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Everything posted by wotmania505

  1. Completely agree with this. If you've ever listened to an MMO dev talk about power-creep, you know that this is a constant problem. On the one hand, you have all this awesome content you made over the last few years, and you don't want it to become dead. On the other, you want to release new stuff, to keep people interested and give everyone more options of things to do. There's just no good solution. If you just balanced everything with everything else, the game would get boring quickly - people like to have something to strive for, and people especially like getting and having awesome swords/bows/spells. Possibly you could keep updating old content with new stuff, but that gets boring really quick. I like the approach some games have taken, where you 'ascend' and get a new-game+, but I don't think that would work for Runescape... Thoughts?
  2. I'm pretty sure it's just broken - I spent a while trying to figure it out, and then just gave up in disgust. Plus, nitpicking, but it's 'Combat Academy'
  3. Thanks for all the excellent advice. A little annoyed that low-end equipment isn't really useful anymore, but meh... Guess i'm off to find a way to get moneys.
  4. So, I came back after a ~8 month break, and am having a great time playing with the EoC stuff. However, today I got a slayer task of Black Dragons (I chose to kill them in Evil Chicken place). Now, when I last played, this wasn't a problem for me - I'd typically sit behind a rock while ranging or halberding. Now though, with their ranged magic attack I'm having difficulty. I've tried the following setups (yes - these are a casual player's equipment, that had worked fine for me in the past): [spoiler=Stats] Attack: 87 Strength: 89 Defence: 87 Constitution: 89 Range: 77 Magic: 80 Prayer: 74 [spoiler=Melee] Cloak: Ardougne cloak 3 Neck: Amulet of Glory(4) Main hand: Abyssal whip Gloves: Culinaromancer's gloves 10 Ring: Ring of Wealth Helmet: Full slayer helmet Chest: Granite body Shield: Dragonfire shield (fully charged) Legs: Rune platelegs Boots: Fremennik sea boots 3 inventory: Antifire pots Combat pots Monkfish This setup worked...kind of? I managed to get about 5 kills over a not huge time period. I wasn't using prayer either - I assume with that I'd do a bit better, at a higher cost. This was using melee combat abilities actively. [spoiler=Range] Range: Cloak: Ava's accumulator Neck: Amulet of Glory(4) Main hand: Rune crossbow Gloves: Culinaromancer's gloves 10 Ring: Ring of Wealth Ammo: Steel bolts Helmet: Full slayer helmet Chest: Black d'hide body Shield: Dragonfire shield (fully charged) Legs: Black d'hide chaps Boots: Snakeskin boots inventory: Antifire pots Monkfish This setup failed completely, which suprised me, since it had worked alright in the past. I got maybe 1 kill for 1/2 of my inventory, at which point I got too frustrated to keep it up. I assume this was due to the crap equipment, especially the bolts.... This didn't include prayer either. So, am I just completely failing in terms of gear, and just need to give up being frugal and farm some gold for better equipment? Are the black dragons just too strong for me currently? Am I missing something important in terms of strategy? Do I need to go spend a bunch of time with Dungeoneering and get some Chaotics? I could use any advice you could give me. Thanks.
  5. It doesn't appear that anyone read the question.. I don't know the answer, but could we try to stay on topic?
  6. I'v received several emails of this sort as well. The link is fake, and will take you to some other site.
  7. Well, I liked "Critique of pure efficiency" - I just wrote a paper on Kant, and this just made me laugh :) I agree with the points made though.
  8. After completing Salt in the Wound, the fishing platform has 0 fisherman on it, and Caroline's answer changes accordingly.
  9. Thanks for the info. Now I'm just annoyed that they made the corpses not stack, even if the color detail is kind of cool.
  10. Yeah... But what if you already have the gear? It might be useful to know.
  11. In the templre trekking update, vyrewatch corpses were changed so that they were separated into different bank categories. Does anything know if this had an effect on the rewards for burning them?
  12. I've never actually seen a bot under Yanille (though I don't go there often). Also, depending which herbs you want, the new temple trekking seems like a good choice (if a bit less combat focused), since you can choose the level of herb to get. But yeah, chaos druids are great, and despite the massive amounts of bots in edgeville dungeoneer dungeon, you can usually fill your inventory fairly quickly.
  13. its actually safer to make a memorable password that is 4+ words long ...I smell an XKCD reader..
  14. I find it easier to pay attention to other things while cooking monkfish, since it involves less clicks/time.
  15. I'll have to join the missing of old mining rocks, with a caveat. The only ones I think actually matter are the coal rocks, where the difference between 'mined' and 'not mined' is so minuscule (especially given the variation amongst the rocks) that I'll often find myself clicking an empty rock by mistake.
  16. In other words, prestige is not the same as exp. As it stands now, (after a reset), you earn 1 prestige every time you finished a floor for the first time. After that, every time you finish a floor you've already done, the game checks if there are other floors of that theme that you have not finished yet. If so, one of those will be marked as finished instead, and you will gain prestige as normal. However, if there are no floors of the same theme uncompleted, you gain 0 prestige for that dungeon. Since doing floors at c6 takes much longer than at c1, most advise doing lower floors (which are worth less exp overall anyways) at c1, in order to quickly reach the higher floors. This does not effect prestige.
  17. I would do that, but wines bore me. So, the rate of burning at Rogue's Den won't significantly effect the exp I gain?
  18. So, I have about 2k monkfish to cook to reach 80 cooking (78 right now). I'm wondering if its worth using the lumbridge kitchen range to decrease burning, the burthrope place for shortest distance between bank and fire, or Neitznot for a balance between the two - or something else entirely?
  19. To be fair, if you don't have the sufficient construction to get Gilded altar, and you have really low resources, it is a viable method to eke out every bit of experience you can get. Especially since it effectively costs nothing to do, and requires little attention.
  20. For hunter, I've found that falconry is one of the quickest methods, with chims being less reliable.... GoS used to sell for a lot (I dunno what they're at now) to offset the 500 gp cost of entrance.
  21. Haven't seen anyone suggest bagged fruits and vegetables yet. They add some ~40 or so spaces. Bag of 9 cabbage, bag of 8 cabbage, etc..
  22. 1. No longer applicable after Damage Amount change 2. Completely agree 3. No - Why should it be? 4. Maybe...? 5. No - There doesn't seem to be any way to do this. Maybe have some kind of investing system, but how would you implement it? 5. No - Its simple to look at the task list anyways. 6. Agree, but it should be at/near GE. Having a legitimate place to dice would get rid of the constant scamming (no reason not to use the system) 7. Dunno... Don't really use CC.
  23. I'm pretty sure the probability of getting a rock from a given activity changes from week to week. So, while one week you might get your rock from ivy really quickly, another it might take many hours. Shattered Heart was meant to encourage varied types of play, so try cutting a few teaks or maples and see how that works.
  24. So, I'm kinda annoyed with the way people seem to think Jagex doesn't want to get rid of bots. I think its more likely that they would like to get rid of the bots (Yes, I am suggesting the Jagex still cares about the game, and not just the money), but that it would take far more effort than is feasible. Any method they implement will be circumvented within a matter of days or weeks, which is much shorter than the development time needed to produce such methods. If they devote too much of their effort to stopping bots (and not producing content), the game will stagnate and die, which is something I don't think anyone wants. So..... the situation seems hopeless, but not in a malicious way. A couple more random thoughts I've been pondering while writing this (my mind tends to go off on tangents) - Stat role-backs are not a method to stop gold-farmers, but rather a way to discourage legitimate players from breaking rules, and to punish otherwise well-meaning players without eliminating them entirely. - stopping gold-farming bots requires not better anti-botting techniques, instead requires deincentivising purchasing gold/accounts - the idea of program that monitors computer for botting programs seems like a viable idea, but seems like it would be easier to circumvent than it would be to maintain. - Legal options are slim. While Jagex could make the case that botting is a breach of contract, or something else of the sort, actually proving it in any way or in any forum that matters would be nearly impossible. Plus, the actual creation and distribution of botting software is completely legal.. -Jagex is still producing fun and interesting content - at least for me :) Alright, done musing. Continue with your conversation.
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