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Everything posted by Mementh

  1. get a cheap logitech. they are like $15-30 depending on the modle.. and world liek beauties.. or spring for a cheap wireless.. that is much better.. though if your like any normal computer user.. get one that has a recharging stand.
  2. i leave mine on 24/7. and i have it turn my MONITOR off.. also i make sure to turn my tv's off as well lol that really helps in power... if you have a LCD screen it might help in the longrun to turn it off... but the theory about a computers parts wearing out.. it might help.. HD bearings and such wear down. cpu and other non spinning things wont wear down as easily...... so if you want to extend the life of your HD yes turn it off.. or have windows spin down the hd after say a hour. that will save power (FYI more power is needed in a laptop to spin a HD constantly then is required to power the monitor for the same time) so :) also to protect your computer i recomend getting a UPS Universal power supply.. its better if you get one that also FILTERS power.. it protects against brown outs voltage [bleep]es and the like. and would give your computer the ability to shut down when out of power ( which can cause errors if you don't in win2k and xp )
  3. its the middle of the night.. unless the jap and uk areas are causing havoc.. ohh well.. i will try when i wake :(
  4. I am having a problem with apple itunes. I am getting a error 403 INSIDE the PROGRAM. this happens every time i try to sign in. access my shopping cart. or add a song to my shopping cart... i can't find anything via google that i can see :( Help?
  5. Nuckinfuts... I know that guy in real life (I'm serious). He's a classmate of mine, and Nuckinfuts got banned. Guess what for. On-Topic: I once saw a lvl 3 girl in Lumby named "f*** my p***" too bad man... you make a bad name.. you suffer
  6. here you go guys.. a sig for you all :) and its within the 300x150x30 limit for tip.it. thanks to whoever codedd it to gif.. (saw your post but did nto rememebr your name)
  7. lightning... SHAME ON YOU you and i both know that the farm was the testbed when rs2 came out.. we had the farming skill back then (pure joke here) seariously it was zanaris where there faries were
  8. well you teleport with your magic. its just someone has to maintain certain areas.. .and having you shunted to a safe area is better then nothing this is to stop the cammy teleporters that teleport auto for hours :)
  9. its interessting on that.. just one more mime till i have all the emots..
  10. well i think we shoudl hoist the author of this thread by his own petard.
  11. seee larryr's score lol:) that much exp in one skill takes guts :)
  12. you need to tell it to allow runescape in the settings.. there should be a trust or allow option..
  13. 1980 total p2p skill total 1361 my total skill / 20 68.05 total skills
  14. from what i have heard if you kill lots and lots of lower lvl monsters to you.. then you can get one.. i got one killing terrorbirds the otehr day
  15. i found these scenes quite funny good story man... let me knwo if i can be in it lol
  16. drop? Peter follows me... Peter does all his own shots except wildy. I got a stunt double for that(looks alot like em dosnt he?). Peter was insisting on doing his own stunts but I couldnt afford to take that risk. Sorry little buddy :wink: For anyone wondering, the awaited part 4, "Hangover in the wildy" wont be posted for a bit. umm.. honestly man.. YOU ROCK
  17. id be glad to do that. I still havnt recieved the activation code for my ooc forum account so I think i put in the wrong email adress. i sometimes do that (happened when was trying to make "sledgehammar" on this forum. had to make "sledge" instead). Ill try to make another account. well i am sure a mod there can force activate your account.. i have done it befor on my small forums
  18. use a sledgehammer on him *gallager* hmmm... well i like it.. when somone can do a story and do it funny in rs then itts perfect
  19. It's very late here so i'll be brief. 1-If it was that hot to heat the hammer so much to burn his hands under the gloves then probably he couldn't even stand by the sword himself. Plus if you know any way to make an hammer that's not subject to heating, tell me (even if i'm pretty sure that kind of hammer won't overheat since hammering is different from direct, long contact) and i'll be glad to fix it. 2- You can't tell how close to the fire those strings are. Actualy you can see the furnace colors in the darkness, not the flames, that are buried deeper inside the furnace. However that detail is basicaly estetic. 3- The neck is allright. Smithers are supposed to be muscular, and i personaly go for the "squared body" build, that is short neck. Plus the position of the head tends to cover the neck, not to expose it...exactely the opposit you'r saying. 4- That's plain wrong. Actualy the briks directly by the furnace should have been seen as BLACK due to the high contrast with the flaming light emitter. Moreover that part of the wall isn't and can't be directly lightened by the furnace, but only by the reflections generated from that light source. It's more like an ambiental or global weak lightsource, and i added the fact that the brigh light spot makes the things closer to it look darker. Of course i didn't want a pitch black bg so i went for an intermediate solution. 5-this is probably the only good point in the above post. not 100% happy of that glove myself, still not disappointed either. 6- Hair and beard aren't purple, they'r dark brown and as you should have already understood so far there's a orange/red lightsource (actualy there's 2 of them). This means everything is shaded according to a red light. This means black and dark brown move slightly towards reds and so on. This effect has been reduced compared to a RL furnace cause i didn't want the sig to be all black in the dark spaces and all in orange tones in the highlighted ones. Still i wanted the dual, colored light sources to effect the screen. the master speaks :)
  20. well worth the 2 mill i paid and he showed me examples all thoughout.. and i liked it.. I did have some issues with the helm.. (i had envisioned a normal rune large) but his gothic soul came out and how can i deny a artist to do his best :) here is a showing of what he sent to me http://www.mementh.dyndns.org/memsig/The_Jeppoz/ very good evolution :)
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