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Everything posted by Zerocool11

  1. Yeah, JAGeX has slowly been moving in that direction. First they stop the updates on RSC, then they make it for members only, now they're restricting it further. Soon it'll be gone completely except in our memories. :cry:
  2. JAGeX is too scared to take any drastic action in order to prevent macroers from exploiting the game. This fear of doing anything that might upset the masses is what allows this rule breaking to continue. Mass bannings have happened before many times in RS history and every time autoers find a way to rebound and make their programs even better than before. It's a good old catch-22.
  3. P Mods have no power to ban people. They're only used as eyes and ears but Jagex rarely acts on their information because of the possibility that the person made a mistake. Barring irrefutable evidence submitted by a P Mod, the people that you'll see actually patrolling and actually doing something about rule breakers are Jagex Mods. This wholre argument about what Jagex Mods can and can't do is ridiculous. They're JAGEX MODS! THEY WORK FOR JAGEX. Translation: they can do whatever they want. It's nice to see Jagex Mods actually doing something, even if it is only one.
  4. This has truth to it, I'm sure. However, is it really so bad if JAGeX lets the economy run itself? Except for the problems with saving up for/purchasing a rare, what's the big deal? Those merchants are rich, but besides being richer than most, why do people feel they're having more fun than anyone else? lpinkus There isn't anything wrong with JAGeX letting the economy run wild. It's their game and they can do as they please. I don't think that merchanters necessarily have more fun than anyone else just because they have more money... I had plenty of fun when I played RS and I was never extrememly rich. Things are only as fun as you make them, even if you're poor. But getting back on topic, I think that the game would be a little bit more fun if there were something like slots that people could play. Now I'm not advocating big huge 100mil jackpots or anything of that nature, but perhaps the top cash out is around the 500gp mark. This casino would function as a way for JAGeX to help fight inflation by making the payout rates fairly low and provide a place to gamble for those that want to gamble. To those that oppose this gambling idea on the basis that kids will get bad ideas, I think a game is the perfect place to learn about gambling and the risks it poses. Shouldn't children learn about gambling in the no reprecussions zone that is the internet?
  5. pokemon has gambling in it... target audience of that game is like 6-8 year olds...
  6. The gem store and the sword shop don't surprise me, but the Champion's Guild??? Granted I haven't been in there since RSC but those used to be stocked most of the time. At least if not on that server, I could hop and it would be there on the next one. Yeah, the Rune supplies should definitely respawn more often.
  7. All about fishing, man! Pay $5 for a month of p2p and lock myself into the Fishing Guild... Fish a few thousand certs of lobbies, cook 'em, and sell them on the forums to the highest bidder.
  8. Impose an effective age restriction so kids under the age of 13 could not play the game! And by this I mean one that'll actually work and keep those 12 and under out of the game, not that ridiculous excuse for an age limit that they have now.
  9. When I first started out in Lumby on RSC I'd walk around to the back of the castle there and find the knife spawn. I'd stand there for hours waiting for the knife to respawn a few times till my inventory was full of knives. I'd run back to the General Store in Lumby and sell the knives as fast as I could to make money. That was my worst noob moment ever. Just thinking about it now makes me hang my head in shame. :oops:
  10. Jagex has always maintained a "no touch" policy when it comes to the RS economy... When the Party Hat dupe occurred and decimated the economy, Jagex sat on its backside... When Party Hat prices continued to soar creating problems, Jagex sat on its backside... When autoers continued to run around, mostly unopposed and caused prices to plummet, Jagex still sat on its backside. Don't get your hopes up for any kind of direct Jagex involvement in the economy.
  11. I think in time RS will develop into more of a story line game. I think the idea of alignments between factions is an interesting one, the only problem is that it is a long and complicated thing to figure out and try to achieve. Jagex has started something similar by their extended quest. Hence, Plague City, the whole Iban Staff thing and all that jazz is their attempt at more of a storyline, role playing thing. But something has to be said for the unique style of do whatever you want when you want thing that RS offers. I think that would be ruined somewhat by the introduction of a bigger picture.
  12. Changing my character's look back after I exploited the woman-with-a-beard glitch. That was fun but I was scared I'd get banned for glitch exploitation so I changed it back after a few days. :(
  13. It used to be fishing and cooking shark/lobbies in the fishing guild back in the day when the fishing guild was actually a semi-fun place to fish. Would fish 500-1k lobby certs at a time and cook them. Never burned a single one because of my high cooking and gaunts. :wink: Good profit because I had steady buyers who paid extra when I hit 1k certs.
  14. Jagex rarely uses mass bans. Mass bans are usually reserved for extreme cases of rule breaking. For example the Party Hat dupe. Other than that they usually stick to bans here and there based off reports from players and their own Mods. Apparently there's one coming up in response to the vast amounts of autoers. :twisted:
  15. I think it would be a fun idea. If not a casino, some sort of gaming room or "castle" where people could like play slots and win a gp here or there. But if games like Pokemon can have slots in it, why can't RS?
  16. Might be on to something... I suppose if it became a sort of skill, the prices would drop but not be totally extinguished and yet still tradeable etc.
  17. Yeah it's definitely a great idea. :D Even though I'm retired I'll support it. However, something as extensive as changing their entire banking system and layout would take a lot of program changes. The possibilities of this happening aren't that great. Doesn't mean it shouldn't happen though. :wink:
  18. I agree. I bet the average age of the people who play RS is less than the number of fingers I have. It would definitely need a more mature audience to make something like that effective and fun. Maybe they could set some kind of age limit...oh wait, kids would just lie. :roll:
  19. I don't understand that as soon as someone posts anything about Party Hats there's always someone there to say that the poster is poor noob who can't afford a hat and hates Party Hats... Party Hats are a problem whether you can understand that or not. It has nothing to do with "being jealous", it has to do with the need to fix this problem. I don't really accept the argument that merchants won't have anything to do and that it won't be fair blah blah blah. Merchants have so much money that if they lost their precious Party Hats they'd be out 100M at the most. But to them that's chump change. I agree with the poster. Party Hats are a problem and the only solutions that people can come up with aren't good ones. Now I dislike Jagex just as much as the next person, but you have to give them some credit. If there was a fairly simple solution to this problem, don't you think they would've done something about it?
  20. The best place in F2P is Karamaja. Only problem is that the Lessers are usually full of people, same with the Skellies. Level 32 in Wildy, the Hobgoblins are a good place to train. Especially if you can get away with only 3 iteming so PKers will leave you alone.
  21. I started playing RS when my neighbor told me about it. So naturally we both started accounts and what not and we'd start sort of a friendly competition. Like he'd get a rune med and show it off and I'd get all defensive and do my hardest to get one... you know how it goes. We knew each other pretty well and eventually I think he figured out my recovery questions because I logged on one day and found all my stuff was gone. I hadn't downloaded anything...I hadn't given my password to anyone so I was pretty sure he had done it. Anyway, that was a long time ago... We're still friends but neither of us play anymore lol. :wink:
  22. When I used to play I used to be totally self-sufficient when it came to training. Since fishing was a great way to make money back then (and I was a member with access to the fishing guild) I used to fish my own lobbies and shark and cook it for myself and use it when I trained. It was really nice, actually. I'd fish myself stupid then when I got bored I'd cook, and any left overs I'd bank and use for training food. Mining and smithing was a different story. I used to love going into the mining guild and selling the coal but I never found too much excitement in smithing so I never really bothered with it. But after the mining guild started to get overflowed with macros I stopped cold-turkey. Self-sufficiency in RS is the best way to make money, in my opinion. Simply because you're not spending any money on resources and everything you sell or get is pure profit.
  23. I think this issue is a little pointless... Jagex can't do anything to stop macros, simply because anything they do will be ineffective as soon as the macro program writers re-write their programs... All these ideas about fake-macros that Jagex would send out to catch wouldbe cheaters is ridiculous because of the tight community of cheaters. The people that use effective and legit macro scripts aren't googling: "RS auto programs" or what have you... There are established sites and forums that are run by the cheaters for the cheaters. Jagex couldn't get on these sites to spread their fake program. Jagex won't trust the job of finding macro users to Mods because there would be too many mistakes and false bans. And Jagex won't spend all its time on trying to find every single macro user to ban them. As for throwing gnomeballs or opening/closing doors to try and hinder the macro bots, how can you prove that they're just lagging and don't have a fast reaction time to deal with you messing with the doors? Or, the macro user will just say in the forum that the writers need to add a new line to the program that opens closed doors...
  24. i'm hoping they do something along the lines of making rsc f2p again? :D
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