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Everything posted by TheWilch

  1. ok go ahead and call me a complainer. but thats the uglyest thing ive ever seen in runescape. wouldnt support it even if it was better then torags or even if it was 100k.
  2. almost a full inventory for some rune knives. shame.
  3. oh? why wouldnt jagex stoop that low lol. they have already added the ditch :P i wasnt worried, im just impatient.
  4. ^ yeah i guess your right still wondering what they have up there sleve, as they said before you die so it will probably make dieing diffrent thus messing with pking? no im not just ranting about pking, i really just want to know what there going to do :-k
  5. people being able to choose what items they keep when they die, in the wilderness specificaly
  6. who, how, and why would "they" tell me? i really hope this isnt just another example of jagex making runescape more noob friendly :( THEY NEED 2 FIX THE PRAYER CLICK GLITCH FIRST.
  7. well i just wanted to bring this to everyone else's attention because when i saw it i was kinda startled. :shock: so what exactly do you think this means??? at first i belived it to be just in the POH's but as i kept reading i noticed not all of the updates pretained to being inside a POH. i start to think about what jagex is going to do here.......and im scared...
  8. :mrgreen: making playlists, quick lists, new music, or other peoples playlists keeps my busy while im playing runescape. that was just the current song i was listening to so i posted it alexisonfire owns all of your bands lil wayne owns all of your rappers
  9. if u traded them it would probably take you all day. but you already have 30k deaths so u would 100k+ deaths... thats enuf to buy you any mask you want or a santa... but THATS COOL
  10. atleast his yard is bigger then everyone elses around. side note. boy do i feel stalkerish right about now
  11. plus why waste money on torag when its the same stats but definatly doesnt have a special near as good as dharoks. if im not using full dharoks, you can just use the plate and legs along with your normal gear.
  12. no no, you play pest control melee and use the points in exchange for magic exp. best way, pest control. like others have said you actually will gain money.
  13. sharks are the best way to 99 cooking too.
  14. hey hey i was taking it i guess im a hypocrite when it comes down to the wilderness. but folowing the normal runescape rules is a just claim that i think everyone should follow. the wilderness shifts on you everytime you enter it, so i guess you just have to complain , deal with it, or work around it. :-k good topic bth. (no sarcasm)
  15. +100000 i can atleast stand in the fishing guild and not have to deal with "emote emote emote" and quests are by far the worst excuse for adventure runescape has, so i bypass all of them unless they have a reward like ancient magiks. sharks are way better then monks anyways and i have no real problem with catching then quickly or even cooking them. so i stand strong with the fishing guild (and inside it), been a member of it since runescape classic and it appears to have stood the test of time unlike other places in runescape that have totally gone to hell . . . thats my case \
  16. so for us highly un-cordinated people this means its farther away then ever... :x well lets just get this out on the table. when im maxed finally (pray/mage/def) il be a proud 126 without a fire cape everyone wil be like "yeah thats wilcher hes famous cuz hes so good but he doesnt have a fire cape" :-w
  17. Thats just mean :cry: (Although... You might be right) :P i really hope i dont turn out to be right, id feel bad if you had killed like 50k+ and still no visage lol.
  18. yeah lets just ban all of chinas ips, thats seriously going to solve the problem. i mean jesus dude u should pattent that idea and sell it to jagex for a mil, they might buy it. or better yet why dont u just put this in your sig. "im so young and simple minded"
  19. new wallpaper deals with fremmy, boats, storms and what could be a new continent :shock:
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