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Everything posted by Zerocool11

  1. Why don't you put a big sign up outside of your house with a similar statement saying that you encourage teenagers to do whatever they want with your property, as long as they're enjoying themselves. Then all the teenagers within 50 miles can come and throw rocks at everything you own (which I suspect isn't much). It might divert some vandalism from the property of those who do care about what they've worked for. I think you're taking what I said a little further than I meant it. I think that kids should be able to do things that are fun, and stupid, within reason. Throwing a snowball at a car, or egging a car or TPing someone's house is fun and considered vandalism but it is a far cry from arson. I'm not encouraging teenagers to run around throwing bricks through people's windows, I'm simply saying that teenagers should have fun while they can.
  2. Great idea. :D Especially the low runes/low arrows warning.
  3. That must have been one really condensed snowball to cause $200 worth of damage to a mini van... And you guys got chased and beaten by a cop, huh? That's pathetic... Either he was the most athletic cop in his department or you guys are out of shape because cops are easily out run. As to the whole, damaging property and having fun as teenager, why not? You only have one childhood and one set of teenage years. Once you hit 18 you can't exactly get away with marginal criminal offenses. So I say go out and throw snowballs at cars, go out and egg people and their houses, do things that make you laugh for stupid reasons. Enjoy life, man...
  4. I ski. I've been skiing for about 8 or 9 years. I actually went up to Lake Tahoe last Friday with some friends. There's so much snow up in the Sierra Nevadas right now! :D
  5. I'm not really liking this idea either... I suppose this sort of stat advantages would suit those that want to focus on one particular aspect of the game, but for most people they want to level all levels as high as possible thus making it difficult to choose one specific "race". Back in the old days when you first started out in RS you could pick what items you would start out with, for example warriors would start with a wooden shield and a bronze long sword. Mages would be given runes. I wouldn't mind seeing that re-enacted but races with stat benefits is a bad idea.
  6. Exactly... Fatigue did nothing to stop autoers, part of the reason why they removed it from the game. But I suppose if you complain enough you could get it implemented again...
  7. If RS turned P2P only, that would probably solve the autoing problem but would make thousands of people very upset because they can't pay for the game for one reason or the other.
  8. I'd pull a Bluerose and just slowly fade out of existence...
  9. It's all about how you carry yourself...
  10. Yeah, I'm in Sacramento and I was with some friends at a park when my friend's brother called him up to say that we had traded Peja for Artest. Last time I heard about the deal was that Artest had scoffed at the idea of coming to Sacramento. I think for Peja it's a good trade and for Artest, I feel bad for him. Not that I don't like the Kings or anything, but we're not exactly doing all that well. Our team is going through a massive change and I think it will be a year or so before we get back on the winning and competative track. Peja will fit in well in Indiana, their offense just got more potent because he is one, if not the, best shooter in the NBA. Hopefully the Kings will be able to benefit from this trade too. Artest is a great player but incredibly moody. He'll either be really great, or a complete disaster and I don't think that the Kings would be able to get rid of him if he proves to be the latter.
  11. lottery works by combinations and probablity (strap on your math helms of geekness). there are 13 types of runes from airs to soul. if 5 are randomly selected there are 154,440 possible winning combinations. if you were to buy every possible combination at 20gp each, it would cost over 3.08mil. nobody will spent over 3 mil to guarantee they win 100k. not just that, but any noob with 20gp could just as easily get the winning ticket, so buying more would make your chances better, but not really actaully, you could easily increase all the prizes 5 times, making the jackpot half a mil. and it would still be profitable for the game It's kind of late and I'm sick so I'm not going to debate your math but it sounds to me that this would be a fine idea... I do think that something needs to be done about the inflation and a lottery or just basically gambling would help that problem.
  12. I don't really know that it is "proof" that the person is autoing... What if they have a really bad ping and are suffering from a lot of lag? It's all speculation with no real hard fact. Most of the macro programs have codes that open doors, sure it's not as fast as if they were actually at the computer but in a ban appeal they could plead bad ping.
  13. Problem with a lottery would be that rich merchants would be able to buy so many tickets that they'd win most of the time. I think if some sort of lottery were created it would have to have some sort of limit to the amount of tickets you can buy. I can just picture a huge gnome casino in the middle of the village surrounded by flashing neon lights and their funky gliders flying around. :D
  14. Maybe a five year old shouldn't be playing this game? At least unsupervised...
  15. Sorry, I guess I read it the wrong way. :oops: Yeah even the Kings managed to beat Phoenix a few weeks ago and we're not even over 500.
  16. I can't post an American perspective? :?:
  17. They don't need any more Kobes. The Shaq, Kobe, Payton, and Molone combo did nothing for the Lakers, nobody played as a team. Except those guys could put up huge numbers too. When he was surrounded by Shaq, Payton and the Malone then he was a ballhog that shouldn't be respected because of all the talent that was being wasted. Except now in this current Lakers team, Kobe is basically the entire team surrounded by filler. Name one person on the Lakers current roster that could come close to Kobe's 36.5 points per game besides Lamar Odom. *edit* I think Kobe will cool off soon. I don't really expect him to be putting up 40+ points a game for the rest of the season.
  18. Although he's a ballhog, 81 points is still an unbelievable achievement. Living in a NBA town (Sacramento) I try to follow basketball and as much as I don't care for Kobe, I still have to respect the skill that he has, ballhog or not. But look at the Lakers. Is anyone on that team, excluding perhaps Lamar Odom, any good? If I was Kobe and could score that many points, I'd be a ballhog too.
  19. I'm American and I'm 17 so I missed out on the last Federal Election. However, I wouldn't bother voting in the next election simply because I live in a "blue state" (meaning that California is a predominantly "Democratic" voting state) so my vote would just be one more vote amongst thousands of other Democratic votes. Now, since America's election system is not a direct election one vote doesn't really matter in a state that is heavy one way or the other. I'd encourage all those that live in "swing states" to exercise their right to vote and if I lived in such a place I would definitely vote as well. I think it's a shame that so many young people are ignorant or choose to ignore elections. Young people make up a lot of the populations around the world and if we voted in mass, we could really affect the future.
  20. They've been promising POHs and Carpentry since RSC and it's been at least two years and nothing yet. Sure, hope springs eternal but I wouldn't be too surprised if it didn't come out this year. It definitely won't be F2P. If every single person in RS (including F2P and P2P) tried to have their own house, it would be totally ridiculous. Imagine 100,000s of houses in RS. There'd be houses one after the other, total deforestation with people trying to build even more houses to level Carpenty; it would be absolute chaos. And when, I suppose it's not "if" anymore, JAGeX releases these two long awaited updates, it would be a big incentive for people to fork over their money to JAGex's greedy little fingers. :twisted:
  21. Yeah... like how all the swordplay is going to turn the kiddies into axe wielding maniacs. :roll: :lol: haha pwned!
  22. (N) Portal - This will be found in lumbridge. You go in it, and option will come up with a couple of city's click on the city to go to, and it will teleport you. Cost 100gp. It would totally defeat the point of raising your Magic level. (N) New Trade/compete option - This will be another option added to the On/Off. It will have a "Stop All" When you trade somebody you can only hear him talking! All other chat will be stopped. (This is for you can read what hes saying!) I like hearing what's going on. Maybe I see someone selling the same thing for less? (N) Drop "X" - This will be for you can drop ores/fish ect. All you do is one click and type in how much you want to drop. (Powermining/PowerFishing) Powermining/Powerfishing is mining or fishing having total disregard for the ores and fish. Drop X would be totally useless. (Y) Tutorial Island Yes/No - This will give you the option on rather you want to do the tutorial island or skip it. Only because some people don't want to bother with the Tutorial Island. For those people that want to create a new PKer or what have you that already have a Main account, they wouldn't have to waste their time with the tutorial as they know the game.
  23. There shouldn't be this rapid increase in prices because of the mass ban. Who autos on their main? Who stores party hats on the accounts that they macro on? Think about it. There should be no reason that party hat prices should be affected by a mass ban except that people are stupid and merchants are greedy.
  24. Yeah I remember that... I was happy I had never eaten at Wendy's.
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