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Everything posted by Crocefisso

  1. Crocefisso


    Enjoy yourself. The French Riviera is a nice place, and if you go a short way inland you reach Avignon.
  2. Related to questions of free will versus determinism, there is epiphenominalism. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/epiphenomenalism/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epiphenomenalism
  3. Crocefisso


    Look who's back. :blink:
  4. The claim that religion propagates ignorance does not need to be backed up with any evidence so long as it is made clear that the potential is latent and therefore not necessarily present in every instance that there is religion operating within a community (though historically religion has tended to do so anyway). (Might have been said already, I got bored reading the line of discussion).
  5. :o Look at Duff with his 344 posts - I swear he only used these forums for about 6 months!
  6. Music is not so mathematical that it should make any difference. It's not like I'm trying to compare the shape of bananas and pears - the point that, in my mind, Carreras is a better singer than Bieber is not affected by the fact he does not make teen pop.
  7. The guy is actually talented too, that's the sad part. I think that's pushing it. A good performer he may be, but he is certainly no musician (I say this as someone who doesn't post hate about him). Clearly you've never heard him sing without auto-tune then. He actually has a pretty good voice. [spoiler=Bieber w/out autotune] In my view, that is not a singing voice. This is a singing voice: [spoiler=A better singer w/out autotune]
  8. The guy is actually talented too, that's the sad part. I think that's pushing it. A good performer he may be, but he is certainly no musician (I say this as someone who doesn't post hate about him).
  9. Am I right in thinking the Democrats are sad because Lugar's replacement is in effect a Tea Partier (and by extension both highly partisan and politically mad)?
  10. I'm afraid I don't see it, really. Like someone else said, it's more that they're generic looking lizard creatures than anything else.
  11. Crocefisso


    These 2 parts of a post should not have been combined into one. I agree with Gabe. It was an almost macabre post.
  12. Just as an interesting aside, if you read the Kojiki (perhaps you have) you will see that when Izanagi and Izanami try to create deities of the aspects of nature, the latter's genitals are burned giving birth to the fire deity and she falls ill, and from her vomit, faeces and urine, some thirty or so deities are created. :blink: Probably the strangest creation story I've ever come across.
  13. Sadly, I have to agree with the above assessments. In America these days (among older and less educated people especially), progress and open mindedness are dirty words.
  14. ^ Surely the larger proportion of the band's income is from record sales?
  15. Crocefisso


    I can see many years of happiness in his future. I can see him and his future wife on Jeremy Kyle in a few years. Is that equivalent of like, Dr. Phil? I think it's similar, but I've never seen the show you're talking about. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jeremy_Kyle_Show
  16. This was exciting news until I found out what it actually was. <_< Can we assume work on TES VI is going to be put on hold now?
  17. Crocefisso


    I can see many years of happiness in his future. I can see him and his future wife on Jeremy Kyle in a few years.
  18. The nature of all debate is to dissect the views of others. The only thing that ever makes it unpleasant is if people cannot handle this being done to them once they've got involved, and they become upset. I think the only examples of harshness I ever see on this forum are in Tip.It Times threads - other than that, debate is only personal if one choose to take it as such.
  19. I'm not familiar with the Catholic bible, so could you explain the "4 different gospels that also contradict themselves?" The Gospels are the same (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) because there is only Bible. Jona is referring to the fact that the 4 gospels offer contradictory accounts of Jesus' life and deeds and so on, owing to the fact they were composed by different authors across some decades (I forget how many) and with what I presume were different sources.
  20. ^ I absolutely agree that fundamentalist Christians are stupid in their interpretation, I was just being slightly pedantic in pointing out that fundamentalists, for all their absence of common sense, are just doing what their holy book of choice says.
  21. Though I agree with this, all marketing is like this to some extent, and it's best just to switch off to it.
  22. Fundamentalists misconstrue the teachings of a religion. This is not the fault of the religion. A thing doesn't become bad in itself because it is often abused. As such, religion isn't bad just because fundamentalists are stupid. This is very debateable indeed. For the most part, fundamentalists often stick the bare essentials of a religion with as little interpretation as possible (hence the 'fundamental' part). I would argue they are, in religions such as Islam, more true to their religion than the apologists, whose adherence to scripture (in the Abrahamic religions I know a little of) tends to change with the times. Extremists that go above and beyond that which is written in their religion, on the other hand, such as the Spanish Inquisition, are not fundamentalist but merely extremist (or so I think).
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