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Blog Entries posted by xxamzyxx

  1. xxamzyxx
    Hey guys well the time has finally arrived :)
    Here is my level 98 level up which happened over a week ago.

    When I started on the 7th November I never thought this moment would come. So this is a very proud moment :)
    Thanks everyone for following my agility story. It has been quite a experiance and its something that I will never forget for sure and I can not wait to find out what my next 99 will be :).
    After 3 months and 3 days of blood sweat and tears. Tantrums, wanting to just give up, screaming the house down. I can offically say.... I beat agility!!! you piece of shit ha :P

    So!!!!!!! without further delays:
    On the 10th February- at 13:00 pm!!!!

    :) :) Now whats left is to have a snap shot with my cape on :D

    Till next time :D
  2. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 92
    Sanity: Happy...Must Be The Alcohol Still In My System
    XP to next lvl: 535k
    Agility Tickets: 350
    1000 Tickets Reached- 11 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH
    Seeing as though I have not done this yet I thought I'd show my recent level up in Agility

    Hallilouyah!! I must admit it felt like I was never gonna make it to 92 it took alot longer than my other levels.
    Another Hallilouyah moment was that I got an Agility daily challenge! (Yes thats right luck must finally be on my side lol :P)
    Strangely enough it was for the Advanced Gnome Stronghold Course.
    For me it was a kinda wtf moment because to me that course is when you start out training agility, so I dunno when they added in the advanced course. Probs been there for ages but hey I don't keep track of everything ha

    My favourite bit by far is when you have to swing from 2 bars to get to the other side. Thats pretty awesome 2bh.
    It wasn't untill I looked this course up that I found out something really intriguing!

    Hmmm interesting it better be like XP that I receive or something or i'll be pissed! > :-| And why are the Gnomes such arse holes aswell! I've not done anything to them....yet haha.
    [bleep]'s of the Day
    1. Talent Scout!: I mean seriously could my character be that stupid to fall for it each and every time!? Wish there was a another option to try and trick him...
    Scout: " Look over there!"....

    2. The Pit [bleep]s: I don't know about you but runescape like promotes gambling lol Thats not really a good message to bring to your audience lol

  3. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 91
    Sanity: Happy New Years Eve Eve Lol
    XP to next lvl: 608K
    Agility Tickets: 283
    1000 Tickets Reached- 10 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH
    Yes just when I thought the dreaded ceremonial sword task was behind me... I have another one...
    this time......

    Now because I've already done a task like this a couple of blogs ago I thought to myself...
    How hard can it be?

    SO! Armed with my killer sandwich of doom!

    I start to embark on my old enemy!
    *Cue Star wars music here!*
    Ok here we go!!

    Hmmm ok this looks a tad complicated but no worries I am in good spirits!

    Now if I remember correctly if its 4 and above you have to hard hit.
    And if its 3 you medium hit
    2 or below soft or carefull
    Oki oki I've got this I've got this!

    Calm Amy its ok just do another one

    Hmmm this one seem a bit easier I guess.

    Wow I feel pretty proud of myself right now this is probs the closest I have ever got to not screwing it up... So I must get like...70% for that?

    Could do better?.................. COULD DO BETTER!!!!!!!!
    Is this game literally! trying to take the piss! that was almost perfect! how the hell are you even meant to get a perfect sword when even if you hit hard! you can only hit 1! Unbelievable simply unbelievable!

    You wait Egil! your time will come! Very SOOONN!
    52%! Bellend > :-|
  4. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 89
    Sanity: Merry Christmas Eve :)
    XP to next lvl: 268k
    Agility Tickets: 95
    1000 Tickets Reached- 9 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH
    Hey Guys
    Well I hope that everyone is having a great Christmas Eve :) Only one more sleep till we can stuff our faces with turkey and chocolates and get lots of presents :).
    As uses all know I bought lionel about 3 days ago? and since then I have been taking scene shots of his progress :). I have really grown so attached to him and I'm gonna be like a proud momma when he grows up all big and strong and above all scarey :P.
    Also because I want him to grow to an adult so badly I have paused my agility training because I can't take him into the Brimhaven course so I have now got over 1k of sharks.

    So this is when he was just about to go to Adolesant :) and my mate was present on the left in the green along with a creepy stalker. Only thing that bothered me was that I thought they'd be an animation when they grow up like in the sims...but nope apparently not lol
    And yes I went a tad over the top when it happened :P


    What made him even cutier was that he actually sits down and looks up at you I mean omg I almost melted so CUUTTEE OUS A GOOD BOOYY :P
    I have also changed the colour of my ariane clothes as you can see and I decided to go a bit more.... funky lets say. But to be honest I think it looks rather cool :) so screw what you guys think ha.
    My friend told me some shocking news yesterday.. theres a new pet called the Bloodpouncer.
    Hey Hi!? when did that happen?
    And apparently you can only get it if you actually go into WH Smith and buy a runescape card which gives you 90 days premium membership....
    Well done jagex looking to embarass the older players into buying a game card just to get a pet ha I admit though it does look proper awesome its basically what the name suggests 2bh blazehound and skypouncer mix. Looking at a youtube video however its basically got the same abilitys as the others so really its just your choice whether you wanna risk going into a public shop ha.
    Was such a coincidence that a Bloodpouncer just happened to run past us while fishing so we casually just stalked the player for a bit and attempted to steal it ha

    But ofcourse no one can top Lionel :D
  5. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 84
    Sanity: Content
    XP to next lvl: 12k
    Agility Tickets: 730
    1000 Tickets Reached- 6 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH
    Dear Baslisk,
    Alas old slayer creature, we not so different you and I.
    So scarey and horrific you destroy players with your evil eyes of doom. Even though your design is not correct and should look like a snake in harry potter.

    Just saying.............................
    I do not ask for much I am a simple girl living in a weird crazy world known as runescape like yourself.

    I stand before you looking like a turtle/ flying saucer, seeking....your head basically....
    To put it up as a trophy in my house....and yet....you still give me nothing.
    Oh creature do not anger me I am not a woman who gives up so easily.
    I will return!!!!!( once I get bored of agility for the day) and when I do! you should be ready

    Lots of love
    Amy / Xxamzyxx
    Kisses... winky face, poking tongue out face, smiley face lolnness
  6. xxamzyxx
    Just when I thought that I was having a nice day!
    It all went to pot when this stupid [bleep]en dwarf and his stupid ceremonial sword plans > :-|

    When I got this task I didn't know what a ceremonial sword is so I had to look it up... runescape wiki didnt give me any indication of the ass fest that would be a complete waste of my time and resources... Well thats just [bleep]en great you shit monkeys!.
    So I bought some Iron ore and managed to get 10 of the IV things heated it up and ofcourse instead of just clicking on the sword to make it I've gotta actually hammer it myself!!
    So apparently theres 4 hammering styles I can choose from:
    1: Hard: Hits up to 0-5 cm
    2. Meduim: 0-3 cm
    3. Soft: 0-2 cm
    4. Carefull: 0-1cm
    And then theres sodding cool down thing that goes down every hit you do uugghhh > :-|

    This is the closest I got out of 10!! NOT EVEN 1!!!!!!! was done.
    I'd understand it if it was like lvl 90+ but [bleep]en seriously?? In the end after 10 trys and I basically told the Dwarf where to stick it

    *If anyone has completed it then screw you lol*
  7. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 77
    Sanity: Depressed
    XP to next lvl: 53k
    Agility Tickets: 530
    1000 Tickets Reached- 3 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH!
    So.... because Dungoneering has had a new update or something I thought it would be a nice change to train it up.
    I'm going to be honest It isn't my favourite skill in the world, its probably right close at the bottom as one of the skills I'd rather avoid so as you can see I'm up for so much fun.......

    So I arrive, I decided to do it with a friend cos apparently on your own it just doesnt work and with random people...well its just doesn't work pluss me and Lust cordova were on skype while we was playing so I guess it makes the game play more exciting.
    I wanted to keep an open mind about Dungoneering because you know it might change my mind about it..................................................................................................................welll I thought it would * sighh*
    One of your first MAJOR! problems was not with the skill itself but the combat. Everytime we used a speical move it kept on saying we had no target so we had to constantly keep clicking on the [bleep]ers to kill them. ( Another negative to the new combat update sigh like there wasnt enough already)

    Ok anyway back to the actual skill, Lust was the party leader so I didn't have to worry about deciding the floor... complexity? I dunno and how big the dungon is. The whole time I was doing this skill I had the indiana jones song in my head you know the theme tune.
    So once that confusing part was over we finally got in a dungon....... expectatons were high, adrenaline pumping!
    Much to anyones surprise that didn't last very long, we didn't know a medium dungon would be so long! It more like a test of psychological torture than actually having fun.

    We had some problems along the way ofcourse:
    Number 1! : Invincable ghosts? Yes thats right we had to kill 5 guardian ghosts to open the 2 doors but what made us more confused was that some of them were IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL! like we did 540 damage for example and they just heal! automatically! how the hell is that fair and why do they heal? It took is 3 attempts to actually kill one and we had to kill them together so ensure if someone hit the other must too. Ughhh
    Number 2!: The puzzles... don't get me the wrong the puzzles are good and fun but its not good when we got the oblisk that has to be charged to 100% and enemys spawn to try and destory it or something..I like that ou! I think its fun espeically if theres 2 of you!. However we tapped it waited untill it got half charged...nothing.....um....what? and how many spawned you may ask? 2!! 2!!!! holy shit
    Number 3! : Enemy Combat Levels!? :-|... This is going to bother me for all time! why do enemys have there combat level still when we don't we just have our total skill level.... MY GOD JAGEX YOU NEED TO EXPLAIIINN!.
    But whats more like wtf! is this the boss:

    Now thats awesome! you'd think being such an awesome character he would have an awesome combat level.. such as 1000.... 600? because it must have a high hp because it look us like 15 minute to kill it. wow it must be a beast I can't wait to look! iiittss!!!...106...umm ................................................. :S.... how does that work out! I was 106 not that long ago and I didn't have like 5000 health!. And especially it being such a scarey ugly beast you'd think it would be alot higher!!
    Amy's Conclusion:
    Well watching the runescape updates on youtube they really hypted it up, saying it was going to be so much better so I actually gave it the benefit of the doubt and did the skill...more xp they say...better xp they say... and I only went up 1! level during that whole dungon and I'm only level 32!. Jagex you have failed you have failed to convert me to this shit, how people can stay in there till 120 is beyond me!.
  8. xxamzyxx
    Heeyy guys.
    Yes unforunatly the EOC ( Evolution of Combat) has arrived and MAN!!!! does it suck! > :-|.
    I'm a woman of simple tastes I only just got used to the other updates and now they throw other shit at me. I deffinatly wasn't a fan of it coming out but hey there must be a majority that does to make them release it but ofcourse there are problems which I have noticed and I'm not happy with it.
    What my friend pointed out was a good point... they don't have the icon whether you want to :

    or Defence ( can't remember what its called)
    Combat Level... Hello? where is it? Am I meant to just guess?
    EDIT!: I have realized after carefully looking that it is 178... ok why has that changed? and for that matter you don't even see players combat levels anymore you just see their total levels... ERR WHY? whats the point in having a combat level then wasn't that the entire purpose to lets us all see?. I don't give a crap about someones total level NO EVEN ASKS ABOUT IT ANYWAY AHHHH!!
    So how the hell can I train defence what will I need? and on top of that once I finished my attack leveling that will mean I will need to carry around a slash weapon for when I change and something different ( I'm guessing for defence!) and that costs vital Inventory space for food. The icons make no sense in the magic book icon I just wanna kill the damn thing not do any special moves and then today when I finished that crumby tutorial... (really a tutorial? I feel like I'm a newbie again) in the circle of life.

    I couldn't find my HOME TELEPORT! holy moly I thought I actually lost it, took me 5 minutes to realize that I had to click on the magic hat...... yes I did feel stupid.

    The tutorial took me awhile to actually complete, from all this shit though one thing caught my eye the minute I logged on and that was the HP! What the hell!....
    88.........880.........somehow =3520????!!!!???????
    HOW THE HELL DOES THAT WORK??? why did they need to change it now it makes no sense!!! EXPLAIN JAGEX EXPLAIN! the combat was getting old ok I get that you wanna keep up with the new techno on games but why mess with the HP!!! it worked perfectly and to be honest it wasn't that long ago that it got changed.... START MAKING SENSE JAGEX!! START MAKING SENSE!!!!
    sigh! I've even heard people have quit because of this update and I'm not surprise I'm so happy I'm not doing combat at the moment because I would get nothing done. Even completing the tutorial was a celebration all on its own :

    Now there a reaction of relieved players for sure.
  9. xxamzyxx
    It was just a regular day in runescape for me and xxamzyxx, we have always had that bond ever since we began on tutorial island however many years ago. It still feels like yesterday remembering our first day, getting lost in Falador, when we thought 3k was alot of money to spend on a hair cut, reaching our first 100k and feelings so proud of ourselves. Its memorys like that I would never forget.
    However I've come to notice that xxamzyxx seems to feeling rather low lately... and I can't understand why, she crys most of the time and I feel powerless to comfort her.

    It was that day when she saw him.
    She first met him exactly 2...days....ago...........................
    I had just logged onto Runescape like I always did moaning in dispare of doing the same thing over and over again. But then Moondust Sky caught my attention on clan chat.
    " AMY!!! Max is in varrock bank!"
    " Max? who's Max? " I replied, I was curious maybe shes made a new friend?
    " Just come quick!"
    I wasn't as eager to leave the course, but trust me if you've spent what seemed like years in there.. hell.. I'll take that excuse anyday. Xxamzyxx seemed quite pleased to leave aswell so I agreed and I teleported to varrock via the lodestone, as I made my way to the bank I soon realized that I couldn't remember the last time I walked into varrock.

    " Christ monkey balls!" I said to myself... yes I was aware I was talking to myself, my sanity has been questioned for weeks but I didn't care it was either that for somethng much much worse... I dread to think to be honest. While I was marveling varrocks scenary another message popped onto clan chat " HES MOVED TO THE SMITHING AREA!", thank god I didn't have to walk as far as I thought but this had better be good.
    I got to the area and my character stopped... her eyes narrowed. I put my screen lower to get a closer look at what was going on with her......

    " Whos that!" I asked MoonDust Sky
    " This is Max, hes the one that you go too if you have got 99 in all of your skills"
    " Interesting.." I said with amazement.... thats quite an achievement. I couldn't ignore what my character was feeling it was written all over her face and because we are so linked with eachover I could hear her thoughts.
    * It was like something that hit me I had been feeling low for awhile, but watching him making that fire and cooking on it all the emotions I had been feeling in the past disappeared and was replaced with something alot more powerfull. I visualized holding his hand, taking strolls through varrock I would practically follow him everywhere. The chemistry was so electric I could easy cut it with my battleaxe, I wanted to move closer but I couldn't only Amy could give that command and every part of me had faith she would do so. I must be able to do something to make him know I exist and the idea came to me " I'LL WRITE SOMETHING TO HIM!" shhhh! xxamzyxx don't let her hear you we've got to do it when shes unaware *
    Listening I couldn't help but shout " No!!! You can't" I shook my head in disagreement, what if she gets hurt by him? Hes an NPC after all hes programmed to do certain things everyday not to feel human emotion. I had no choice but to move her away..it was difficult thing to do but it was for the best.
    Then something unexplainable happened!

    "HOLY SHIT!"...I watched in amazement how the hell was that possible? She can't write things by herself! where did this come from!.
    How could this be if she can do this what else will she be able to do in time!! Fear pulsed through me.
    "Damn" I thought to myself this is going to get worse before it gets any better.
    Status: Level 74
    Sanity: Nice cup of tea yummm
    XP to next lvl: 63K
    Agility Tickets: 537
    1000 Tickets Reached- 2 BOOYYAHH!
  10. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 74
    Sanity: Refreshed and ready to kick some ticket ass!
    XP to next lvl: 103k
    Agility Tickets: 2
    1000 Tickets Reached- 2 BOOYYAHH!
    Heyyyy Guys Xxamzyxx here,
    I know I am in a good mood surprisingly, mainly because I got to 1000 tickets again mega booyah! to the extreme!.
    So the last time I got to 1000 I took a break and I think that worked out for the best, so I've decided to do that everytime I reach 1000 tickets. Kinda fair seeing as tho its as slow as hell :'( but also having loads of daily challenges annoys me lol.
    Oh and I don't know about you but I think daily challenges should have at least a bit more information I mean OMFG!, I 've got a fletching challenge and there telling me to fletch Class 3 or higher sacred clay in the stealing creation.... wtf is stealing creation I have never heard of it in my life. This is not meant to made me angry its meant to make me relaxed and happy > :-|..........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  11. xxamzyxx
    You know I was wondering If Runescape had a Advert for every skill for players, this would be Agilitys.

    Anyways An Update For Today:
    Status: Level 69
    Sanity: Was fine untill 10 minutes ago > :-|
    XP to next lvl: 1.5k
    Agility Tickets: 330
    1000 Tickets Reached- 1
  12. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 69
    Sanity: Just kill me now
    XP to next lvl: 28k
    Agility Tickets: 2
    1000 Tickets Reached- 1
    I had to get that off my chest, its one of those days guys...when every obsticale.. is just failing! EVERY TIME ARRGGHHH!. Especially the who must not be named.. the shit stopper! that takes down your agility points by [bleep]en 2!!! arrghhh arrgghh just arrgghhh!
    Now its down to like 36! and omg Ive never been so angry about an agility course in my entire life..... * breathes harshly*...... I'm too stubborn! I'm not getting skill restore potions its not [bleep]en me!! arrgghhhhhhh!

    This post is deffinatly gonna have alot of beeps in I'll tell ya that.. but I really do not care I'm so close to smashing this PC into pieces
    I just knew it! I [bleep]en knew this skill was gonna break me! I have never been so angry in my life.
    * Moments After I'm A Celeb*
    Now I have come back and re read what I put ha oh dear how embarassing. My sanity has stabilized ha and I'm going back to agility.
  13. xxamzyxx
    Yes guys the waiting has finally arrived...well for me lol I HAVE DONE IT HALLILOUUYYAAHHH!!!! 99!! FINALLY!!!
    And how you ask? By my last ever RUNESPHERE!!!!!! :'( so upsetting.

    To top it all off them people arround didnt even notice!!!! holy shit!!! lol
    Because I was soo excited the capes awesome! I made a little montage of my character with the Cape on and then doing the Emote :)

    UGHH just remembered I have more pain to endure when I start agility..however I may have a break and just do some daily challenges for a bit.
  14. xxamzyxx
    Yes thats right its taken me this long to get to Level 98, and I celebrated like an insane person as shown on skype with my other runescape buddie ha

    Unforuntaly because I celebrated so much I miss the little thing that comes up telling me I've achieved 98 so I thought I would take a snap shot of my skills and me in runespan.

    Im certainly gonna party hard when I get to 99 it'll be immense I'm telling you lol doesn't feel real that I've got this far...seems like only yesterday I started on the middle floor thinking wow 54 xp on law hounds was epic lol
    Good times major good times, well I'm deffinatly gonna get 99 tomorrow...I hope so anyway and this blog will be the first to know ha
    Au Revoiirrrrrrrrrrrrr xxx
  15. xxamzyxx
    Okkkkk. Well seeing as though this is the first blog post, I thought it would be good to open up with some backstory etc.
    So I started playing RS around 5 or so years ago so yea I feel kinda ancient ha, and umm I quit for almost a year came back randomly the game kinda just popped in my head so ever since I have become hooked after that.
    I started out as a F2P ofcourse, however for them 5 years + I remained a faithfull F2P and I heard alot from theses forums that it takes so long to achieve a 99 if your not a member. So that was kinda why I stayed as F2P for so long I took that statement as a challenge and I managed to achieve 99 Woodcutting in 2009-2010 it was quite a while ago.
    However I still hated members I thought it was just an easy way out to train your skills, much to my everlasting shame my mate convinced me to convert to members in September 2012 and...... yea it wasnt as bad as I thought but because I was so used to only be able to access certain cities it was very overwhelming.
    My character is called xxamzyxx it has remained that name ever since I started and I feel that I should never change it.
    My current goals at the moment is to achieve 99 runecrafting, ever since I got 99 Woodcutting that was always the next skill I wanted to get 99 in however that was wayy before Runespan ever existed.
    It is now lvl 96 I have lived in runespan for what feels like forever but it has bee approximatly 2 or so weeks maybe less, I started out as lvl 60 and wow thinking about it I've gained 36 levels which is crazy.
    My worlds are 81 and 139 however I'm normally on 81 so if you have not guessed I am in Runespan top floor on a very small island, I will post a picture of myself Runespanning so if you find me not going insane your welcome to join.

    I am currently deciding what skill to do next, I have been considering Farming seeing as though its like the hardest skill ever but its not set in stone yet.
    So yea thats my backstory x
    Seeya x
  16. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 97
    Sanity: Happy :D
    XP to next lvl: 1.1m
    Agility Tickets: 2
    1000 Tickets Reached- 12 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH
    Yes Guys and Girls I am still alive! Much to your everlasting happiness ha :P
    And yes I have still been doing agility just been forgetting to document it haha
    Well I have been skyping alot more recently conferance calling with my friends, they all play runescape aswell and one in particular streams quite a bit so if you wanna drop by sometime and hear my horrible voice chatting haha
    Heres the link :)
    So moving on to the actual topic of the day and thats my agility training.
    I have just now got to 97! (Praise the lord!)


    (Heres my 96 level up cos Im a [wagon] and keep on forgetting to print screen my level 97 uugghh)

    Ever since I turned 92 It was advised to move away from Brimhaven and just stay at the Advanced Gnome Stronghold Course so thats basically what I've been doing

    And heres me right now agilitying away :P and I thought it would be better to show my level just incase people think I'm lying : S I'm a legit player who actually constantly runs around a course for most of their play time ( that sounds kinda wrong lol)
    I was talking to a friend the other day and I thought it would be funny when I reach 99 for like all my highlights of my time doing it to come up ha. Probs just be me wanting to pull my hair out, drinking Koppaberg and generally wanting to cry ha :P

    Just found this picture :o!
    Feels strange that in like 2 months and a bit I came from that ha :):)

    Anyway Guys sorry for not like writing for ages and I will try to keep this updated as much as possible.
    I have also started a new Job which is Mon-Fri so the updates may not be everyday but fairly regular :)
    See Ya :D
  17. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 88
    Sanity: Quite happy even though we are all meant to be dead...or are we? lmao
    XP to next lvl: 257k
    Agility Tickets: 805
    1000 Tickets Reached- 8 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH
    Hey guys,
    Well seeing as though the world was meant to end today, we all seem to be in one piece. Just makes me wanna see the people who are actually that gullable to go underground and look for safer places to just see their faces lmao they must be [bleep]en pissed off.
    Anyway today is the season to basically spend your hard earned money on runescape items, one of which was 2 little fury friends a Blazehound or Skypouncers. Obviously I was as blind as a bat and didn't see them so my mate called me today to have a look, see I thought they was actually pets you got from a special quest but ohh no ofcourse Jagex try and con you out of more money to buy them at solomans general store.
    The only thing I bought from the store was via the free 200 coins you get so I wasn't exactly going to spend money on buying more coins so hey! what could possibly tempt me?
    Yea yea I was wrong the Blazehound looks absolutly awesome and I love anything that looks remotely evil....

    Theres 2 down sides to this however:
    1: Naming your Pet of DOOM!: You can't actually name him yourself they give you custom names.. why? I just spent money on this bullshit don't give me less choices!. But being as awesome as myself I chose the best name for him... Lionel so say hello to everyone :).
    2. Jagex really try to con you out of buying more coins.....:

    The Blazehound are 1170 coins however when you go and buy some coins (if you haven't got any already like myself) They have a HUUUGGGE! gap between buying 800 coins to 2000... now you'd think they'd make an inbetween say 1500? but ohhh noo they are sneaky little buggers.
    On top of that because I had loaads!!! of coins left you got nothing else to do but buy more shit so I bought like 3 outfits and 2 teleports... got damn Jagex and their sneaky ways.
    Aswell as lional however I have another person to introduce you too and thats!!!!!!! ( DRUM ROLL PLLEASSEE!)

    You may have been wondering what the hell my title of this post was about and this was why. Meet Gerald.
    My mate had this teleport for ages and because I was that stubborn to get my card out and buy shit I never had the chance to own this teleport and 2bh its too awesome. So because of today I finally managed to get it. And ofcourse because I name everything I own I named him Gerald... a superb name for a Deman :)
  18. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 88
    Sanity: Bit peeved off
    XP to next lvl: 440k
    Agility Tickets: 288
    1000 Tickets Reached- 8 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH
    This has been troubling me ever since I returned to runescape. Botting back in the day when runescape classic was the newest and bestest bots never seemed to be that much of a problem you seemed to know who the bots were because they were given the same bald head, green skirt and white/creamy trousers. So whenever you did a skill such as Wooductting, Fishing, Magic etc you never ever got the stupid remarks that todays players say.
    For example " Hi Bots :P"
    " Wow so many bots in this area"
    The reason why I bring this up now is because I am actually fed up of proving to other players that I don't bot and its just happened a few minutes ago in agility and I'm pretty peeved off.

    I do admit what my clothes and hair are like now people could assume it is a bot, but yet again its my character I will dress her how I want without being insulted.
    I love my character I've raised her so to speak ever since I started 7 years ago which was 2005, the levels the 99's that I have achieved have all been done with me at the PC...maybe going a bit mad but thats besides the point.
    I have the philosophy that if I didn't earn it then how can I brag about it and show off that cape when I hardly put in any effort in? Its not right and people who do bot and who are reading this, why the hell have you even got a account? whats the purpose of it. It's a waste of maybe 5 minutes of your life registering picking out a name designing your character and you just leaving a software to do the dirty work.
    Me and my mate met someone once who was bragging about his levels to us when he got a bot to do it....wheres the pride in that? wow a pc done it for you so where was your input? Those are the ones that piss me off a bit more.. but bots in general just have no purpose.
    Jagex apparently put an update in to stop botters...where they bring them to a judge and a jury to be I guess permantly banned and players can actually watchit being done. Thats pretty creative but what Players really want is for Jagex to find a way to stop bots from the game all together. It maybe impossible new software can be created but their must be something that they can do to at least slow it down... all the brains that they have someone must know of a solution.
    The poor legit players and veterans that return to runescape after long periods of time have to now deal with stupid 11 year olds shouting out BOTTERS BOTTERS BOTTERS! when really they just want to carry on with their game. Sometimes in agility I don't wanna talk I'm watching a film or doing other things on youtube and yet you have to talk because otherwise your'll get accused or the worst act you could ever do and I'm realllllyyyyy!!!!!!! getting tierd of it.
    Well rant over for now
  19. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 86
    Sanity: Relieved
    XP to next lvl: 63k
    Agility Tickets: 850
    1000 Tickets Reached- 7 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH
    Ok so as uses all know if you read my blog post before I have been searching and killing basilisks to get their ....head....basically
    To place it in my lovely home as a trophy.
    I can now say after 5 DAYS! I have finally found one! Thank the lord!
    Didn't help however that my friend came to keep me company yesterday and found one in less than an hour! And ofcourse I congratulated her accordingly.......................
    So I got it stuffed in canafis for 4000 gp skipped along to taveley singing. The birds were churping the leaves were blowing in the breeze and cicling around me! :)
    And finally got it on my wall, stood back and looked at it in absolute joy!

    I entitled this Me and the Creepy head :)
    Just to remind you guys I am actually still doing agility also as you can tell and going over the statistics I couldn't help but wonder how many levels I have gone up since I started on November 7th.
    It has been 1 month annnnddd 8 days.
    I started level 59
    And I'm now on level 86.
    Thats 27 levels..... I must admit I am some kinda jesus or God of somekind ha
  20. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 84
    Sanity: Nooo! Its snowing > :-|
    XP to next lvl: 306k
    Agility Tickets: 3
    1000 Tickets Reached- 6 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH
    Yes! the time has come again for me to do some daily challenges because I'm just awesome I surpose.
    I love that anticiption of what challenge I'll get obviously theres one I'd rather not get but HEY! not had it for months so fingers crossed I won't get it this time!
    So.. lets log on and begin..................



    .......................................................................................NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!! RED ALERT!
    No No No No I must be seeing things! lets just look on the daily challenge board...thing..

    * Puts head between hands* Ohhh nooo.......thats means I'll have to.....do SUMMONING!!!! * ENTER DRAMATIC EFFECT MUSIC HERE!*
    No runescape you can never convert me! the skill is useless to me! and it makes no sense > :-|, and on top of that! I've been level 6 for the past few months now I'm gonna find it difficult to actually go up levels in this skill.
    Ugghh right maybe I'm over exaggerating it may not be......so bad!! ( I use that term very loosly).

    Right so If I have read this correctly I need:
    1.Wolf Bones.... Ok well you get one free from the summoning dude....
    2. Spirit shards... but 7 of them.... why 7? why not just 1... uugghh
    3. A pouch
    4. Gold charms... well lucky I didn't throw them away
    Theres 89k I won't see again wasted on buying 100 wolf bones so If I do get another stupid task I wont have to kill wolves again.
    It seems like alot of stuff to just make 5 spirit wolves....... you know what who cares lets just get this thing over with.
    You dont see this but there actually an arrow directing me to that Imperial Guard dude, its like they know that I don't wanna turn the challenge in.

    But ofcourse I got that strength too and went up to level 11 :'( waaahhhh!!!

    Wow that was difficult.... too difficult... hoping that I won't get another one ever again.
  21. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 82
    Sanity: Helloo I'm a Farmer
    XP to next lvl: 200k
    Agility Tickets: 140
    1000 Tickets Reached- 5 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH
    It's Been Nearly 4 Hours! And My Strawberries Aren't Ready To Harvest And Neither Are My Oranges...Or Herbs....Or Sweetcorn.....Or Cabbages...

    Farming wasn't the skill I thought I would enjoy but ever since mine and Lust cordovas private jokes of me being a [bleep]en Farmer it has kinda rubbed off on me. I mean hey! being a farmer is [bleep]en awesome but I do get too attached to my crops and especially if they die without me realizing.... plant eating bastards!!! :P.
    Seeya Guys :P
  22. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 80
    XP to next lvl: 190k
    Agility Tickets: 280
    1000 Tickets Reached- 4 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH!
    wwwhhasssupppp!!!!!! ( Whatever I can so pull it off.........)
    I've been very naughty recently to be fair I have tried to avoid going back to Brimhaven for around about 2 days now. Due to the fact that after getting 4000 tickets it kinda takes its toll on you and you just wanna do something else or be with people!!!!! that talk not flying creatures doing nothing.
    Since 7pm the realization hit me that if I don't do it, it wont do it itself which to be honest would be the better option.
    However........I don't know what came over me at this particular moment but I said the strangest line ever to my friend.... and believe me she couldn't believe it either....

    I'm going to be honest I didn't actally realize I said it untill half an hour after, still to this moment I can not figure out what possessed me to do it... maybe it is rubbing off on me who knows.
    This however most deffinatly got me motivated!

    UGGHHH! what a [bleep] with his blue cape and red trim ppfftt what a noob lol.................................
    Oh who am I kidding GIVE ME THAT CAPE!!!

  23. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 80
    Sanity: ROOAARRR :P
    XP to next lvl: 198k
    Agility Tickets: 7
    1000 Tickets Reached- 4 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH!
    I've kinda realized that all I've been doing is moaning about all the bad stuff about the new update.
    So because I reached another 1000 tickets another break is due!! yyyaayy.................................................
    I had a daily challenge in construction which is kinda handy because its another one of my most hated skills so I managed to get up 12 levels to level 50. Its odd how I was so determind to get it to 45 anyway but by one daily challenge I got past that in less than 15 minutes..... BOOAYYHH!!!.
    That therefore unlocked some quests for me to do.. now you guys don't know this at all but when I first became member I was a quest junkie and that got most of my levels up which was perfect! and generally it got you kinda used to how big the map had become. Referencing back to my first post I was a F2P for about 7 years so it was a massive step.
    This got me really excited because I hate having random reds in my lines of green that I have completed. However there was one quest that I kinda gave up on and that was Recipe for disaster reason? because it was sooooo long! to be fair I only had that monkey to free and the falador dude. But back then when I read what I need to free the monkey like the greegrees I thought ahh I cba.
    Well I kinda got my head outta my ass and finally decided to do it so I had to make them stupid greegrees and get about 3 monket talismans off of that stupid child monkey.. ( seriously hes that naive to give me 3!?).
    So I already had the orginal Monkey greegree, I needed a Gorrilla, Ninja monkey ( omg how awesome does that sound!) and a zombie monkey greegree. Even though it was a pain to get the results made it worth it!
    Reason? Let me show you:

    OMFG! thats just gotta be the best thing ever!. It kinda reminded me of the Tank in Left for dead 2 which made even more awesome!
    Another one of my favourites was ofcourse this one!:

    Its come to my attention that you can't really see the ninja monkey that well but if you havent done this quest yet... I would highly recommend its alot of fun and if you don't think charging around like a gorrilla is not fun,,, then your just.......gay lol.
    Other quests that I completed included:
    The penguin saga- Some like it Cold, Hunt for Red Raktuber
    Swan song
    In Pyre Need ( was very short :S)
  24. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 77
    Sanity: :D:D:D:D
    XP to next lvl: 103k
    Agility Tickets: 40
    1000 Tickets Reached- 3 MEGA TO THE EXTREME BOOYYAHH!
    Heeyy guuyss fancy seeing you here :) ;) :P
    xxamzyxx's fabulous update is right up above now, making good progress I'm very pleased and to be honest its only onwards and upwards :)
    Max is still being a big pain xxamzyxx seems to think he will notice her somehow... I don't know whats going through her head lately.
    Much to mysurprise actually I had quite a shock, there was like a party of people at the Agility course today it was very refreshing haha and....kinda weird and whats more weird THIS IS A HAPPY POST!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME! the drugs I'm taking must be working wonders haha ( thats a joke drugs are bad!)

    * Amy is fully aware that advertising drugs on a blog is bad shes not stupid, go out get pissed thats the way to fly.*

    So anyway thought it would be cool to find out who else is on this harsh journey of 99 agility like myself?

    Or maybe trying to achieve 99's in other skills, it would be cool to hear if your sanity is still intact or not :P

    Night guys :)

    Au Revoirrr x


  25. xxamzyxx
    Status: Level 63
    Sanity: Still intact ( surprisingly)
    XP to next lvl: 38k
    Agility Tickets: 746
    Hey guys,
    Seeing as though its gone past midnight I thought I'd do an update post. So its been 4 Days now including this one because its past Midnight that I have persued Agility to 99 and overall I haven't done too bad.
    It has become clear to me however that my life is now in the hands of a small green bar and arrows that I need to chase down so I can get Agility Tickets, otherwise the bar will go red.

    Arrrrgghhh!! I actually hate it with a passion, its controlling my life ha, Since I have got to Level 63 I am now going to have a break and do some daily challenges and then go back to it.
    The 2 that I am doing are 336 maples short bows and making 300 blue dragonhide vambraces..expensive much!? lol
    Soooo yea hope you had a nice night guys :) or morning x
    Au Revoiiiirrrrrr x
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