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Everything posted by Keiphus

  1. Have a picture of the original of the tennis ball?
  2. Everything just looks ugly... know what I mean? Dead... brown... dead... eww.
  3. Yes, now I'm happy. Obviously. :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: 8)
  4. It says MAX.... can you read? What smoothing problem are you talking about? I didn't notice anything, other than the bow stretching like someone mentioned.
  5. Just be sure you set the correct film speed depending on the conditions... if you are really dark you will have to bump up your ISO. You've probably heard that it keeps things in focus only because it's moving faster.. which is true to an extent. As ^ said keeping it lower will reduce your grain but at the same time don't always have it real low, it's ok to turn it up. If you go to your local borders/barnes and nobles you can find some books on photograph and what everything means... Using something like a D50 which is a great entry level DSLR you should really get familiar with the settings. How much did it cost you?
  6. So, did you intentionally make the first one that dull? Is that what you mean by curves? I kid, I kid. As for the second one, it's a bit too dark, but some parts are overexposed. I'd say it's a contrast problem but not something you can easily fix without ruining the integrity of the picture... Overall boring shots, photography is a skill not a P&S then edit it in photoshop technique.
  7. Box modeling? Is that when you split the faces of polygons and extrude? I think so yeah. It's where you start with a simple object, such as a box or a sphere, and use the knife tool / other tools to morph it into what you want. Point modeling is also called Polygon modeling, btw. :) Actually, Polygonal modeling is any model that you create consisting of polygons. Point modeling/box modeling/edgeloop is all considered to be polygonal modeling. Opposed to things like NURBS.... Personally, I box model everything, and that's because I feel much more comfortable that way. It's really up to you. These are modeled from cubes, but I use techniques like keeping edge loops, and I also add in polygons here and there.... I like to mix in a little of everything to get the job done.
  8. Here are a few things I would do. Are you modeling in Symmetry? You need to do that to make sure your model stays symmetrical, assuming that's what you are going for. Do you have any pictures of this axe? If you posted up some reference I could show you ways to fix your geometry. Overall not bad, typical newbie model.
  9. I'll post the actual set from the Corona spot... I did about 10% of it so I didn't want to post it, but I'll show you what we ended up showing them. The majority of it being done by the animation director here. Look for that around the end of the week. Thanks for the lengthy response. The glasses just got finished today, I'll post the new models sometime. I redid 6 of them and just edited the rest. But the new ones are so much better, both in terms of appearance and technique. Please keep in mind I have no formal education, this is just stuff I've managed to figure out myself over the past year. Yes, the cellphone is pretty much as detailed as it can get. Have you seen the commercials for the Motorolla RAZR? I honestly believe that my cellphone, had it been the RAZR would have held up in the spot. It's pretty photo-real. As for the crane - Believe it or not, that was the original idea of the spot. That was the main reason I had to model it in 2D instead of 3D. It was very difficult to start with 1 polygon and turn it into Crane like you see there. I have about 6 steps along the way that I saved so we could later animate it into a paper folding crane. Unfortunately that never happened, and the spot changed directions. But maybe I'll do that some other time. It was for a hospital. I did alot of modeling for a hospital commercial too, but the files aren't on our server anymore. I modeled a new tool called the DaVinci, which is basically a very sophisticated type of robotic surgery. I also modeled an Avanto MRI, and a stereotaxis machine. I'll have to find some screenshots of those, they were very stylized and looked pretty cool.
  10. Misterxman - Thank you. punk4ever - Wow... I don't think I've talked to you in about 4 years? Since the end of 2001? Because that's when I had stopped playing RS.... Thanks for the comment, good to see you! Fnaa - Softimage XSI, Maya's biggest competitor on the market. Tttia - Thank you. The glasses took forever... but believe it or not a majority of them are being redone a better way. They are solid meshes right now with no construction history and so I'm redoing them with a bit more detail and stuff... They were fairly hard. Second only to the phone. The NIC wasn't that hard really, one of the easier things that I modeled. Thanks for the comment. :) ColAvanor - Hey dude! What's up? Good to see you here. I don't drop in much but it's good to see some similar faces (usernames, lol). I've only been modeling for a while now, and to be honest it's not the only thing I do so I don't get much time to work on it. I've never really been taught. I'm taking a class next fall though to help me out a bit. I'd like to learn all the ins and outs. Thanks alot for the kind words. See you around! NACHO - It's great software. I have yet to learn Maya... but I'll be learning that in the fall for a course I'm taking. Honestly though from the one time that I have opened up Maya, I don't like it. It's a bit text buttons vs. icons type of preference. Ultimately it's up to the user, the program is just a tool. ;) The cheapest version is only $500, but still a bit pricey for most people. Especially if you are just an enthusiast. And yes, I do origami. :) Quer_Skull - The screen is exactly in the middle as far as symmetry goes. It was modeled as a half, then duplicated and mirrored. So it's exactly the same on both sides. Thanks for the critique though. There are a lot of things wrong with it that I guess nobody else would notice but that I have wanted to fix but haven't had the time to do. Thanks. Bloodredsword, arizark, Punc, cupcake - Thanks. :) dogtag_dez - How do you know I'm not! ;) DementedHero - No problem man! Your comment on my deviantart was what made me do it. I'm suprised I even checked my devARt, I havne't been there in ages either. Softimage is pretty user friendly, I picked it up fairly quickly. I really like it! apinagez - Actually it's spanish, and we do alot of work with Spanish Ad Agencies and stuff, so that's why that's that... ;) lemonfish - Actually none of them are sunglasses, they are all glasses... I just put colored lenses to give them some character so you didn't have to look at gray wireframes. ;) But they are pretty much done to scale, I wasted a whole day taking shots of them as orthographic as I could. Thanks for pointing that out though I'll look into it. :) Thanks for the comments everyone - Glad to see them! Last time I think I got 2. One from GSW and one from myself. Lol.
  11. If I was to critique it, I would say that the word with the white text could lose the black border. But it's pretty sweet as it is.
  12. Well, some people on some other forums asked me what I've been working on lately, and I posted this. I figured since I haven't posted here in a while I'd show you guys what I've been up to... These are basically just screenshots, but I can post high-res pictures and more info if anyone is interested... but I figured most wouldn't be. ;) Here's what I've been working on the past week: These are for some national Eyemasters spots coming up.... modeled about 8+ sets of glasses... Some random models for a set we were building... This was for a Corona bid we were doing, we didn't end up getting the project. This is my cell phone, we were trying to see how realistic we could get with it.. And yes I need a new one... soon as my contract expires in a few months, haha. I've had this phone for over 2 years. The rest of this stuff is pretty old; This was a car I started and never finished for a speed modelling challenge.... this is pretty old, maybe 8 months ago..? NIC... And this was the first thing I ever modeled, a low poly gun, i forget the count. Others... Oh yeah, this was on my old deviantart account.. Did this a while ago but they ended up changing the concept of the spot, so I didn't even get to use it! I was so bummed. I hadn't been doing 3D for long, so I was really impressed with myself when I finished this. It's modeled from a 2D plane, just like real origami. Lots of knife tool. haha. I think that's about it... most of my stuff I don't have access to anymore, we clean out our network drives alot to save space, most of it is logged somewhere on some DVDs in our tape room... If you check out our demoreel on our site though I could tell you what i've worked on, I've worked on several of the spots on there...
  13. http://www.3dlinks.com Try that to start....
  14. I didn't know you were still around here tttia!
  15. Yeah I agree.. who ever thought of having a vote based on opinion... what a stupid idea. :idea:
  16. Were you being serious Wyrm? Honestly I couldn't tell...
  17. We all remember who really introduced pixel art here, though. :P
  18. Doesn't seem all that balanced with the text so far at the bottom.... nor am I a huge fan of the green... I think a more subdued hue would be better... but with a green/blue tint... It would compliment the grungy color of the object better I think.
  19. Right now I'm in college studying 3D Animation... by the time I graduate I expect to have an impressive demo reel that will land me a job wherever I wish to have one. I am thinking about moving out to California if the money is right, because I would like to work on feature film. After I graduate, I'm thinking about getting a masters in some sort of finance. I'm also thinking about getting a second degree in Actuary Science. I love the field I'm in, and I love animation... but in some instances it just doesn't pay that well. I know I will be a millionaire (self made) by the time I'm 25, and if I have to stop doing animation for a while to accomplish that, I will. I also do alot of investing on the side right now, and do a little bit of online retail. I'm basically an entrepreneur who happens to enjoy animation/graphic design. I want to have a few kids, and live in a beautiful place much like everyone else. I guess one of my "dreams" is to become so filthy rich that I can just donate MILLIONS of dollars to relief in various parts of the world, and I'd even like to move to a thrid world country for a while and help with whatever I could. These types of things would make me "happy" in a general sense.
  20. Actually you DO have to pay taxes on that, but chances are you make so little that the IRS won't come after you. Me personally; I worked for a VFX company for the last year and a half of highschool, and before that I worked for the district as a computer tech. I'm in college now and I'm still working for the same VFX company... I also do alot of investing on the side. Google baby.
  21. Ehh.... Partypoker... I've lost around $500 in about 20minutes on there, and won just the same in the same amount of time.... Eventually I just stopped playing, I enjoyed the occassional cash-out, but most of the time I'm too greedy and end up putting up $1000 in a no-limit game and losing it all.
  22. Why couldn't you just have an unofficial tournament... people who play poker and runescape can get together and have fun. $20 isn't much...? I mean if you're gonna talk smack might as well back it up right :-P. Well I haven't actually played Runescape in over 4 years but you get my point.
  23. I'm in. Just gotta shoot me a PM, I don't check here much. I play on Partypoker, UB, pokerstars, and greentie. How much would we play for? 20$? Let me know! [email protected]
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