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Everything posted by Alduron

  1. I'm sorry I do not find your text amusing, quite frankly I find it in very bad taste. Locked. ~Alduron
  2. Ok guys, I am locking this thread as I have stickied a better more organized (hopefully) version of this ;) Please take a look at this thread :) ~Alduron
  3. Guys this is a warning to everyone that has posted spam/flame on this thread... If you don't like it then don't go looking at the thread, no one is making you check this stuff out and if you dont have anything good to say or any business on a thread then keep your opinion to yourself... Anymore spam and flaming and I will take down names... ~Alduron
  4. Whats wrong with the image you posted? Not everyone likes pixels and not everyone has to like what you like. I am locking this topic since it will only serve as the breeding ground for a flame war. If you don't like a particular art form don't participate and don't look at it... but you have no right to criticize someone else and demean something they enjoy. ~Alduron
  5. Guys there is no need to flame, if you don't like something no one is making you look and certainly no one is making you post so keep your thoughts to yourself. Locking this at authors request... feel free to make a new topic this is a board for everyone and all things image related afterall... ~Alduron
  6. Well folks, I have decided to close this thread... seems people are requesting sigs and not using them... I will no longer waste my time trying to help others if my time and efforts are not being appreciated and respected. Sorry to those that are legit in needing and requesting a sig... if I have a change of heart I may open a new thread sometime down the road. I will pm sigs to those last two that have requested them. Thanks for the interest folks. ~Alduron
  7. Absolutely beautiful pictures! I really love the sunsets, I think thats the most beautiful part of the day and they were captured very nicely. I also enjoyed the macro shots of the raindrops and plantlife very nice and certainly makes you feel like spring :D. Thanks a lot for sharing your images with us and I hope we will see lots more in the future :) ~Alduron
  8. This is clearly a rip...As was already stated don't rip sigs, not from here and not from any other source! Rippers will be caught and are not tolerated on this forum. Locked! ~Alduron
  9. I'm quite the Star Trek fan and I enjoyed reading your story. Look forward to reading more :) ~Alduron
  10. NameName, sorry I do not do animations right now...just don't have the time for it at the moment. Deltora00 I will try to get to yours tomorrow. Thanks guys :) ~Alduron
  11. Hey guys :) I have not forgotten about this thread so please bare with me as I have had a lot going on ;) I am in the process of creating a new thread and working out a way to keep this a bit cleaner and easier to manage. If anyone has suggestions feel free to post them. Right now it looks like I will set it up to have folks that want to work on them post (list what they prefer to do ie linework, shading) and then have them update those posts with the progress sigs... this way we wont have 50 pages of posts... also thinking of having requests pm'd to myself so i can post them on the 1st post for everyone to spot easily. So that is the theory for now if anyone has any suggestions regarding this give a shout if not I will put it together and post it probably sometime tomorrow. We can always change things as we go along see how it works out for us. ~Alduron
  12. Here ya go sorry about the delay :) @rooneyrules0 please post a link to a font on dafont.com otherwise I wont be able to help you. @runescapeloser22 I am not familiar with a font called Andy so I used another font ;) like I mentioned above if you can link me to a font on dafont.com I will change it.
  13. Not bad :) It would look a little more finished if you added a border to it. I never craft in my rune though :P ~Alduron
  14. Table of Contents I. The Gallery Rules II. FAQ III. Helpful Tips IV. User Tutorials V. Media Resources VI. Gallery Dictionary VII. Sam's Helpful Resources I. The Gallery Rules The Gallery is for For posting and discussion of photographs, conventional and digital images, signatures, and all other forms of art! Signatures used on this forum may not have a combined total size over the board limits, that is a width of 450 pixels, a height of 200 pixels, and a file-size of 100Kb. Note: This applies to the total size of the signature, meaning if two or more images are used next to each other (top/bottom or side/side) their sizes are added together to get a total size. Excessive use of blood and gore is not allowed. These Signatures and Avatars will be dealt with on a case by case basis and are subject to removal at the discretion of the Admin team. All images must be placed inside of image tags (). This is for the safety and security of our users. If you do not post images with these tags, the images will either be placed in the tags (if at all possible), or the link removed/post locked. Your final product must include somehow some of your very own work. Blatantly posting copy/pasted parts together from materials by others is not allowed and in many cases - considered ripping. Ripping will be taken very seriously. If you are caught ripping in your signature/art, disciplinary action will be given at the discretion of the Admin team. Do not break into a users thread to flame their work, that is considered spam, if you have c/c to offer you may do so in a professional constructive manner. Whether someone is a beginner who draws stick figures, or an accomplished artist who paints like Van Gogh, NO ONE deserves to have derogatory comments and flames posted about their work. II. FAQ: Can I sell Images/Signatures/Avatars/Items for rs gp? No, Selling Signatures/Avatars etc. for RuneScape items/money is not permitted and is against Jagex Rules. How do I post an Image or add a Signature? Read the How-To Guide: Posting an Image Where can I find someone to make my Signature? Check the Searching for an Image Artist. thread. III. Helpful Tips: Don't post your first ever sig. To be quite honest with you, they are hardly ever decent. Remember, if you think it doesn't look good, it doesn't. For those of you who truely feel that you are hot stuff, ask for a second opinion such as family member, friend, or messenger buddy if you want a real opinion as to if it's any good. If they give good feedback, post away. Being blunt here, but if you are New and using MSPaint for your sigs, chances are they aren't very good. There are a select few who can use MSPaint and make excellent pixel sigs. They know who they are. If you aren't one of them, I suggest you practice, practice, practice. It will take dozens of hours (only an assumption) to get decent at making pixel sigs. This type of art is incredibly detailed when done right, and takes many hours (just ask a pro) to complete successfully. Most importantly here, don't post your first pixel sig. They are rarely good and most times don't stand a chance. If you posted your first sig and got medium to negative feedback, don't go off and open a Free shop. A Free shop should be made when you have multiple sources saying that they think it is a good idea, and you get good feedback regarding your art. You can ask the same friend or family member that commented on your first work. Some people aren't genuine on these boards. When you ask for a rating (I personally think ratings are overrated, use comments and constructive criticism to 'rate' a work please), some people will use sarcasm, or try to be nice and give it a good rating. A good reader will give a comment that they truely feel is just, rather than be soft and post a rating that they feel the artist will prefer. You'll never learn this way, it corrupts you. Take in every comment that someone makes, and apply it to your learning. Also think about the fact that some people are just mean and will tell you things just to anger you but they might not mean it. This is a biggy here: DON'T RIP! This means don't go and Google an image, crop it, and post it on a background you got off of a tutorial. This also means do not rip from other Signature Artists! The biggest problem lately is people seeing pro-pixelers and getting a bit envious, leading them to copy their image and change some things in it and calling it good to go. The next thing you know it's in a "Check out my first ever pixel sig!" post. So you make your first visit to the Gallery, see some amazing sigs, and say "I want to do that!" First of all, don't make a post asking about how to make sigs. This is possibly the most ignorant thing you can say on these forums. Next, many people don't have expensive graphics programs and don't know how to use them. I suggest downloading trial versions of a program you're interested in, and learn how to use it as much as possible in that time. Hopefully you can decide if you want to purchase that program. Illegal downloading of graphics programs is against forum rules and the law.It cheats many people out of their money, violates copyrights, and raises prices for those of who purchase programs legally. Don't do it. Signatures with poorly edited screenshots are generally frowned upon. This takes minimal effort and usually generates negative feedback. Remember, people like effort. Most people with the eye can tell how much time was spent on a piece. Amazing detailed pieces are rarely done in a short period, and a lot of time (often it's spanned over a few days) and effort is put into them. They often have a lot of meaning and are a unique style to them. Without posting every Signature you ever make, try to have a unique style to your work. Most pixel art is does not have a unique style and it's way overused on this forum. There are only a couple of artists on these boards that have a unique look to their art. Be original, and have a style that when people see it, they know it's you. Don't test your sigs by making a new thread about it. If you want to test your sig/avatar, please use The Signature Test Sticky which is always located at the top of the Gallery. Just because you get negative feedback from a post doesn't mean you should give up. Learn new styles and techniques from friends or even tutorials (Such as Good-Tutorials or Web Machine). Don't post your results from every single tutorial you do and ask if people think it's cool. Many times people are on top of things and your first reply will be a dozen links to tutorials you could have used. IV. User Tutorials: - PM A Gallery Mod if you wish to have a tutorial added or removed from this list. [hide] Ganondorf's Pixel Guide By ganondorf656 Saving images as .JPEG without much quality loss in Photoshop And the GIMP by navyplaya and dsavi_x4 Burnt Out Sky Tutorial - For Photographers By Greenslime89 Planet Tutorial By Metroid DementedHero's Full Pixelsignature Tutorial By DementedHero Photoshop FAQ By Metroid Imhomer's MS Paint Tut for Beginning and Advanced Pixelers By imhomer Cadburys' Complete Signature Tutorial! (Photoshop) By cadburys_egg How to crop pictures! -~-~- Fast and easy! By Kill_Life Converting Paint BMPs to GIFs and Making Transparencies By pokemama Coloring and adding renders to an abstract sig - By magictv The Animated Text Tutorial (in Adobe Image Ready CS) - By woopidoo2 Science Fiction Tunnel in Photoshop - By woopidoo2 ~Ultimate fake making tutorial~ - By Bloodveld Paw's Advanced Fake Making Tutorial - By Paw_Claw Dragonsaber's Guide on How to Make RS Video's - By Dragonsaber Guide to Setting up a Random Sig Script (not uzzisoft) - By Mercifull Beginner's Tutorial to Pixel Sigs - By Terley Pixel Art Tutorial - By Quer_Skulll Gold's Paint.NET Tutorials - By Goldwolflord Saving/File Types - By tttia Cutting out an RS Character - By tttia Face Painting - By tttia Coloring Anime Art - By Tenshi Various Abstract - By venomai Abstract - By Failed_Time Cropping Detailed Images - By ghghth Transparent Images - By tttia Terrain Tips - By Nadril Pixel Tutorial + Shading - By Quer_Skulll Drawing Lessions - By tttia Layer Modes - By tttia Color Masks - By tttia Pixel Tips - By axeraider70 Pixel Art Guide - By Punkage Pixel Art Using Graphs - By gandorf_101 Pop Art Tutorial - By bulch Userbar Tutorial - By Hoopster211 Hoop's Fake Tutorial - By Hoopster211 Understanding The Blender User Interface - By dsavi_x4[/hide] V. Media Resources: Here is a compilation of resources special thanks to User and Tyler for posting these links. All links are current as of 03-30-06 ~Alduron. [hide=]WARNING Not all of the programs listed are free. Listed artwork may be copyrighted. Be sure to read any copyright notices or user agreements before using any of the sources. The following is a list of Programs commonly used on this forum: MS Paint - A basic drawing program generally used for Pixel Images. This program is generally found on all Computers. Adobe Photoshop - Quite possibly the most popular image editing software available. Very powerful, and can be used in a variety of ways. http://adobe.com Jasc PaintShop Pro - An imaging program similar to PhotoShop but not as powerful (in my opinion), but is an inexpensive alternative to achieve similar effects created with PhotoShop. http://www.jasc.com/products/paintshoppro/ The GIMP - A free imaging program similar to PS and PSP. Not very user friendly, but it's free! http://gimp.org DAZ/Corel Bryce 5 - A 3D rendering program. Used in a variety of ways, from modeling to landscape scenes. A very good entry level program for someone starting out in 3D. http://bryce.DAZ3D.com Maxon Cinema4D - Another 3D rendering program, but this one is very powerful and is intended for the more intermediate user. I kinda consider it the "User Friendly Version" of 3D Studio MAX. I highly recommend this program. http://maxon.net discreet Studio MAX 6 - By far one of the most powerful 3D programs I've had the opportunity to use. This program will do almost anything imaginable. Unfortunately its VERY expensive to buy licensing, as its targeted toward game developers and movie makers. Instead of this program, I suggest using gmax, a lite version of 3ds Max. http://discreet.com Alias Maya 6.0 - Another program similar to 3ds Max yet even more expensive. This program is used by most techical schools to teach intro to 3D modeling and animation. (Great program) http://aliaswavefront.com e-on Software Vue D'Esprit 4 - Vue d'Esprit 4 is the ideal tool for creating realistic, natural 3D graphics and animation. Designed for ease-of-use, both for the traditional 2D graphics designer and for 3D artists, Vue d'Esprit lets you create incredible volumetric skies, realistic landscapes, glowing materials, planets and more. SolidGrowth technology lets you generate completely unique vegetation. http://e-onsoftware.com Terragen - Terragen is a rather powerful, free, and easy to use landscaping program. Creates very nice pieces when used correctly. http://planetside.co.ukThe following is a list of additional resources: TEXTURES/BACKGROUNDS Coolarchive - backgrounds David Gurrea's Texture site GRSites.com - Textures Marlin Studios - Free Textures NVidia - TransmogrifyingTextures Vol. I (.DDS format) WebShots DRAWING REFERENCES Anime Model Sheets Character Photo References 3D MODELS 3dCAT (register to download) 3D Cafe 3D Lands 3D Total IT'S MING! Planet Quake (needs GameSpy subscription) Polycount (needs GameSpy subscription) Renderosity Turbosquid FONTS 1001 Free Fonts Astigmatic One Eye Foundry (free fonts) BitmapMania Coolarchive - fonts DaFONT FontFreak Graffitifonts.com GRSites.com - Fonts Zone38 - Font Stuff 2D PROGRAMS 3D Flash Animator (both 2D and 3D) Adobe Systems Incorporated Aha-soft.com Utils B-Zone Software GIMP GraphicsGale ImageForge Corel Software Macromedia (flash, shockwave, etc.) Mask Maker NeoPaint Pixia Project Dogwaffle Pro Motion 4 Serif DrawPlus The World Creator / The Button Maker @icon Sushi Tile Studio Zbrush 3D PROGRAMS 3D Flash Animator (both 2D and 3D) 3D Canvas 3D Studio Max AC3D Anim8or Art of Illusion Blender Cinema 4D DeepExploration Delgine 3D Tools Doga-L G3D C++ Library gameSpace Gmax (Essential Gmax Tools) JTEdit Lightwave Maya Milkshape 3D OpenFX POSER Povray Rhinoceros Tattoo Mesh Skinning Tool Terragen (Terra Dreams) Truespace (newer expensive version)(older free version) Wings 3D (Site #1)(Site #2) ETOOLS 3D Text Maker ASCII Generator Coolarchive - Logo Generator Coolarchive - Button Generator CoolText GIFWorks ICON-CREATION PROGRAMS Clic GoldIcon IconEdit IconEdit2 FONT CREATION PROGRAMS Bitmap Font Builder Bitmap Font Writer Font Creator Program MISC PROGRAMS AnimGet Avi to Gif Converter Fraps Real-Time Video Capture Free Software Downloads Gif Movie Gear IrfanView Bulent's Screen Recorder screenrip32 - capture specific area of a screen MISCELLANEOUS 3DFlags.com emugifs Explorations - Free Resources Fated Circle Online Graphics For Games Shy Guy Kingdom Tatakau - Game Sprites & Picture Gallery Reiner's Tilesets NINTENDO SPRITES Retro Game Zone MARIO SPRITES The Mushroom Kingdom - download section DRAGON QUEST SPRITES monsters POKEMON SPRITES Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Pokemon Sprites Pokemon Sprites CAR SPRITES (GTA etc) GTA\GTA London User Cars TUTORIALS / BOOKS Designing Arcade Computer Game Graphics Gamasutra Google.com - Photoshop tutorials Google.com - Paintshop Pro tutorials How to Draw Anime Isometric Tutorial Makeshift Mark's Pixel Art Tutorial Nethersphere GRAPHICS-RELATED FORUMS GM Pixelation Graphics forums] IMAGE HOSTS ImageShack PhotoBucket PicOodle! Free Image Hosting TinyPic SEARCH ENGINES AlltheWeb AltaVista: Image Search Animations.com Ditto anfinder.com/img/][bleep]an Finder: Image Search Engines Google Image Search Lycos Multimedia Search Proteus Image Search[/hide] VI. Gallery Shops, Gallerys and more: [hide=] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: Ard_Choille Style(s): Digital, Fractal Gallery: Ard's Tip.It Gallery ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: Brammy7 Style(s): 3D, Abstract, Cel-Shaded DeviantArt: Click Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: Chaosvuistje/Dharockslayer Style(s): Pixel Gallery: http://chaosvuistje.deviantart.com DeviantArt: http://chaosvuistje.deviantart.com Shop: Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code: Artist name: Doomcreator Style(s): Pixel Art Gallery: Doom's Pixel Art, Pixel Joint Art Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: Gold_Tiger10 Style(s): Abstract Gallery: Gold's Gallery Shop: GoldWork's FREE Graphics! Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: hawkxs Style(s): I dabble in many things. Mostly GIMP/some traditional art DeviantArt: hawkxs on DeviantART Shop: Hawk's Graphics Shop Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: Hiimben Style(s): Pixelling Gallery: HiiM's Gallery DeviantArt: Deviantart Shop: I has no Shop...Yet :P -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: Littleboy Style(s): Fractal, Abstract Gallery: DeviantArt: Shop: Littleboy's Graphics Example: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: Loaf2000 Style(s): Pixel Art, DigiPainting, Traditional Gallery: My Pixels DeviantArt: DevaintArt Shop: PM me. Example: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: Mrshinyredplanet Style(s): Photography, Real-Life pencil drawings, Gimp User Gallery: My Gallery..Photos, Gimp Sigs and Drawings Shop: No shop yet, but pm me if you want something done Example: Drawing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: misterxman Style(s): Pixel art, Pencil Gallery: Pencil Drawings DeviantArt: misterxman Shop: Misterxman's OLD pixel sig shop Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: Nadril Style(s): Abstractual, 3D, Landscape, Sci-Fi. Gallery: Nadril's Gallery DeviantArt: DA link Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: Navyplaya Style(s): Photo manipulations and photography Gallery: Navyplaya's Gallery Shop: Photomanipulation sigs by Navyplaya Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: Rainy_Day Style(s): Freestyle Gallery: Rainy_Day's Graphics Gallery ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: re4p3r1 Style(s): freestyle, 619 DeviantArt: re4p3r1.deviantart.com Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: Runemetsa Style(s): Photoshop, Photography Gallery: Tif gallery DeviantArt: runemetsa Shop: PM me for orders Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist name: ThruItAll Style(s): Abstract/Grunge/Photomanipulation Gallery: My Gallery. DeviantArt: ThruItAll Shop: Shop Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To submit your information: [b]Artist name: [/b][color=green]name[/color] [b]Style(s): [/b]styles [b]Gallery: [/b][url=link]gallery name[/url] [b]DeviantArt: [/b][url=link]DA link[/url] [b]Shop: [/b][url=link]shop name[/url] [b]Example: [/b] [img=image link] When done correctly your post should view exactly like this: [b]Artist name: [/b][color=green]misterxman[/color] [b]Style(s): [/b]Pixel art, Pencil [b]Gallery: [/b][url=http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=143821&highlight=pencil+drawing]Pencil Drawings[/url] [b]DeviantArt: [/b][url=www.misterxman.deviantart.com]misterxman[/url] [b]Shop: [/b][b]Example: [/b] [img=http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/9983/misterxmansigcwsmalllp7.png] Please then PM that to a Gallery mod with a link to this topic requesting to be added. You will not be added if you PM your submission to someone other than a Gallery Mod or if your submission form is not of the format above. As usual, artists can also request by PM to be removed from the list. The maximum dimensions for an example work are 450x175[/hide]
  15. Did everyone chicken out :P Have been busy last few days so I have not been able to keep on top of this. If someone is working on these please post to let us know so we won't duplicate work. Thanks ~Alduron
  16. Here ya go sorry it took so long been pretty busy :) ~Alduron
  17. Please refer to this sticky for guidance :) ~Alduron
  18. It's a good start...what next :) ~Alduron
  19. Offensive content was removed per forum rules, as explained via pm. You can feel free to contact an Admin however, I assure you that they are aware of the rules ;). ~Alduron
  20. How are things going? Could you guys post who is working on what, so we are not duplicating work? I will edit the first post later to show where we are at and who has requests etc. Thanks all :) ~Alduron
  21. Lol, you have one already ;) Limit is one per month :P I will get working on the others check back later :) ~Alduron Edit: Here ya go :) Thanks again everyone for the comments :)
  22. No links and no videos on this forum. This forum is for images only. ~Alduron
  23. :shock: *wants to know what happens next* Very good story so far :D
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