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Everything posted by Piscis_Rex

  1. Granted, you go to see it, you leave disappointed, also, someone spills a drink on you and your seat has chewing gum stuck to it which gets stuck to your trousers I wish I could read music
  2. While I think this is a joke, it's the general consensus among drivers. You have to use the sidewalk unless you can go fast enough (which requires cycling often, using a racing bike, putting effort, etc.) I don't know about the US but in the UK you can be fined up to £500 for cycling on the pavement, unless part of the pavement has been specifically allocated for cyclists, so unless you're a child you should be cycling on the road, and while on the road you have the same rights as any other vehicle. I think the main reason cyclists get such a bad rap is because they sometimes feel as though they can switch between being road users and pedestrians, and sometimes act as though they don't have to follow the same rules as other road users i.e running red lights and turning without signalling. As a person who uses a bike as his main method of transportation, it always kind of irritates me to see cyclists on the pavement getting annoyed about pedestrians, but refusing to cycle on the road. Another thing that really annoys me is when you're at a party and people keep changing the song without letting the current song finish, even if it's not a song I particularly enjoy
  3. granted, but due to this ridiculous meteorological anomaly, the water cycle gets all messed up and all life on earth ends up dead I wish my A levels would be completed for me with the grades I need to get into the university of my choice (note, I don't care about the satisfaction of having done it myself)
  4. Piscis_Rex


    Only rumour, that I know of, that's been spread about me was when my best friend told everyone that I'd caught a tropical bug off my dad who'd recently returned from a trip to Japan, while I was off school with tonsillitis, wasn't a malicious rumour in the slightest, I just thought it was hilarious that people believed him. Rumours in general I tend to ignore, unless they involve a person I care about, in which case I will try my hardest to get to the bottom of what actually happened.
  5. Granted you do, and you do participate in the exams, but the teacher rigs it so you fail I wish people wouldn't get so worked up about superficial things like music, sports teams, fashion etc.
  6. Okay, thanks guys, he joined the phoenix gang (i.e. the gang I'm in) so it doesn't matter anyway <_<
  7. Not sure if this should go in the sticky, but I don't think it should 'cause I'm not looking for a gang member for help. What I need to know is if it's possible to help someone with this quest if you've already done it
  8. I put 10 workers on coal and the rest on maples, I collect my resources about once every week and mine coal to get my approval rating up, generally try to keep my approval rating above 90%
  9. Are these two spells worth getting for farming runs, rather than using cabbage port and teleport to fishing guild?
  10. Ok, thanks guys, I used assistclan and got all my effigies finished, and a prayer level :grin:
  11. Is there a friends chat for assistance with ancient effigies, if so, what is it?
  12. Way to change what you originally wrote because you couldn't come up with a decent counter-argument... OT: thanks for all the advice guys, seems like snapdragons are the way forward :)
  13. Ok thanks guys, could someone give me some hard numbers though, I'm still unsure
  14. having just got to 62 farming, is it better profit to farm snapdragons or should I continue with toadflax?
  15. I'd say that whatever reason you can come up with to not come out is "legit". If a person doesn't want to let people know about that part of his/her life then there's no reason they should feel pressurised to.
  16. The way my school spends money, since I have been in this school, almost 7 years now, they have spent money on ridiculous things, such as: A system for paying for school lunches using your thumbprint (I don't mind the idea of paying electronically, but using a thumbprint scanner seems like an unecessary added cost) A bunch of high-end televisions around the school (not for use in classes, just around the school, there's one in the canteen for example) A whole bunch of online revision programs which in my experience have gone largely unused And they seem to replace the computers in at least one of the ICT rooms at least once every six months (not as big an issue, but the "upgrades" never seem to run any faster than the old computers) Meanwhile, there are guitars in the music department that are missing strings, machine heads, pickups and even one without a jack input, this particularly annoys me as we are supposed to be a specialist "arts" college
  17. If you want to pull that card, why allow parents to make any body-related decisions for their children at all? Oh for christ sake, circumcision is a choice that should be decided by the guy himself when he is old enough, not due to religious or whatever belief, unless it's a medical situation. This is my, so it seems, crazy viewpoint on this forum. I'm glad my parents decided to get mine done as an infant. If you wait until the person is conscious enough to make the personal choice, that would mean he's now reached the point where circumcision is more painful, difficult, dangerous, and will now actually be aware of the not so comfortable experience. So circumcision is a painful, difficult, dangerous, uncomfortable medical procedure that is FORCED upon a very young child. The benefits of circumcision are miniscule in a first world country like the United States. It IS forced mutilation. In many places, forced mutilation is considered torture. Let's say I create a religion which follows our god saying that we must cut off our big toes. Nobody would allow or support it. But they support and allow circumcision... TL;DR Circumcision is (in the way it is done without consent of the victim) a human rights violation. Nomronbon, please know what you're talking about before you reply with something as nonsense as this. First of all, having it done a few days after you're born makes the procedure quick, easy, and nearly painless. When you have it done as an adult, the procedure becomes really painful, difficult, possibly expensive (surgery) and with many possible complications. Second: Circumcisions do help prevent the spread of HIV. Third: Do you even know the definition of mutilation? tr.v. mu·ti·lat·ed, mu·ti·lat·ing, mu·ti·lates 1. To deprive of a limb or an essential part; cripple. 2. To disfigure by damaging irreparably: mutilate a statue. See Synonyms at batter1. 3. To make imperfect by excising or altering parts. Oh look, because the foreskin is so essential and without it you are crippled. And if you are going to point at definition 3, then please tell me how a body part is perfect if you can altar it to help your health? regardless of whether or not defintion 3 can be applied, I'd say that definition 2 is definitely relevant. It's issues like this that are problem with multiculturalism, the traditions of a lot of cultures can be viewed as inhumane, or repulsive by people who are not a member of that culture. Personally I'm opposed to the idea of altering anything about a person's body for purely superficial reasons, particularly religious reasons, as to me it seems like a way of indoctrinating your child into a religion before they're even capable of understanding any of the reasons behind it.
  18. If you want to pull that card, why allow parents to make any body-related decisions for their children at all? They should be allowed to make positive body-related decisions to become healthy. A circumcision does not provide any health benefits and it's more of an accessory operation like plastic surgery. Parents are allowed to make decisions like plastic surgery for their kids. Just because they can, doesn't mean they should be allowed to.
  19. When people do things that are simply illogical. Example: In my school, the system for paying for your lunch uses an account system which is accessed using your thumbprint (which is ridiculous in itself). the annoying thing about this is that one of the machines for putting money onto your account is in one of the busiest corridors in the school, but rather than queue up along the wall next to the machine, people choose to queue across the entire freakin' corridor. What makes it worse is that they all get annoyed if you try and get through
  20. When a large group of people are trying to get through a double door, and only one of the doors is open, so it takes twice as long to get through, why does noone ever think to open the other door? (although I have occasionally been guilty of myself)
  21. you get some water, then you drown in it I wish I could fast forward the next 2 months of my life so I could skip my exams
  22. Piscis_Rex


    Could someone please explain the appeal of a fixed gear bike to me? I just don't understand how removing the ability to free-wheel would be a good thing. I ride a specialized cross trail, which combines qualities from a mountain bike and a road bike, I would've gotten a proper road bike but the roads around where I live are in pretty poor condition so I don't think I'd really feel safe on them
  23. Good, I say. I've never really seen the appeal of online poker, from what I've been led to understand the whole "skill" aspect of poker is being able to effectively without giving away that you're bluffing, and being able to tell whether or not your opponent is bluffing. Surely removing the ability to see one another's faces just removes that entire aspect and turns it into just another game of chance.
  24. How can I use my combat stats to make myself some cash? My levels are: Attack: 96 Strength: 90 Defence: 87 Ranged: 81 Magic: 81 Prayer: 71 Summoning: 68 Constitution: 92 Dungeoneering: 28 Slayer: 71 feel free to ask if there's any other info you need to help me, Thanks in advance
  25. What worries me the most; is the fact that rather than find out about this from a trusted news source, I learned about it on facebook
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