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Everything posted by cyco

  1. Hopefully its B2P, then F2P. Well I know, for a fact, this so far: You buy it ($50) Than there is a monthly version and an F2P version. I just don't know how much monthly costs. Hmm thats odd, seems like a bad idea too me for some reason.
  2. Hopefully its B2P, then F2P.
  3. I played it a long time ago when it was on the school computers.
  4. Just beat the game. The last level could have been a lot better.
  5. Hey, Font = http://www.abstractfonts.com/search/Ble ... 520Cowboys (Bleeding Cowboys) Text = Who Is Pure / Dark Red, maybe in like a black spot. Photo = http://www.sxc.hu/photo/796862 http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=download&id=796862 Maybe just mess around with it however you want. Thanks. \
  6. Playing it on 1080p right now. Amazing graphics and level design.
  7. Question. Gamestops / EB's usually close at 9pm, does this mean they are open later?
  8. I'll probably just walk in and grab it real quick. Didn't bother to pre-order.
  9. 07' Spray painted 07' everywhere.. put vasaline on all the handrails. Pretty lame. The school didn't help buy trying to power wash the sidewalk making it worse.
  10. Omg, I love them. Do you think you could resize these so for tip it use?
  11. Sell drugs. But seriously.. Get a job. I got my first job not too long ago when I was 16.
  12. Good job man. Seems like a really difficult test.
  13. Type: Hmm, Abstract? Colour(s): Black and Dark-ish Red. Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displa ... pos=-13970 Border:None Text: Who Is Pure Subtext: Font: http://www.abstractfonts.com/search/Ble ... 520Cowboys (Bleeding Cowboys) Font Color: Dark-ish Red Dimensions:Regular / Max Artist:Both of you try? Other notes? Recolor the render to a darker red, then put the text in the bottom left hand corner small-ish. Or just try whatever \
  14. Haha somebody was high. Thats considered High in the last math class I had. :-w
  15. Thinking about coming back.. I quit when Hunting came out. I had all quests done up to that. 229 QP's I believe. Can anyone give me a quick overview \
  16. Biography of the author. Description on the historical era the Author lived in. Summary of each novel. How the authors writing reflects his or her life and time period (Novels like other stories during the time, Cultural values or ideals depicted in the novel, Ideals shaped by events in the authors life, Any common themes that appear in his or her writing).
  17. Well I meant a harder to follow writing style. I know its not Old English.
  18. Well its not due until next year around March, but I have to choose two books from an author. I don't read much so I figured you guys could help me out. What I'm kind of looking for is an author that is pretty modern and isn't really hard to follow because of the way they wrote (like Charles [bleep]ens). I'm not really sure what genre I like because I don't read much. I pretty much just look at the synopsis of a book then read it. Here is the list in alphabetical order. These are the only authors I can choose from. Achebe, Chinua Austen, Jane Camus, Albert Cervantes Chaucer, Geoffrey Defoe, Daniel [bleep]ens, Charles Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Dumas, Alexandre Eliot, George Goldsmith, Oliver Hardy, Thomas Hesse, Hermann Huxley, Aldous Ibsen, Henrik Kafka, Franz Kipling, Rudyard Lewis, C.S. Malory, Sir Thomas Marlowe, Christopher Marquez, Gabriel Orczy, Baroness Remarque, Erich Rostand, Edmond Scott, Sir Walter Shakespear, William Shaw, George Bernard Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Stevenson, Rovbert Louis Voltaire White, T.H. Wilde, Oscar So thats the list lol. If anyone could helpe me out that would be awesome. I want to get an early start since I have to read two books.
  19. You guys are idiots. "Oh my god some one laughed at the way some one died. This is serious business." Get off the bandwagon.
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