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Everything posted by inureface

  1. i have a longtime friend (2 years) and was talking to him about getting defenders, within 30 min i went from steel defender to rune lmao
  2. 99 atk, 99 def, 99hp, 90+ range, 85+ magic, and get my construction up from lvl 1 lol
  3. Alright sounds nice, thanks for the help everyone! :mrgreen:
  4. I have the 2 bows because I'll need them for the fight caves. I want to find some monster that has some consistent drops that can cover all or most of the initial 900k I put in. After I get both bows down to 180k, I'll mostly be using them for whatever I feel like, replacing my MSB because the crystal bow hits more often, higher, and has longer range.
  5. I have 2 crystal bows, one is a seed, the other one is freshly rechaged to full for 900k. What can I range to make as little loss as possible since my buffer is only about 200k? I tried green dragons and it worked ok for the first bow but now bones are only 2k ea and everything is dropping in price. Also is the cost of recharge tied to the seed or to the person. I don't relaly want to get both bows down from 900-720-540-360-180. If I recharge one seed, say for 720k, then I recharge the other seed, will it also be 720k or will it go down to 540k? Thanks! BTW my ranged lvl is 72 almost 73
  6. alright, so then if even though I got one bow down to 180k, I'd still have to go through the whole 900-720-540-360-180 thig for the other bow too? Man it'll be a while before fight caves, but thanks everyone.
  7. I'm not really scared of pain for some reason. People flinch when they get punched or pinched, not me :-k Oh yeah and insane metabolism. I'm undeweight and eat alot more than alot of the football players, go figure...
  8. 100% Chinese 8-). Not considering myself an American has gotten me shot twice at the fair a month ago :lol: (just an airsoft rifle, nothing serious)
  9. Because the North Koreans are tired of taking crap from the US. Why the hell should the US have the right to say you can't test nukes because we're afraid we can't bully you once you have the ability to own us?
  10. wow, my egg, rofl I have nothing to say except OWNED. Thats one of the harshests comebacks I've ever heard. To think I'd never sig a quote... :o
  11. I have a few: At Duke University TIP: I was in Algebra 2 and just so happen there was a racist kid who would later end up getting kicked out for robbing a vending machine :lol: . One day at lunch he said to me and some of my friends (all who were Oriental),"get out of my country [bleep]s." Later we jumped him in the dorm hall and while he was running down someone kicked him through the door and he broke his leg. Owned =D>. During one of the dances, the RC's (residential coordiators) started getting all horny and screwed up and started grinding and all that stuff; then one of the female RC's brought a pole and we were like o [cabbage]. Apparently the pole was to seperate people who were dacning too close, but we all know what it really was for :-w. There was a cross dressing day and yeah...I borrowed a skirt and some form fitting tanktop thing for the day. I never felt so gay, but the best part was when I was going to return the clothes, I wore some shorts under the skirt that couldn't be seen, and I turned around and "flashed" them when I suddenly took of the skirt. The girls there thought I was for real and cheered, but sorry lol I'm not that crazy. You'd be surprised how easy it was to get some girl's stuff :shock:. At my school: Break dancing on stage yesterday after we finished a drama play. Needless to say I got alot more attention than I bargained for; 2 girls that I only sorta knew just jumped me and hugged/choked me :P. This racist biology teacher I had one day said,"If I was a guy I'd be sitting over there with the girls." He was asking why the class was seperated guys and girls, but I couldn't resist getting back at this [wagon] so I said," Wait, you aren't a guy...that explains it." I guess it was too funny because under normal circumstances he probably would've made a racist comment and get his [wagon] whooped by my mom <3 the next day. Another incident which was just today was he was talking all this [cabbage] about my mom driving too fast to the class, so I asked him whats the deal, just because she passes you doesn't need to make you feel threatened. Then the tensions rises and he says something like this school has a zero tolerance for violence or dangerous behavior. I didn't feel like starting something so I just said be afraid, which was sorta lighthearted and everyone laughed a bit. It shouldve ended there but hes like, are you making threats? Are you trying to be like the 9/11 terrorists? I just sat there and said If you have a problem with my mom, go tell her to her face, don't use me as a messager because you're scared she might whoop your butt. Surprisingly I didn't get in trouble either, probably because he knew we seriously would've killed him. My Vietnamese friend and me had a cartwheel contest in the gym of our school. All we had to do was cartwheel all over the gym until someone got dizzy or fell. I won most of them but I threw up later beacause I got so dizzy. Some cheerleaders were watching and they joined in, but lost :lol:. Kinda bad if you're a cheerleader to get beat by some guy. This girl that's been all over me since 7th grade recently jumped/hugged me infront of all the teachers and students after school, just out of the blue. It was kinda awkward because my mom was watching from her car just 5 yards away :XD: and that it lasted for like 20 seconds. Yeah these aren't so much crazy as stupid or requiring some guts. <3 mom because she whoops [wagon]. Thx for the genes lol
  12. You could've at least given credit to the guy who did it first. There was a post way before yours and ripping off someone's work is uncool :shame:
  13. yeah wtf rsc had sevreal rune weps, i got jumped by a group of them.
  14. dude matt where are you going this is at dark knight fortress not graveyarde!!
  15. w00t! I can't wait to see how much lag there'll be!
  16. I read in some guide that I can't find now on these forums that there was some trick where if you needed 2 crystal bows and didn't want to go through the whole 900k - 180k on the second bow, there was a trick that let you pay the cheap price for both bows. Can anyone point me to the topic or explain the trick? thanks!
  17. So you mostly posted so everyone could hear about your 50 then? If you cared so much about the glitch why do you need to mention your "uber hit" all the time?
  18. Attack for team pking, str for soloing. The few times I choose to pk, I'll go with a mage friend and with my relatively high atk lvl, I can get alot of people into the KO range then let my friend teleblock and burn with zammy flames while I spec away or keep smacking consistent 14's
  19. Does anybody know anyone who can make this? I'm interested in it because I heard it still hits 4 but it hits more often, which interests me because I could put it to good use in duel arena. I have a topic in zammy armory to buy a ddp+ but if anyone knows someone with this please give me their rsn. Thanks!
  20. Meh, I feel like Halo is for my friends who aren't so much as gamers. All this floaty crap 2-3 assualt rifle clips to get a kill BS doesn't fly with me. Counterstrike ftw.
  21. Most any kind of hard rock/metal/whatever except for the softer poppier kind, the weird (psycadelic etc), and the strange sounding (slipknot, go ahead and flame me now rofl).
  22. One of my friends who quit already let me borrow full veracs and whip (when veracs was aroud 7mi) and 1mil cash for staking before. More recently one of my oldest friends let me borrow dsq and whip for staking too.
  23. Meh, even though abyss pking shows lack of skill, can't the "pker" at least afford rune knives?
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