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Everything posted by zq50

  1. abkb is right tbh. I'm not flaming but tipit clans havent been around that long besides a few. Rsc has more top clans. This isn't intended to be a flame bait
  2. if quikdraw is there pumkinpie. If not lnd. solace vs cr matched melee binds cwa fight.
  3. Who cares if DK posts a real topic stop actin like its fake Lol........ gj dk well deserved.
  4. I can vouch for this. New Warlord pl0x? jk :P Uhh I saw 2 kills (not sure how many I had, I think 2 >.>) but yeah. One included Vannaka so I'm happy :D (<3 Vannaka) One death, and then at like 5 mins left I had to go so I tried to get piled but I got ignored :( Well now I'm gonna get your kill! In the words of Jeffrey_p11 Ex-Downfall Member, "GL at your PKRI's" We all know T0's Girls are Tanks lol >.> One again, Thanks for the fight was alot of Fun! confirmed, and all the boys get k0ed including warria06! nicely done T0 + DF <3: So that is why you were in t0!
  5. tanked to halves every time besides once getting 1 banged since my dad was telling me some idiotic story. RIP King Yufei 2010! Gf d0! had fun
  6. Good **** downfall. nice pull! keep it up :thumbsup: thehitman owns
  7. 40 people to a 2 hour prep. Nothing shameful in the least. But grats, you tried. And failed. I'm sorry but you just got trolled by ninane rizzle how do you feel?
  8. Dangerous wilderness. gladz and dragonwood.
  9. MMA cuz of 1 person in Wg. cr or rsd. +2 to cr
  10. Gladz - stay the same Dwood - stay the same Blacknights - rise 'The' - rise Downfall - up and down. Legendz - rise True Ownage - rise Tempted Killers - stay the same. Maybe pull a few more. Envy - drop a lot or rise a lot. ASC - stable Solace - rise Legacy - slump Resilience - to early to tell Rejuvenation - rise Collision - drop Exodus - fall on the ground head first. But will hopefully get back up :smile: Crimson Raiders - RISE EOS - RISE TT - stable RSD - stable DF - drop a little bit but nothing dramatic. COR - Rise VR - stable CK - stable.
  11. Dw. clan europe or tko blitz - 1hr cwri short prep. All styles.
  12. the first one Legendz or Tempted killers. uncapped pkri
  13. Only people who want to be rewarded something from an online game by breaking the rules/law is people who have never been rewarded something irl. Making fun of someone's personal life like an irl pic by saying they look like a piece of [cabbage] and will never accomplish anything is a whole other thing. Same thing goes with making fun of a family member, friend, girlfriend/boyfriend. Internet cyber bullying either comes from being bullied irl and can't make fun of anyone irl so they do it online or it comes from someone who is naturally like this emote :twisted:. But no matter what they are twisted.
  14. Looks like a good game. Gtz!
  15. Hi. Its not hard to tank and lead. High levels just cry about ko power. I am indeed in the process of 120 cb though.
  16. Thealth helped with his mithril arrows of ownage
  17. zq50

    CR vs WL

    np for the ac cr! any time :thumbsup:
  18. Was a good game of pixel hunting. Gf abkb. In this we also ac'ed cr vs wl :thumbsup:
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