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Everything posted by L0rdAki

  1. Not all of us can get both of those..:P Which would be better to start with?
  2. Thanks :D More input appreciated ^^
  3. I'm only stubborn because getting a good team who knows what they're doing is hard, harder with my low levels and even harder when you're only on like once a day or so, for a single dungeon :| Edit: They all catch my eye, but only some of them are really worth it, not much use investing points in something like the bonecrusher when there's better things like Chao Long.
  4. I <3 dungeoneering now that i've gotten into it. However, I dunno what I should spend my tokens on, and how long it will take me to get to 80ish soloing. I almost flat-out refuse to do teams, I'm on at odd times compared to the rest of the world and often only get one dungeon done at a time before having to log (this is 4x4, too.) Advice? (I know exp goes up fairly exponentially, or at least a high gradient linear. getting like 1k exp per dungeon atm.)
  5. Pray tell, what barb pots profit? Who buys barb pots anyway? >_>
  6. According to Grimy, Brews are about the same gp/exp as Extreme attacks, which are 1 gp more expensive per exp then spec restores. Economically and efficiantly, that's the best way to go.
  7. L0rdAki


    Can I get an answer from someone who knows the market rather well? :S
  8. L0rdAki


    This seems insane...It's like 14m. I've got one atm, should I get out of it now and stick with a glory until it goes back down? >_> Really concerned about this, i'd hate myself forever if i'd obtained it for 13m and it goes back down to 7mish. EDIT: Nvm, sold it. Glory's basically as good offence-wise, and with piety i'm a mother[bleep]ing tank anyway, on tasks.
  9. Strong reccomend not to do CT fiends with Wolper, unless you've got Ovl/Turm. Iron titan makes it go sooo much faster, apparently. Otherwise, sounds good. You're probably on a 50-80m budget from what i've heard from prior threads, so that's an excellent plan.
  10. Naw, not even then. Longbow ftw, if it is speed 5. Just make sure to put it on rapid and abuse the extra range.
  11. You'd value your time pretty high, i suppose. Basically, super attacks/super energies to 80/81 (using unf pots, always use unf pots if you value your time high), Brews (with ale if you need it) to 83, Spec restores to whenever. It's the way to go.
  12. Holy cow...I just had to post this. Slaying with Sh, Fury, Whip/defender/d boots/b gloves, lumby ring 3, sw cape, prosyl top/v skirt with piety and super sets... I was really skeptical at first, but then i tried it... I'm killing stuff heaps faster and taking wayyy less damage then if I had done it without piety. I'd say that upon first estimation, even if you value your time at 200k/hour (which EVERYONE can do), it's worth pietying over not pietying...You use like 4 p pots on a quick task, few more on a slow task (haven't checked yet, only had fast ones :P)...And it goes so much faster. Everyone: Do it.
  13. Yeah, I got a fury easily O_o I hope they keep going up...
  14. I hate pc with a passion...:| Void can't make that much difference, 10% at the most.
  15. Turmoil, Melee deflect while boss is alive, soul split while killing minions. Berzerker's only worth using if you repot every 5 minutes, and are there for like an hour...which you won't be without overloads XP so no.
  16. It must be my ranged level. I was following the arc of wisdom guide, word for word, invent for invent (no void/geiser titans though).
  17. Oh...that was combined hp/range exp...I was just using the exp counter.
  18. Not really. If you're gonna powerdung, that's the only way to go.
  19. Lowc, I followed the AoW guide, and picked up and shifted bones. 150k/1k chins.
  20. Only ever consider it with a abbysal Titan and scrolls. Even then, it tops out at about 400K an hour.
  21. Heh, Basically anything would be more useful then the chaotic staff, including dung exp and the bonecrusher, and auguary (MUST GET if you're serious about Mage, which you sound like you are). But, hey. It's your points :/ I can't offer much advice on how many runs, but the best way to go is 5:5, opening all doors and clearing all rooms of monsters, basically not picking much up, then rushing the boss. Have one guy make everyone gatestone runes.
  22. Chaotic staff is rubbish - same attack percent boost as sol, no spec, costs 200k extra an hour. Don't do it man.
  23. Bring an extra p pot or 2, or super prayer if you can stew to it. Soul split doesn't work with other overheads. Minion order is Mage/range/melée. You should be able to extend your trip by 1-2 kills, more if you bring brews/restores, though less then if you had overloads. Consider bringing btp tabs for the minions n
  24. Kk. Apart from chinning, what's the fastest way to train range?
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