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Everything posted by DyingSilent

  1. Torva helm in ge atm for 600m, hasn't sold yet. Waiting till tomorrow night at the latest, hoping it will go up. Ancient, Jett, Soma, and I agreed to leave it in at 600m overnight, so hopefully it makes a clean 150m split each.
  2. 4 man, trying to sell for 600m, splitting between Ancient, Jett, Soma, and myself. Sowwie Final, again :c
  3. defender + void top > acp + deflector thanks :D It's comparable, depending on how much you are ranging vs meleeing. Lately I've been all range, except claw specials, and not even bringing rapier. Rapier + Defender would be worth the extra invy space, if you melee the blood form, all mages, and the reavers. I can definitely see that as being worth a defender switch.
  4. Pretty much explained it. Everyone went to Nex right after the update, and the economy paniced because of it. Spirit shields went up, Nex items went down. People paniced and stopped buying Torva/Pernix/Virtus because of the increased droprate=lower prices. Now that it's been a few days, the excitement is dying down, and prices SHOULD at the very least stabilize, or start to rise again. I'm hoping at least, Nexing with Tip.It'ers the past few days has been a lot of fun, and I'll be here a while.
  5. - the Defender, but yeah looks good. With that setup, you'll be tanking a lot, especially on the Zaros form. Bring a few more brews than normal, and you'll be fine. Congrats on CCB btw :thumbup: Now that I'm done at Nex for the night, I'll post these aswell That was 1 kill after dying. I died at the end of Ice form/start of Zaros form on the previous kill, and made it back in 3:30, in time for the drop. Nobody wanted a split, so I was feeling generous again. Another good friend.
  6. We did 6 man ls split, each got about 125m. Cowl sold a bit under 200m, Chaps sold for like 551m.
  7. I can second that. It's so nice now there are plenty of worlds to choose from, and no clan wars 2 clicks away full of welfare idiots that drop you for no risk...
  8. Pretty much nailed it. You take more damage with void, and the higher hits aren't consistent enough to make it stand out a lot. It is pretty cool seeing 500+ Diamond bolt specs with rigour/void range though (on mages).
  9. hax. Either way, I might hop along with some of you guys. Never been to nex lol. Tehe, you're welcome Bruno :^_^: Edit: Nvm, wrong acc :unsure:
  10. Wow really? Had no idea lol. Well, everyone I know that goes to Nex has 99 def, and those were sorta the agreed upon bonuses <_< But yeah, I think it was you that mentioned it...Just bring a def pot, you'll be fine anyway.
  11. it's cause of your defence level It's actually your defence bonuses. You need 240+ crush def, for warriors to be unaggro, 230+ range def for rangers, and 100+ mage def for reavers. Mages will be aggro regardless. I usually just do Karil's top, Tassets, and a fury. The rest of my gear is my Nex gear. Anyway, add me Green, I'm heading to Nex soon.
  12. Was faked. Both are in KO...Friend of mine knows both of them lol. They fake pics like this all the time, according to her.
  13. Sure :) Not even sure which account you're on anymore though, you change it up so often :^_^:
  14. That spoils my fun then, means I have to not be cheap and buy my own set :x <_< Not necessarily, just have them/you tele out and come back around. That's why I mentioned it was a lengthy process :wink: All those frozen key charges - surely you'd rather just have a set each? 14k per Key charge for me, at 89 Smithing.
  15. That spoils my fun then, means I have to not be cheap and buy my own set :x <_< Not necessarily, just have them/you tele out and come back around. That's why I mentioned it was a lengthy process :wink:
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO7ih1VpcVU
  17. Yeah I'd agree with that. They're fairly common drops from mages. People are just panic buying because of the update.
  18. Yeah, problem for me is my networth is around 20M right now, if chaotics were stakeable I would have lost those too, so I need about 20M for the ceremonial then brews on top, I'm hoping friends get ceremonial over next few days then I can just leech off them :P Player(s) A,B,C,D - Player A & B go through door to banker, Player B gives player A ceremonial. - Player A goes back out with 2 sets, giving one to player C. - Player A and C go through door to banker, player C giving set to Player A. - Player A goes back out with 2 sets, giving one to player D. Player A and C go back through to banker, C giving the set back to B. Everyones happy, 4 players get in with 2 sets, only do it with people you trust. Essentially a really lengthy and trustworty hammer trick at Bandos lol. Honestly, you can probably get a Cere set for ~30m now. If not, just kill mages for a bit. Everything is unaggro except the mages in the prison, as long as you have 100+ mage def (reavers), 230+ range def (archers), and 240+ crush def (warriors). It's fairly fast too. I got legs within like 25 KC, which sold for 5m in ge. I do like the talk of a perm Nex team though. We should get one going pretty soon, before prices crash too much.
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