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Everything posted by Smokie

  1. There once was a girl from Antarctica who loved to explore the discount store in the penguin's backyard for some new socks and shoes but she had no money on her so she decided it would make sense to rob the bank. After thinking about it she decided to get some mischief powder to instead make the people eat food and not to watch the bank. The Haunted bank was built by a old man who glanced very quickly at the wris[bleep]ch he wore on his head... The bank was going to be styled, architecturally, like the Leaning Tower which fell onto a river of hot, boiling fudge. Well, she decided to cross the boiling river, she noticed something. It was a strange man standing in the boiling with a knife to smear some jelly on andrew grower. For some reason he liked it. He then ate my cousin, and I had to beat up Andrew. Then killed paul. However, my pants caught fire and boom went the toilet I then saw cheese flying through my bedroom window with someone riding a pink tricycle with training wheels and a large object floating in his pocket. Then a crusty wrench was dropped from the Twin Towers, which don't exist any more. Then a hot grabbed the wrench and she said "I will eat this like bacon". So she ate some cheese instead. Much to the dislike of her one-armed father who ate children. Thus her father hopped in his batmobile and drove into a wall of demon pigs that had green, rotten, smelly breathes. But suddenly from the top of the father's head, a three word, three d monkey said, "I will poke my s with a chopstick". The monkey jumped out onto the skateboard of his hairy toe. Suddenly, the chainsaw in the devious pub, started magically and began with its tremendous roar to scare the villagers. The antarctic went to the pub to save the moldy cheese that was kept in a lockbox. Then she realized she was bisexual and she yelled: "I want clinton!". She gasped as the toxic fumes tried to choke the smelly monkey, herself and her pet decided to die right there. The said "Oh, yes, I would like some new friends because I always thought that cooking is really really dumb". And after a run in with her nonexistent brother, she did some plastic surgery on her little, inflatable, round, and large unibrow that was growing very rapidly at around 0.0005miles/hour. But the surgery ended up being too expensive, so she died. Then the surgeon felt guilty, so he decided to stab her lifeless body. But he ended up making a bigpile of poopy which he later flung at neighbors general area while walking alight. However, once she saw this akward looking little boy who had a broken head and so she decided to go to the hospital to get a smelly blender! Being poopy, the infamous hotdog ronald ate her burger and then puked on her. Meanwhile in antarctica, the icecream man was flying in his Porsche to his ulgy momma whom everybody thought was really hot! When he arrived, 80 chinese kids were eating some really stinky crap made from snot that a dog had stolen from an old lady who looked like an old shoe. Suddenly, a massive quagmire appeared in Los Angeles, California and Texas. The quagmire was large and very stinky like frog guts and re-fried beans. While this happened, Bobby ate some good pie and drank some camelblood. Until suddenly, he was ambushed by an army of evil monkeys that threw poo on the ground, then ate it. Meanwhile, Superman flew off to rescue some fat jellyfish that Catwoman had stolen from the volcano of turd which was created by the big monkey-donkey-horse. The fat jellyfish found Antarctican-girl and they fell through the cold window of her midget friends potato and together they saved the world from the evil green foot fungus who was very small with spots on his eyes. An orange cheese covererd with fungus is very smelly and very dirty! The orange cheese came straight from hot fiery heck. "Oh my lord!", yelped the little remote control when she poked it with a random stick of wisdom. Out of nowhere, a rabbit appeared, with ninja turtles, and spiderman alone who bit george. Then -spiderman killed himself-, a desparate depressed guy wanted to become a real boy so he could eat strawberry pie, because apple pie was colored like cake in jelly. On another note, the president of communist Duck World was a republican who had a wife that ate 80 chinese kids, who had MSG. This is because his mum got brain cancer from drinking the evil smelly fart potion while listening to Zezima's loser life-story. This caused a N00B-fest straight from Varrock world one after Delrith came, eating genetically modified frogs with smelly butts which stank like a cabbage mixed with tomato and smelly armpits with no friends. Nobody expected to dance in this vile rat infested son of a mother and father with Jerry Lewis. But when everyone jumped on the cart of the furious horse tamer who thought that he was cool
  2. Use it mate, the old one looks a bit too much like a cutout from a standard Bryce Abstract :P. No offense, of course, your skills own all, but I just thought I'd say lol. New one fo' sho'.
  3. TY lol. The "Pad" is mine :P It's all black, see through windows on the front, electric neon on the sides and on the roof, right next to the word "Pad". :P In any case :lol: this is halfway down the second page, so I think I'll give it a bumpity myself. I do have a question though, can we make more than one house? (I probably shouldn't, I'm designing a grocery store too for the old pixel city).. :?:
  4. Lol yep, that's what I thought, "Hey that looks a lot like the Spidey of the comic books". I'd have to say you did a good emulation of Ditko's work. :) Never seen any of yours before, but this one was quite good. 9.4/10
  5. Nope, though I had to read what you posted 3 times before I understood it lol. (For those of you who didn't understand either, he said: He was running and he switched to walk mode, but he kept running. Then he logged out, and then when he logged in, he switched back and forth normally again :P) When I was level 20, it was before you needed a certain attack/defense level to wield and wear stuff :shock:, and when I was level 40 R2H's were still 2 mil and Rune Long was the most wanted weapon.. So nope, I haven't experienced this... Lol anyway, it's probably just lag combined with some minor error in the scripts.
  6. Well, since everybody seems to be giving their comments, let me add mine (for what it counts :wink:). I know it's the wilderness and all, but I think you should contrast the trees and sky with slightly brighter colors (Just slightly or you'll ruin the effect!). The sig's background is a little too dark atm. It's nice though. :)
  7. Agreed. Colors are a very important part of any pixel sig/drawing. Be sure to make a general sketch first in just black and white, and then erase the black lines where you don't need them, and put colors over it. Basically, the colors are too light, because unless you look closely at the sig, it seems like everything is blurry/too light/indistinct.. Nice job on the actual drawing though :) It's very good for your first time. EDIT: Taking a second look at the sig, it looks like you drew the sig on a very big canvas and then shrunk it..? Maybe you overshrunk it, because you seem to have lost a lot of detail in the sig when doing that. Did you?
  8. Lol there it is! I'll add a grocery store sometime 8) EDIT: BTW, who did the McDonalds rendition? It looks like some of Jeppoz work, but he wasn't a pixelist then..
  9. Yeah, it is awesome. I have to commend your uberness with shading abilities, and the way you pixel-draw rune :) 9.5/10 [Nothing's perfect eh?] Btw -- Inspire, is that hair in the background of your sig :shock: ?
  10. Lol that's awesome, nice job on the pics :P. You're a funny guy Smavey. Tip.it needs more people like you :) Willing to donate time to the community.. But those pictures, and your well-told story are hilarious :lol:
  11. If you think thats the only choices, then you live in a small world. He seems to be very faith oriented, and from his grammar I'm going to have to assume he's Christian. I wouldn't say he lives in a small world, it's just that the point has been reached where this is more of a debate about the Christian faith (as someone previously said) and about the mutually agreed fact that humans are incapable of comprehending anything to a higher level. What's been said has been said. Someone start up a new issue so we can debate more :P
  12. Hurray! Let me a be a radical fanaticist and say right now!!!!! ::: There is a point where science and religion meet. On that day, everyone will believe. However, humans look for science for every answer, in the hope they can find the Truth behind everything which passes them today. Yet there is only one Truth. God. Heheheheheheh. I do believe in God, and I hold strongly to my religion, yet I'm not Christian, so I do not believe that I should force other people to become part of my religion, (I know not all of the 20,000+ divisions of Christianity do this, sorry to the 19,998 that don't :wink:) and I don't slap science in the face by saying scientists are meddling with God's creation (for those of you unfamiliar with Christianity, the Catholic Church was, and my still is, a good example of this)... But why should it matter, eh? I'm not Christian. In fact, I have mostly forsaken my religion altogether. I hold strongly to the belief that there is only one God, and people choose to see him (I won't capitalize it thank you :P) differently, and understand the Truth [read up on your Gandhi :wink:] in different ways (Quran, Bible, Vedas, Torah.. and all the distinctive religions). That's my opinion. But, as humans, we WILL question, there is no doubt, and we WILL conceive our own answers, true or false only the future will tell. Just remember, there is a point when science and religion meet. When that day comes, all will realize. Fanaticism all the way w00t w00t! :D
  13. I play the oboe 8). I own all :P. Lol I also *used* to play the clarinet, and had a year of piano, but I never pursued it with much interest. Funny, though, since music is one of my strong suits.
  14. Ltangel. Fo' sho'. I remember when I started she was at the top of the crafting hiscores (this was November 2001..:shock:)... You can do the math people. :o
  15. Lol, I didn't know we could use different designs.. :( Otherwise I wouldn't have followed the template so closely.. shucks.. Oh well. Here's my submission (didn't add any shading or anything, just sort of did it when I had a free 20 minutes :P) :lol: I know it's only supposed to be houses, but what the heck, 24 hour clubs can be "houses" if you think about it :wink: EDIT: If you look closely, on the left side you'll see a Warhol-style painting :P, and on the right side, you'll see a record. And in the middle, what else? A DISCO BALL!!! :lol: I also have a door handle, but you have to stress your eyes like no other for that. :P
  16. Ermm.. This thread sort of got pushed down to the bottom of the board by the locking.. BUMPITY!
  17. I just edited it, and acknowledged that thread. It might just be me, but as I said in my post, there's a difference between houses and a city.. Lol.. :wink:
  18. Back on Scape, a bunch of GFX Artists got together and attempted (and I remember seeing the city, and it looked finished) a pixel city. At that time, there were only a few pixel artists.. Now, we seem to have a surplus, so I was wondering if you guys would be interested in making another pixel city? I haven't seen too many of the old pixel city's artists on TIF, so I think we'll need pretty much new faces. Anyone interested? :? EDIT: Lol I forgot to explain how to do it.. Okay so you get a bunch of people together, and someone makes a layout for the city, and segments off portions of it for certain things (like they say this 150 x 150 area is for a barber shop, or something). Then, the artists start pixelling buildings and whatnot, and they can make them look however they want, BUT! they must fit in the dimensions specified. BTW -- I know there's that thread with the houses and stuff, but that's just houses :P Here we're going for a full-fledged city. So.. Again.. Anyone interested?
  19. Nice job, man. The time itself that you devote to work is a commendable 12/10. Effort makes a man eh? Great job. I can't put words to my respect for your abilities and patience both. :)
  20. Smokie

    Pixel sigs?

    I'm not a big pixel artist myself, but I've made a few for DA in my day. There's basically two main styles I've seen: 1) Good ole' paint. Pixel by pixel, sometimes using the line tool. 2) Photoshop pixeling. Taking a few more pixels at a time. It's up to you. It's considered more "artistic" if you do it in paint pixel by pixel; at least, that's what I've noticed at DeviantArt and other GFX communities.
  21. And for that they should be respected, even if it is not top-notch quality. In the same way, rather than call Zezima lifeless, you could respect the amount of time and effort he's put into RuneScape, even if it is only a game. I know that seems irrelevant, but I'm trying to make a point, that being: Someone may not be the best at what they do, but you should respect their efforts. That's what counts. Sure, in real life that's not going to cut it, but giving respect won't cost you anything, and it'll make other people feel a whole lot better.
  22. Smokie

    How old are you?

    Mad you're only 17?! :shock: Wow.. :shock: You're mature beyond your years by like 400 :shock: (no offense meant by that.. You just think things out so well that it's hard to believe you're only 17.) Of course. I'm only 14 :P So I have no room to talk lol.
  23. Yeah someone made a post earlier about golden pickaxes/golden hammers for people with like 99 mining/smithing, so I think that'd be a little better of an idea. No offense, though. Every skill oughta have a guild :P
  24. Lol. :) I can't agree more! That's hilarious lol. Some guy once told me once.. :lol:
  25. "Elder," Alduineth said, bowing, "what need do you have of my soul that you have summoned me?" It was an ages old tradition among dwarves, and nobles familiar with dwarven customs. No one knew exactly where it had come from, but it was always said before conversing with an Elder. Balwin Axebreaker had forged platemail for Alduineth's great-great-grandfather, Lamathius Sivtril. Lamathius had died two hundred years ago, and even at that time Balwin had had gray hairs. His current age was beyond Alduineth's ability to fathom. "A very deep need indeed, child," said Balwin sighing, "the Council of Elders has a grave need of your assistance. There is a great evil spreading across these lands, like none anyone has seen before. Yet in our records, our ancestors record of it happening once before, when we walked the earth as you do. Our histories tell us of this same evil, the evil which caused the dwarves to abandon the Upper World and seek refuge in the mines." Balwin was never one to dawdle, but Alduineth was caught off balance by the Elder's straight-forwardness. "Gielenor needs heroes once more, Amalien Sivtril; the Legion of Guthix must be formed once more." Alduineth nearly choked. The Legion of Guthix. It was said in the histories that the Legion had been called upon only twice, once nearly twelve thousand years ago, and yet again four thousand years ago. The needs had been very much the same. A very sudden and drastic change in the world had needed for the united stand of the world's greatest heroes and leaders, and they had risen to the call. "Great Elder, what assistance would you wish me to provide the Legion?" Balwin chuckled dryly. "Amalien Sivtril, you are not the same man I knew seven years ago, who would leap at the chance to go on any adventure. You have changed. Your hands are bloodstained, your heart is broken, your soul is a dim light fighting through the fog of discontentment." Balwin eyed Alduineth very seriously, and then continued, "Yet I see you have changed very recently. You are beginning to see the light, your heart is beginning to mend, and you are washing the blood from your hands in the holiness of good deeds. Search within yourself Amalien, you are a lost man, and a lost man cannot lead the Legion of Guthix." With that, Balwin gave Alduineth a final glance and with the rest of the Council, headed toward their camp. As if one shock was not enough, another hit Alduineth like a rock over the head. "You have grown soft, Amalien, you are indeed not the same man." Alduineth whipped around to see Wynsor, his younger brother, standing alone, suited in golden-trimmed armor, clutching his helm in one hand, blade in the other. Alduineth could only stare for a long while, before Wynsor spoke again, "You seem surprised to see me. Is that any way to greet a long-lost brother?" Yet he was not smiling. There was a tightness around his eyes, and the brother Alduineth had left would have come running at the sight of him. Wynsor had been the only one to write, and had once come to visit him in secret after he had been thrown out from his noble Asgarnian House. "What troubles you brother?" asked Alduineth, putting the dwarves out of his mind for the moment. Leader of the Legion of Guthix! It bewildered him. When Wynsor did not reply, Alduineth asked, "How are Mother and Father, and how is Glavius?" Wynsor mumbled something indistinctly, and Alduineth sought to cheer him up. "Oh come on you rascal, you're surely not afraid of your brother are you?" "Fine then, brother," spat Wynsor. "How are Mother and Father? Mother is dead and Father is captured, that's how they are! And what of our poor little wretch of a cousin Glavius? He bloody disappeared, that's what!" Wynsor stood trembling, letting the helm and sword fall to the ground. "Those.. Black Knights," he said unsteadily, "they tortured Mother, sneering the whole time, finally giving her death at the hands of a dog. And.. And.. All I could do was sit and watched, gagged like a bloody doll, hands tied, as they dragged Father off to their castle." He broke down then, unable to say more, sobbing and trembling, an odd sight with him in majesticly golden-trimmed armor. He recoiled like a snake, though, regaining his poise and confidence in a split second. "I've trained hard, Amalien, trying to be as good as you. Now I come here to see that all you've done is forgotten your troubles and happily spent your time prancing around!" "There have been twenty three attacks in the last three weeks, brother," Alduineth said icily, "and for all the prancing I've done there are two thousand Black Knights dead. If you wish to question my word, I can give you a name of first hand witnesses." Alduineth shook with rage, but then the words Wynsor had said sank in. His mother, the one who had loved him so much, who had been pained when he had been outcasted, who had read him stories of heroes and fairy tales of kingdoms and royalty. He nearly sobbed himself. Alduineth looked up to find Wynsor gone, and nearly hit himself for the way he had dealt with his brother. Family. Such a strange thing to Alduineth now. He wondered if he would ever have a family of his own.. No! Too many pained memories of Elecia. As Alduineth turned to walk back towards the camp, with much on his mind, and turmoil in his heart, a blind-folded man walked towards him questioningly. "Lord Amalien? I am Aleksandar."
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