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Everything posted by Dfdarkpyro

  1. like i said i think it would be best if we allowed people to be in 1 TWR clan, and 1 other official clan (based on runehead), and those clans cannot be on the same warring list (ie, RAW, TWR)
  2. sparze what are you talking about we've gained clan officials not lost them lol.
  3. erm, how are we not doing well? when was the last time you checked? we were #1 for awhile, and #2 is only 1 step down, we didnt need to have 6 wars a week to take the top spot. ^^,
  4. In my opinion full outs are more fun when numbers are even, espescially in PvP. Matched opts truely shows who has better core members, but in CWA not PvP
  5. Deffinitely only 1 TWR clan, I'd say cap it at 2 official clans, and both of them can't be on the same warring list.
  6. If it's the right decision stand by it. If it's wrong, GF.
  7. yeah to be honest i have a pitiful 40 agility and i notice a huge difference. ppl with 60+ agil i feel bad as hell for ya
  8. i cant answer you exactly but to my knowledge its either dragon hunters or downfall (we came in when draogn hunters were#1 and they haad quite a lead on others)
  9. i like it cause it ruins the safers who piss me off every day. as for the clan world. jagex has formally slapped you in teh face #-o
  10. wow i could never go to that many wars a week. clw would lose its magic. grats though keep it up
  11. very enjoyable war, hoping for a rematch soon
  12. they violated us so bad they should go to jail... omg..... that hurt my eyes!
  13. haters everywhere i go, haters, haters. :thumbdown:
  14. hoping that uffan doesnt mean we'll see CR in the wild, cause i wont be attending that war LOL im too poor.
  15. A little while ago, we declared on Polish Angels, and came to organise this war (see topic here: viewtopic.php?f=216&t=794295) We arrived at the arena, and fortunately for us the war went by with few problems. starting opts: Downfall starting opts- Polish Angels starting opts- the war went by relatively quickly, since we dropped 20 people who wanted to war we wanted to get it done quickly for our next war, and luckily, thats what we did. Downfalls ending opts- Polish Angles ending opts- good war PA \ hope we can get an RM sometime.
  16. GF PF, i got kicked off by my dad and came in late, but it was a very good war. PS- LOL at that second last pic looks like the guys shooting an arrow out of his hand :wall:
  17. inf, you weren't at EITHER of the wars, your telling me to to make a fool of myself? please Inf, don't embarass yourself more, if you knew what i was talking about, i wasnt talking about this war, i was talking about the one 2 weeks ago where you had multiclanners, which is why this rematch took plac.e and no Jc, we didn't leave because of 1 bind, since we figured it was an accident, but when you piled and KO'd our leader we realised that you had no intention of stopping, and therefore broke that rule.
  18. first off, it would be easier if only clan officials who were AT THE WAR and KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT posted from here on. frmo reading this over 90% of these posts are pointless spam because not everyone knows what actually happenned. First off, I'd like to adress Harnam. Harnam, i really dont know what your saying when you posted Downfall starts a dispute about everything. You had 2 disputes in a row on Tip.It, before your clan fell apart. Hypocritical much? Downfall has had one dispute, with LK, which was YOUR CLAN, and which was about 13 MULTICLANNERS. Secondly, I'd like to adress anyone who says we should have taken the rematch. Why would we want to have a 3rd war with LGZ, it would be a rematch for the rematch, since LGZ broke the rules in their first war with multiclanners. They then piled Uffan first (one of our best leaders), and KO'd him since he had no idea what was happenning... Thirdly, coming off the second post, is the fact that DF didn't walk out because a bind was thrown. They KO'd our Leader while he had full food and full pray (and let me tell you, he's a good tank), because he had no idea what the hell Legendz was doing because the rules said lower opts attacked first. We left because KO'ing our Leader when we were supposed to attack first and possibly KO THEIR LEADER (Bravenewfy I believe was leading them), would have been much different start to the war. Lastly, when we had our dispute against LK, it was nulled because we stayed and warred. A TWR Mod told Amateurnoob that if that should ever happen again, we should walk out, get evidence, and post. Enough said.
  19. first of all, i dont get why inf is discussing, he wasnt even there. secondly, that war was the rematch, you already used multiclanners in the war a few weeks back. so dont tell DF you were lenient with them, we GAVE YOU THE SECOND CHANCE. we could have posted and said gf lgz you cheated, but we didn't. however, 2 times is more then were willing to compromise for, were not going to repeatedly rematch LGZ if they have no intention of abiding by the rules outlined.
  20. one of the rules in the declaration topic is: "Any rule broken will result in an automatic DQ" Key words: ANY RULE. also, we gave LGZ a SECOND CHANCE when they used multiclanners and cheated the runehead lock on the first war, we gave them the option for us not to post on Tip.It, just like their leaders gave us their understanding that we could be late.
  21. was definitely the best war i participated in for awhile, and even though i didnt war up to my standard (surprised you didnt pile me nooby combat first:P). we did have 10 more to start then you, but your beggining cb avg was probably higher then ours, and overall, it was probably the closest TWR war in a long time to take place. we had a flawed start where we had no idea what to do, but we pulled it together. we had you at an 8man difference at 1 point, but you quickly brought that to 3, and the war became a long distance sprint contest. in the end, the war came down to whoever had binds left, and whoever had more rune energy to spare. fortunately, we had the binds, but you had the energy (since we planned on saving rings for the LGZ war, which didnt take place) overall, it was an amazing fight, makes me happy to take part in a war where both clans really know what their doing, and both clans fight amazingly well. GJ HP, next time will be the best of 3 fight :) :pray:
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