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Everything posted by Crossed_Body

  1. It doesn't matter how it represents itself; All that matters is that it is independent. Jagex does not fund it, and has no say (at least not without threatening to remove their "support", which I find very lacking anyhow) on the internal politics. What's this supposed to be? Am I supposed to respond to this? I don't know if this is a provocation, an insult or just you being arrogant and sarcastic, but this is just unnecessary. I never said people didn't like their product. I can like my food but I can also call the cook out on his unsanitary facilities. When did I say it didn't? Doesn't matter. With the introduction of a in-house wiki, Jagex is effectively routing attention away from fansites, due to people not needing to go there for (good) information anymore. Whether this is intentional or not is irrelevant, it should have been taken into consideration. As far as I know, staff members only differ from normal users in the sense that they manage specific parts of the website with no remuneration. Who are you to dictate what they can or cannot say?
  2. As opposed to being brainless morons who are pro-Jagex? Jagex hasn't done much for tip.it lately, and judging by what they are doing with their website, the future doesn't look much better.
  3. Oh no, people are exerting their right of free speech in order to discuss controversial measure made by Jagex! LETS CRUCIFY THE INFIDELS! This is not a Jagex worship site. This is an independent runescape fansite, and we are free to discuss recent and future updates to the game without having Jagex on our taisl. At least I'd hope so.
  4. Exactly. If he is a runescape fan, he has every right to be here.
  5. How people defend this measure is beyond me. Jagex's justification for it is equally pathetic. I guess some people just enjoy other's misery.
  6. People still use SCAR? That shit is ancient... SIMBA must be too, as I had never even heard of it.
  7. Pretty much the same way as I see it. :thumbup: I am also with Sydan and Jrhairychest :thumbup: There are some very valid and significant points made by Jrhairychest, put much better than I could. Yet many are continuing to rant against Jagex without stopping for 5 minutes and consider the relevancy of the points made by someone who is obviously a current player and who has been through F2P. You three have a way of thinking that doesn't take into consideration every possibility; You group all f2p in two categories, when that simply isn't true. You're generalizing f2p into two ways of playing, when there are so many more. And let me remind you that f2p aren't the only ones that use the highscores to look up f2p characters. I do it all the time when I'm p2p, and when I take a break from p2p, and I'm sure some other people do as well.
  8. It does. But it is insignificant. Guild Wars was an MMO with no subscription fee, and the servers are still all up until this day. They've even published an article on how MMO's don't require subscription fees in order to pay for server costs.
  9. I am completely unsatisfied with that faq. It's nothing but cop-outs, generalizations and shoddy logic.
  10. Just go to the website, there are more from where that came from.
  11. As long as us non-mod plebeians don't hear them, correct?
  12. Knowing where that comic originated from, I doubt the owner would like that.
  13. Everybody loves unwritten rules :rolleyes: especially because they can be made up on the spot. A moderator is still a player, and a player can still have his opinion.
  14. Quite the opposite. I doubt people are more inclined to pay a company that stabs them in the back.
  15. A bandit has escaped into the woods? Clearly the most efficient way is to burn all the trees down! Yes, clearly that is the best solution. It isn't extreme or inconsiderate in the least to their costumers or possible costumers. :rolleyes:
  16. Well, aren't you just marvelously knowledgeable? Who the hell do you think you are to even remotely think your way of playing is the "right" way of playing. Please don't state your opinions as fact in a discussion, it doesn't make much sense.
  17. Why are they any different from the others? How many hours do you need to invest in the game in order to be worthy of being an exception? If you're going to enumerate exceptions, you need to define what makes them special. How do you qualify "high ranking"? It is unfair to every f2p. What makes you think that there is a way to get around it, for sure? Maybe you possess data I do not, please enlighten me.
  18. Not if you are f2p. Highscores are members only. Shocking as it may be, some people on f2p care about their rankings. Crazy, huh?
  19. I thought of that. It'd also explain why they didn't announce it in the bts.
  20. In this specific case, it's not from people who pay. You seem to be misinterpreting me; I'm talking about potential costumers, not costumers.
  21. Anyone can host and build reputation. Granted they start slow and earn less, but there are ways to be competitive without being "already rich" or buying a rank.
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