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Everything posted by Mementh

  1. whats that got to do with using itunes4? there are certain things you can do in version 4 as to removing DRM easyer so NO NO ANTI DRM FOR YOU seriously burn it to CD then rip it back.. DRM gone... SHEESH
  2. WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT There used to be a old tv show on tech TV/G4 that was called THE SCREENSAVERS it had two of the best tech people i have heard about Leo Laporte and Patrick Norton They started a few months ago a PODCAST which ROCKS They talk about all sorta of tech news and other interesting topics that are tech related... some of the people that join in often are: John C. Dvorak Kevin Rose Leo Laporte Patrick Norton Robert Heron Yoshi you can find it by going on itunes and searching for "this WEEK in TECH" (click podcasts up top or else you will get a weird list) (you will see a icon that looks like ) or visiting there site http://twit.tv/ there are archives of the ENTIRE series replace the #### with the epidode number padded with leading zeros: 0001, 0002, ... 0021 and don't forget the wild card 0008A special edition. (In future I'll just number them, even if they come out midweek). You can get the show notes for any episode by entering where # is the episode number (minus the zeroes: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 21 - the show notes also have direct links to AOL. Thanks for your support!!!!!
  3. well thanks to my memory in my computer (one of my slots went bad) i loearned that a centurion amd chip and board is about $200.00 for a low end stuff for higher end your looking at spening board = 150-250~ cpu =250~ amd memory = 160~ (1 gig) hard drives from $80-150 for about 80-300 gigs case about $40-150 (mods and lights) power supply (get a good one.. always better to get more then you need) video card.. nvidia is pretty good.. you should be able to get a good one from about 150-200 its a bit more then you planned but you will have a good system
  4. those who give up there liberties for temporary security will have neither. ben franklin i think....
  5. well for a cell phone (used to work for sprintpcs) (assuming you want to use your cell phone to connect to the net) one check with your provider since they may limit your ability to do this. two check to see if your phone is on that list. (you probabbly already did this) three make sure phones connected there should be a "dial up" program now that will launch. happy surfing
  6. sorry :( as long as you did not mention it in school i doubt they would ever know..
  7. i belive i have ment what i mean.. there should be a civilized approach.. if a person writes a story (storie whatever) with violance and intends to act it out then there should be action but if a person writes a story with violance and never would act it out.. then they should not be punished
  8. do tell since i assume it uses a IE specific command
  9. I find it VERY hard to belive thats the whole story. I have a strong feeling that this guy wrote a little more than a harmless rant. unfortunatly its illegal now adays to express violent thoughts a kid was asked recently to write a story... he wrote one with violance and was kicked out of school or something much harsher then it shoulda been Are you kidding me? Wow.... Let's threaten to kill people and not get in trouble at all. Oh wait, no. so a actor that in script has to threaten to blow up the world should be taken SERIOUSLY.. hmmm the problem is people are not taking things into context. a STORIE is just that a STORIE if we treated everything written as the honest opinion and belived that the author would do what they said..... we would have to arrest and drug all authors on top of that all game writers on top of that any and all adults that said that they would love to kill somone... hmm... i see 100% of the worlds population in prison because of there thoughts and writing... so.... where does it end... when do we start to use our brains and take context into the matter when a child/young adult uses a STORY to express there anger and NOT bullets.... we should be celebrating.... congragulating... poping open champagne bottles because somone used there brain Wow....If I go to school pissed off at someone, and tell them that I am going to kill them, that is entirely different then the stupid point that you are trying to make. Your comment about "an actor" is completely irrelevant to what I said. Next time you try to argue with someone read what they wrote. I don't care about people blogging their emotions, but not in a viloent way. If someone threatens, or writes about killing me, I will not stop until something is done about it. No one took the kids seriously at Columbine, and look what happened there. kthxdone. i don't think you understood.. doing blogs and other ways of writing that is payed attention to but not OVER REACTING is what i mean IE if someone is being bullied and they have 80% of there posts about killing... then yeah... step in and help the poor kid..... but the one off storie or post about it... pay attention but let the kids try to work it out
  10. I find it VERY hard to belive thats the whole story. I have a strong feeling that this guy wrote a little more than a harmless rant. unfortunatly its illegal now adays to express violent thoughts a kid was asked recently to write a story... he wrote one with violance and was kicked out of school or something much harsher then it shoulda been Are you kidding me? Wow.... Let's threaten to kill people and not get in trouble at all. Oh wait, no. so a actor that in script has to threaten to blow up the world should be taken SERIOUSLY.. hmmm the problem is people are not taking things into context. a STORIE is just that a STORIE if we treated everything written as the honest opinion and belived that the author would do what they said..... we would have to arrest and drug all authors on top of that all game writers on top of that any and all adults that said that they would love to kill somone... hmm... i see 100% of the worlds population in prison because of there thoughts and writing... so.... where does it end... when do we start to use our brains and take context into the matter when a child/young adult uses a STORY to express there anger and NOT bullets.... we should be celebrating.... congragulating... poping open champagne bottles because somone used there brain
  11. was it sudden or was it a fight... i would not worry friend reguardless.. there are two possabilities one there is nothing.. you die your dead... but it does not explain where everything came from ultimatly two your mom has rejoined those who passed before her :) rejoyce? :)
  12. its easyer to buy a new laptop and use a transfer program to transfer all your settings and files between the two
  13. exactly there are three types of lies LIES DAM LIES Statistics which looks the most innocent and honest...
  14. its not a "sound setting" possably? i know if you disable active scripting sounds turned off
  15. check your internet security settings.. reset them to the default.. that should fix it
  16. make sure oyu have the latest firefox version
  17. *treads carefully on thin ice* the problem with these poeple is that they are using the excuse of a sexual predetor for there own goals.... not the truth honestly... there are alot of people out there that have thoughts about younger girls (be honest folks) most know and accept the morality of life.... nothing happens cept a fantasy. (see american beauty the movie) but its those that are the scum of society.. for whatever reason they don't respect the laws.. or even base morality... they murder kill rape and torture..... it happens.... gods almight it happens..... but there are only two things we can do. lock our children up in 3 ft thick foam caccoons strapped tight with intervantiously given food (got forbid the child gets a cavity from eating sweets) watching religious zealot teachings that don't even resemble a lie of the truth. growing up and getting married and not knowing how children are concived. and when they turn 18 there pale ashen faces are allowed out upon the world for the first time since there birth..... OR....... we do things smartly... we let a child ask questions we DO NOT LIE we DO NOT MISLEAD. we ANSWER HONESTLY. we treat children as we would a adult.. thinking and reasoning..... YES THEY ARE CHILDREN... .but you can't contain them you have to let them outside. you have to let them fall off there bikes and bruise there knees. (maybe next time they will remember the pain and suffering as you pour the hydrogen peroxide on there cuts and scrapes to help heal them) and would wear the elbo and knee pads. you have to let them learn your not always right. you have to let them learn right from wrong.. you have to let them know your there.. the major problem with our society is we are consumed with a rat race... we send our children off to schools that we honestly don't know what they are drilling into there heads... for gods sakes they could be learning that the earth was created by a frog. we don't listen to the children... we have lost the inner child which has moved on into your children... you don't spend time with your children to teach them your values... and in time... no one will teach your great great great grandchildren anything but retoric.
  18. I find it VERY hard to belive thats the whole story. I have a strong feeling that this guy wrote a little more than a harmless rant. unfortunatly its illegal now adays to express violent thoughts a kid was asked recently to write a story... he wrote one with violance and was kicked out of school or something much harsher then it shoulda been
  19. problem is MS has never in my opinion followed the rules for new tech and waiting for it to be certified in browsers they just add what they want to make it non standard.. and because they do this and there browser is the most dominant everyone uses there scripts and such that work on in IE
  20. firefox you can find extentions that are supirior then IE you are more secure then IE any flaws are fixed with the shortest ammount of time (unlike IE which waitied about 14-18 months to release a jpg vunerabilty bug fix)
  21. i think schools need to restrict only at the school if parents can't get up off there butts and raise there own god dammed children... then they don't deserve to have there children
  22. well the problem is.. its a ipod.. its supposed to conform to the same design and robustness if not exceed them. also.. its not cheaper. at 199.00 for the 2 gig version i can get the same item in the HP ipod with a HD for the same price but 4 gig.. its more epxensive per gig..... therefore it should be more robust Also its size denotes extreme portability... this means pockets if it means pockets then it must be able to take on the potential for damage from common items suck as coins and keys if it can't.. there there is a design flaw. yes they do have cases.. but unfortunatly 3rd party companies take weeks/months to make new items
  23. from what i understood the screens had a UNCOMMON faulty ability to scratch this is apples fault... when you buy a product you expect it not to break easily if its not a product your supposed to break. so a nano that scratches mroe then a ipod under the SAME considerations. should be replaced by apple. just like apple replaced all gen 1 battries since they had some recharge faults..... Also i carry a box cutter for work. and i put it in my left pocket where i keep my cell phone and low and behold my phone got scratched up some.. box cutters in right pocket now
  24. hopefully jagex will realize how silly it is to make super hard quests that have no in built guides honeslty if they toned down the shadows and gave some in game guides they could make the quest 3x as hard (more puzzle) its the fighting aspect thats a problem for this quests.. it adds TOO MUCH complexity for the average player
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