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Everything posted by Alduron

  1. Question answered, therefore locking this to avoid further senseless spam ^looks up. ~Alduron
  2. Guys, stop spamming this thread... if you have nothing to contribute don't post. No one is forcing you to make the sig but insulting his request is out of line... if that is what he wants he has a right to ask for it. ~Alduron
  3. The bump is allowed, now everyone that has nothing to contribute to this topic stay out of it. ~Alduron
  4. Alduron


    Locking this one since you have another thread open. Next time please just update your thread :) ~Alduron
  5. Looks good so far, try adding more shading and working on having it look less stiff (square). Also, take a look at the pixel sig project we can always use another hand to help out ;). But remember only bump your topic when it has reached the 2nd page, when people are ready and want to they will reply. Thanks ~Alduron
  6. Yea, I have always loved Legos... passed on most of my collection to my little Nephew but have a few pieces that I did not want to part with around the house. This is a picture I did with a 3d Modeling program... but it gives ya an idea how much i like legos :D ~Alduron
  7. Causing harm or death to a creature no matter how small is not a good topic for discussion on this forum. yes, I have done it as well but then I learned better (grew up) Locked. ~Alduron
  8. I suggest you make a new thread then with what you want or need. Good Luck ~Alduron
  9. Why not give it a shot yourself? You could work on the image then post it for advice... you would learn how to do pixel art and find that doing such is not that easy and very time consuming. Good Luck and do give it a try you might surprise yourself. ~Alduron
  10. You started this thread on April 28, 2006... since then it was bump'd by you 12 times, not to mention the bump's it received by others replying. There is such a thing as beating a dead horse :shock:. Now, you have received two good quality banners for free... I suggest you either take them and be happy or give specific details on what you want changed on them and maybe just maybe the creator will modify it for you or give permission for someone else to modify it. If this is not resolved or at least an attempt made at being resolved I shall lock this thread tomorrow. Good Luck ~Alduron
  11. It was a good photograph and a nice job photoshop'ing it however, submitting it as something it was not... thats bad. We do not condone cheating be it in the game or real life. You are not only cheating the company that paid you, but you are cheating a legitimate contestant out of their winnings. Locking this. ~Alduron
  12. No sweat about the duplicates I will lock the others... board was lagging and topics were not showing... happend to me as well, so no one knew that they were posting. ~Alduron
  13. Looks up ^ hmm, spamming to tell him not to spam... yup that makes sense :roll: ... lets stay out of topics unless we are going to contribute, eh? ;) ~Alduron
  14. This has gone wayyy too far off-topic. This is the Gallery not a religious discussion forum. Locked. Open a new thread if you want in regards to the original request. ~Alduron
  15. That's absolute bogus, there were always free sig stalls around, I made a few free ones back in the day when I started. Most people made a few free ones for practice when they started with the hopes of one day selling them. I suggest you not encourage others to break rules. While there may have been some free sig stalls around before they were mostly made by the newer folks. Everyone is now on equal footing and has the same chance as getting a signature as the next guy. Motivation should come from a persons desire to learn and improve not financial gain. If people are in it strictly for the money thats quite sad. Everyone on this forum has the potential to be great and I look forward to seeing their talents develop. ~Alduron
  16. With that new quest Swan Song is there a bank nearby? Have not done quest but need seaweed :P. ~Alduron
  17. It is large and it is very fun. You will have tons to do. It might be good if you have a friend that is already a member that could show you around. A lot of the areas require completion of quests to get into so its a good idea to raise what stats you can on f2p. One of the first quests that I would recomment completing is tears of guthix (and whatever is required to start it of course ;)). That quest will allow you to get free exp on your lowest skill once a week (every 100 k exp or 1 quest point) so it will help you raise lvls on your new found skills. I have managed to get 40 runecrafting and 40 farming due to tears (helps a lot because I do not like farming, lol) Well Good Luck to ya and Happy Gaming :) ~Alduron
  18. Was an awesome game tonight, the Suns sure played their hearts out. Some of those shots on both teams were amazing. Gooooo Suns! :D ~Alduron
  19. Just thought I would say "Hi". I tend to be silent in game but if someone directs a "Hi" at me I reply. Have met a lot of nice people that way, so don't give up being friendly/polite. ~Alduron
  20. Changes are part of life...The future is what you make of it... Some of the more experienced artists may not post, but so what. We have a lot of artists that are talented and will become the future experienced artists... Just because you saw guys put out great work does not mean they did so on day one. We have a community and we need to grow with it, as it will grow with us. Sure the gp was nice and I made some back in the day on scapeboard, but hey if I have time why not make something for free. Look at all the people that were left out because they could not afford a sig and look at how many ppl are happy now because they can have a pixel sig or a cool looking abstract. If you want to see more things on this forum, various types of arts it is up to each and everyone of us to contribute. Show off some of your work, take someone under your wing and show them new things etc. if you just sit back and do nothing you have no right to complain ;). ~Alduron
  21. I agree. Locking this spam. ~Alduron
  22. Alduron

    how to...

    Alduron does not go around deleting things and neither does anyone else, lol... If there was a tutorial it must be someplace :) also try searching google for pixeling coins etc. Good Luck ~Alduron
  23. Since no one has given it a shot... I made this up real quick... hope it helps... ~Alduron
  24. As was said use the sticky and search is your friend ;) Locking this. ~Alduron
  25. It looks to me like there were some misunderstandings on this thread... I do not believe that gold meant any harm when he edited the image, it looks to me like he considered it a group project (like the pixel project). I'm going to lock this thread and leave it at that until I discuss the sig issue further with Jitouz. ~Alduron
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