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Everything posted by Jebrim
Find someone that maxed at the time and started playing after the release of slayer... But in general, the comment was about how ridiculous it is to compare maxing in 07 and maxing in 07scape, because you are throwing alot of extremely important factors out of the window. Those two can't be compared like this. Also, someone who would have started playing at exactly the same time as you did would also have had to max summoning, likely after they'd already completed slayer. You can compare, regardless of this silly argument about "nobody back then maxed Slayer before having already maxed combat". Anyone could've joined the game at any point after Slayer was released, for two and a half years, and easily had the same opportunities. All it says about the people that didn't is that they sucked, really really badly. Summoning also even isn't relevant, since that's afterwards.
Training was faster without make-X. So XP/Hr was higher but it was more work. But thanks for the Jebrim & Others example in OSRS. It shows that the game didn't get any easier. The players just figured out how to play efficiently. Jebrim didn't max combat 2 times so in terms of real 07 scape, he didn't max. That goes up to 3 times when you consider 08 scape, and 4 times when you consider 10' scape. Not to mention, the people that actually maxed in 07 got alot of their xp at much worse rates. I don't understand how maxing combat twice is a requirement for anything... There was far more than an 8 month gap between August 1, 2007 and when Slayer was released on January 25, 2005, so it's not like you can even automatically assume that you would already be max cb when you finally began Slayer. It's irrelevant if the first people that maxed in 2007 just happened to have high cb xp. It was far from a requirement at the time.
If you read the bottom for evidence, you see the post was written by "Jebirm". Jagex strikes again.
What's your stance on ba'ing/sc'ing skills. Exactly the same as warbands as your gaining xp without training the skill.... I think people forget that with out these "OP" training methods 200m all skills would be an unrealistic goal for most.... Skills have value precisely because they're rare. They're rare because they're challenging. As soon as you make your type of argument, it defeats the purpose of even going for just that. The whole reason people go for 200m's in slow skills is to have something that is unique, something that very few other people have. If it ever becomes a realistic goal for most, it loses all value for those that are seeking an extra challenge and so they must look elsewhere instead. Slow 200m's are for a very particular market of players that want to distinguish themselves through hard work. What I would like to know is how people with slow 200m's feel after their respective skills get updated and their xp/hour shoot to over double what they trained it at. Does having a high permanent rank make up for that, or would they have rather used that time to train other skills and wait for the updates. I know it's hard to predict the xp rate of a skill years ahead of time but it's still an interesting dilemma. As the leader of a clan full of 200m people, I would say most value their doing a skill before it went up. Generally the ones that care about waiting are those that value Overall over individual skills. You generally don't see those types of people doing slow 200m's early on either. As for me personally, I keep on doing Agility regardless, so idm minor Xp rate increases. My personal view is that there shouldn't be an Xp cap and then the ranks work with the rank 1, who could have had a huge lead, has certain advantages while newer people can get the advantage of higher Xp rates, thereby achieving the same Xp as rank 1 but in a bit less time. However, what balances all this out is that the rank 1 also then has the option to continue his own training at the faster rates too. So it keeps it from destroying older top ranks as long as they're still willing to keep on training while not removing the potential for anyone new to obtain rank 1.
What's your stance on ba'ing/sc'ing skills. Exactly the same as warbands as your gaining xp without training the skill.... I think people forget that with out these "OP" training methods 200m all skills would be an unrealistic goal for most.... Skills have value precisely because they're rare. They're rare because they're challenging. As soon as you make your type of argument, it defeats the purpose of even going for just that. The whole reason people go for 200m's in slow skills is to have something that is unique, something that very few other people have. If it ever becomes a realistic goal for most, it loses all value for those that are seeking an extra challenge and so they must look elsewhere instead. Slow 200m's are for a very particular market of players that want to distinguish themselves through hard work.
Pre-ZMI: http://crystalmathlabs.com/tracker/records.php?skill=21
[hide] Personally, I think this is pretty bullshit and it's pretty clear that mod infinity doesn't actually know what ahk does, but rules are rules. :rolleyes: [/hide] +1 You didn't answer my question about Drowns. :(
What does Drowns need and is he in the top 15 yet? Since he isn't maxed, I can imagine him being frequently overlooked.
Drumgun says his next 200m will be Slayer.
My Prediction: 1. Drumgun 2. Forsberg 3. Geel 4. Dragonseance 5. Jake Alkan will never finish. Suomi may eventually decide to do the last two skills and can be anywhere in this list other than first place.
Well I can't speak for them but my motivation is just the enjoyment of training skills and seeing my xp accumulate. Also the feeling of accomplishment I get with the ranks I have and how very little people in the world are doing what I'm doing, if that makes sense. I know Suomi did it for his own enjoyment until his last few 200ms when he started to not enjoy it but finished anyway because of the pressure. Jake does struggle to finish his remaining 200ms because he is bored but has nothing else to do, so he plays anyway. Drumgun plays mostly for records on runetracker and for highest adventure log time. Pressure?! Are you kidding me? This is an internet game, not the NFL... I know that some people take things more seriously but it isn't as if his parents or someone were saying "hey, you need to max completely because your xp converts to millions of IRL dollars..." Just my .02 cents... If I were in Suomi's (and every one else's) positions, I would just walk away if I felt I had to. If I don't want to waste 15 hours a day playing something I'm not enjoying, and every xp is grinding my gears, it ISN'T worth it. If you feel that you need to finish as the best and suffer the whole way, be my guest, but that's cray cray mmkkay? tl;dr - if you don't wanna grind anymore then don't do it, it isn't like you're getting paid millions of dollars to stare at your computer and click pixels I think you missed the point. If you spent 5.5 years working your ass off towards a goal and you're only half a year off, you're going to feel pressured to finish it regardless. You don't need parents hounding you (lol). Although he did have a lot of pressure from friends and fans too. Yes, you can have meaningful friends in an online game.
It's not an addiction as much as it's a personal project. Some people feel the desire to focus on building their muscles. Others are DIY'ers and do home improvement projects. There's people who enjoy the task of building a car from scratch, for the challenge. Improving your stats in RuneScape is far more comparable to these than a drug addiction. The only addiction you could possibly mention in relation to skilling is an addiction to music, but almost nobody thinks listening to music all day long every day is necessarily a bad thing, even though it has addictive qualities.
Oh yea. You're from EE clan. I'm regret the secounds I spent trying to follow your logic. What numbers are you using, or is it all still a big secret. The numbers I use aren't a secret at all. Never were and never will be. I've actually sent the file I use to calc it to atleast 2 friends by now. I've also mentioned them so many times on the past so I can't bother going through that process once again. I expected it would be common sense by now that the numbers I use are based on the methods "top players" use to train their skills. I have no idea about what would be the purpose of including methods like C2 and so on if "top players" doesn't use them. It would only ruin one of the main purpose of any calculator (accuracy). Edited my post so it makes more sense now since mods removed some posts before mine. Unless you're Drowns. :)
That is not true, he had to wait for over an hour for someone... Over an hour compared to the double-digit hour days he's been pulling for months? :P Give him a break! It really bothers me when people underassume the hours Drumgun has put in. He's maintained 18h/day, with occasional periods of raising it to 19h or 20h/day, for the past 7 or so years without break. It's a far more massive achievement than just maintaining double digits hour days for a few months. It's why he's nearly at 2k adv log days and is #1 in time without having been an active player from the early RuneScape years that typically dominate the 1k+ adv log days population. Did I say a few specifically? The post was just there to put the previous one in context. 12 hours per day for 4 months is what comes to mind when reading your statement, not something that far exceeds the minimum stated in your description. I wasn't sure if I should even reply because it isn't something really worth arguing over.
That is not true, he had to wait for over an hour for someone... Over an hour compared to the double-digit hour days he's been pulling for months? :P Give him a break! It really bothers me when people underassume the hours Drumgun has put in. He's maintained 18h/day, with occasional periods of raising it to 19h or 20h/day, for the past 7 or so years without break. It's a far more massive achievement than just maintaining double digits hour days for a few months. It's why he's nearly at 2k adv log days and is #1 in time without having been an active player from the early RuneScape years that typically dominate the 1k+ adv log days population.
I'm pretty sure Drumgun has had 200m Smithing banked for the past year lol.
Thread is officially dead. *nails coffin*
If we don't raise awareness of it now, people will continue using it, and potentially risk getting their accounts banned by 2 [bleep]wits that obviously don't know shit about the game, nor know how to solve things properly, just wildly banning people for something THEY think is wrong, when many other Jmods see no issues with it. Have fun risking your accounts ban for blindly trusting these "experienced players to do their jmod job". They aren't able to ban people. Only certain Jagex employees have the permissions granted to them in their internal systems. The most they can do is forward names over to be checked by people that are allowed to ban people. It would be a major security risk on Jagex's part to allow every employee, regardless of what their job is, to ban people at will.
Well, as long as players assume the owners of the game don't know what they're doing, it must be OK to do and have no repercussions right? owners?>.> i think u missed something mod balance and inifinity are new and dont understand at all what are they talking :) Or you know, Jagex, who DOES own the game (well I guess IVP in a sense now, but they aren't the ones who actually create anything). Just sick of all this arrogance among the player base thinking they "know better" than people who actually are part of the company who is making the rules. It's a rule for a reason, if you don't like it, suck it up and move on. If you really want to just assume that you know better, then continue breaking it and don't complain if/when you get banned for it. These two JMods in particular are noob players who only recently got hired at Jagex to work in the community. They have no technical knowledge, nor are they involved in any rule setting. It isn't part of their job description. Jagex isn't some single monolothic entity represented equally by every JMod. You don't magically gain deep insight into every Jagex policy in existence the moment you get hired. People need to stop treating every single JMod like they're all-knowing demigods. Long-term and highly active veteran players know quite a lot more about this game and the rules than newly hired people that were noobs at RS.
These Jmods don't know what they're talking about. None of them seem to realize that Windows mousekeys allow you to jump pixels, which is the main purpose for using them. These new people got it into their heads that the output for 1:1 means one pixel at a time.
Not daily, unless you use RuneTracker ... I like RuneTrack! :(. GayZac first to 200M. Go go! Runetracker is more accurate since it'll track the past 24 hours from any second. Runetrack has much fewer records because people are forced to actually plan according to when they set day reset. Runetracker will track day records whether or not they were planned ahead of time and regardless of whatever time of day was chosen to begin the record.
Question: Have crystal trees rendered ivy obsolete? That's the impression I'm getting, and if so, by how much? Are they as afkable as magic trees or more? And what do you get from them? Are the items you get stackable?
What's the point in rushing through the game if he isn't going to enjoy it as much as he would have by going at his own pace? This is presuming Ivy is more enjoyable than C2.