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Everything posted by TheWilch

  1. but yet theres items that respawn freely
  2. thats exactly what i was thinking. i love wearing mine because people have no clue what they are and they cant get them EVER :mrgreen:
  3. thanks this works :D i honestly just needed some way to paste screenshots lol
  4. i wonder if any of them have cancelled there memberships yet, jagex might have to shut down runescape :lol:
  5. hey atleast you had a purpose to your guide. some of them poster here latley have just been...bllllAh. kinda helpful cause being muted is really annoying. dont know why but jagex has a funny way of picking there player mods ... emotes = muteds bff. *angry* w18 pking "fight?" :mrgreen:
  6. $$$ and items 8-) greedy lil rs player arnt i
  7. watch for your cat to "meow"
  8. every single barrows item from the chest? and atleast half of them x2-3 :
  9. i got too much of a harry potter feeling out of it
  10. dude The Pillows is the best japanese band ever. currently. UGK - throwed
  11. i felt like "yeah free stuff ftw!" then kinda laughed about it. i dont think my attitude has changed, whenever i kill some 1 its the same feeling. yay for pking. i cant belive how many people have never gotten a kill or even pked before :-s u should try it once in awhile it gives a good rs thril.
  12. lil wayne juelz santana :mrgreen: whats not mainstream :roll:
  13. when you buy un - id's make sure theres alot of diffrent stacks of them. make the seller note the herbs. then if he shows you 2-8 stacks then those will be all diffrent kinds of herbs if you can id them. dont wear rune armor when you fight druids...they attack with mage. it wont hurt you much anyways, but they do weaken. under edgeville in the wilderness dungeon is the best place to get herbs, just bring 3 items if your scared of getting pked (which wont happen if you run) a half hour under edgeville can pay off with atleast 100k worth of herbs if your picking up the right kind and dont get off task.
  14. well glad i was sleeping and all of my items are safly tucked away in my bank (still are) \
  15. thats just the way it is now. you have to "reset" the monsters to attack you, by running alteast far enough for them to be off your mini-map screen. 1 way to aviod this. wear any sara/zammy item and go to the bedabin bandit camp. they will attack you until you die or run as long as your wearing a zammy or saradomin item (preferably a cape) i dont think he ment afk as in literally going away from the keyboard, he said he played rsc give him a break hes probably just multi tasking and trying to do somthing OFF of runescape :roll:
  16. eh thats what i said about cooking, and smithing, and fletching...i think this is going somewhere.
  17. shanty for making me pay everytime i walk into a barren wasteland
  18. i really dont know what id do without a glory ammy seriously :
  19. i just wanted to clear my name, i was not supporting the banning of all chinas IPs but for some reason was backlashed upon. but reguardless sorry for the flame/flame baiting.
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