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Everything posted by Ankit

  1. Welcome back! Best of luck to you.
  2. Honestly, we are good but we do not have the activity to match it. Therefore, it makes achieving and making goals much more difficult. Many times we pull around 23/~50 man ml. With that kinda ml, I'd hope for atleast 30, but maybe it's that the clan world really is getting to old.
  3. I lolled at the chatbox. Some of your lower levels didn't have some good gear(I believe it was a lvl 98 in a 2h+glory). Might wanna teach 'em how to war(no flamebait intended).
  4. Great to see you get 'em where it really counts!
  5. Seems like the game was a success
  6. Nah Idiot. #1 E-Dater. ---- I'd be remembered as the guy who can't lead properly. The back up lead. A low level >.> Why? I just got a mic and I'm to lazy to train. I would definitely change it cause 1. Leading is actually kinda fun but hard 2. Being low leveled sucks.
  7. Divine Dinasty Divine Forces and Diviine Kings
  8. Happy birthday Nexus! I wish you many more to come :)
  9. Sacred Raiders Divine Forces and Violent Resolution.
  10. Flash2:Shake: F O R --P H O E N I X -- 1099 <33333333 S I L E N T -- E M B E R <33333333333
  11. 99 range 99 def 99 prayer 99 hp 94 mage.
  12. GL REBUILDING ERIC@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  13. Some of very unexpected wins this tourney. Looks to be very promising for the underdogs (is the SuperBowl another sign :o ) . Anyway Great job HA, blnt WG.
  14. Was an amazing fight RE. Was an honor to fight you guys really. Sorry about 009 Leo Sk, running out of bounds like that. I don't wanna start a flame war, so please don't respond to this but one of your members may have been afking out of bounds. I'm not sure but he was there. Great fight RE, hope to have many more.
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