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Everything posted by TheValeyard

  1. I only use bolt action rifles. Before I returned to cod4 in January I used a mixture of weapons. Mainly rifles and the Type 99. This was before everybody realised that the MP40 was massively overpowered. WaW has terrible shotgunning maps, though I did a bit of duoble barreling on Dome. On cod4 I use shotguns quite often.
  2. I crafted 4k ess at the mind altar, walking from edge to the altar through the wildy. No revs.
  3. I thought it was good until the ridiculous ending.
  4. There is definately more spray and pray in WaW. I agree theres a nice selection of guns, but most are the same as each other apart from the looks. In cod4 every gun is individual in stats as well as appearence.
  5. I don't even care anymore. I enjoy my Wii but it always comes second place to my PS3. Lets just leave it there. Though cod4 does own WaW so hard and I cannot agree to a truce on that. I think silencer is better than box ammo anyway tbh. Though I do resent guys with Type 100s and box ammo spraying at me when I hit them with a bolt action, but they dont go down.
  6. Deconstructing your argument is not flaming. Artillery is probably the most annoying thing on this game. After dogs, and MP40 dicks.
  7. Then the Wii has won the battle of which console has sold more, which as you just pointed out, is meaningless. Stop using words like troll and fanboy until you can apply them properly, and stop resorting to personal insults. Thanks for the lulz is all I can say at this point. Now on topic. Gas grenades affect your own team still? I thought that was a glitch when they released the game.
  8. You can pick up a bronze axe in the Brimhaven pub.
  9. That was the main argument and was brutally destroyed.
  10. I went 25-0 on Downpour, thats probably my best game, and my best streak. Killstreaks?
  11. General Mactavish eh? Quite a jump from sergeant to general, though I suppose he did save the world.
  12. Hey theres some more insane stuff in Where Eagles Dare with Clint Eastwood if you've seen that, it is pretty old though.
  13. The stable reasons you gave were brutally destroyed by everyone on the console topic. You ignored all legitimate points about why the other two consoles are better and just left after being owned. Your connection or aiming must be truly awful to miss 5 shots with the PTRS, the easiest sniper rifle. Even without stopping power a well aimed shot should down a juggerdog.
  14. I can make cars blow up by knifing them. It's also very, very funny to go right up to a tank and just keep walking around it so they can't hit you. Me and my friend were doing it to this guy on outskirts and he eventually got out of the tank to try and get us. One quick bayonet thrust later and we had an undamaged tank to command. :thumbup:
  15. I met this guy at Ankous who kept calling me a noob. He thought he was some kind of big shot because he had full veracs and Dharok...without the helm which was 4m at the time. Anyway I challenged him to a duel by slapping him with my Barrows Gloves. Dropped without having to switch from dds to whip.
  16. Tom Cruise. Unless he gets executed by firing squad in Angels and Demons, which I haven't seen yet.
  17. Have you ever played cod4? The game was full of cinematic moments. And as for the online becoming tired cod4 had great longevity, so unless they decide to completely change it's funadamental workings there should be no problems there.
  18. People who disagree with you are not [bleep]ers. You've given people good reason to disagree with you due to your inability to respond to legitimate arguments without personal insults and sweeping generalisations of everybody who disagrees with your narrowed viewpoints as [bleep]ers. It's fine to be outspoken and I'd encourage that on here, but just getting in everybodys face about everything is just counterproductive. I know it must be frustrating waving a silly white stick around in lieu of an actual proper games controller, playing on 8 glitched maps with the graphics of a ps2 but don't take it out on the people in these forums.
  19. The only thing more useless would be iron lungs on a class without a sniper rifle. Though in fairness you might pick one up.
  20. 'RayOxide' and 'logic' don't go together in a sentence unless 'is incapable of grasping the concept of' is between them. Siggied.
  21. After all these years people would have switched to the dmace or maul.
  22. Why use 3 different ones when they're all the same apart from the Garand and PTRS? There are differences in sights and reload times but you might as well pick one and become profficient with it.
  23. Sniping someone whilst they're running should be easy as long as you lead the target a little before you fire.
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