definitely my preferred way to alch. If you were to mine the ess, or buy the ess and craft your own nats, you would make a profit instead of losing money. I simply don't have the time to do that.
  14. My herb runs usually start with a Camelot tele, then I run to Catherby and use that patch. Then I ecto and use that patch. I use the mounted glory in my house (havn't done Heros yet :|) to teleport to draynor and use the bank, and then use the patch there. I then tele to ardougne and use that patch. It works well for me and is pretty quick.
  15. I believe that there was a guide in the general guides section showing a way to alch that only looses 27k per 1k alchs. I would definitely check that guide out. I'm pretty sure the only requirement was Lost City which isn't a big deal.
  16. If you get prossy, perhaps a rune def/dragon boots as others have said and a god cloak?
  17. I would love it if laws were only craftable after quest. It wasn't a hard quest, but it seemed to keep law prices a little higher. Now law runes are not really profitable to craft. It seems more and more that runescape is catering to lower leveled player\"quest noobs"
  18. You could try merching food/weapons. On the general guides on here there is a very good guide explaining all the ins and outs of merchanting. Its made for p2p, but you could most likely adapt it to f2p. Goodluck :)
  19. 65 65 will be quicker to get, and probably better for you in game.
  20. Sometimes when you put a new item under one of your bank tabs, it switches with another tab and then switches back when you reopen the bank. This tends to get annoying and they really should do something about it.
  21. My favorite runescape memory would probably be when I made my first mil. It doesn't seem like much now but back then it was a realy big thing for me. :lol:
  22. If your going to spend the time to get a 99, get one that you enjoy. If you like firemaking for whatever reason and you want to get the cape, than more power to you. If your getting a 99 to impress someone, in my opinion your wasting your time and money.
  23. I want to train my attack and strength to 80, but I have had a lot of different places suggested to me. If anyone could suggest anywhere that would be relatively..decent? Id really apreciate it. Thanks in advance.
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