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Everything posted by Piscis_Rex

  1. Granted, but then you lag out and end up getting killed by a chicken I wish I was perplexed
  2. unfortunately, the rocket doesn't explode, also it wasn't going very fast for some reason, so I just get a small bruise (sorry about that, it was either this or matrix style dodging, either way I lose points) TPUM is about to discover how that banana they made into a smoothie felt (I'm going to put them in a blender, in case your slow)
  3. I pick my arm up and use very thin strips of bark as thread, and a splinter as a needle and sew it back on, I'm that manly TPUM will be impaled on the horns of a rampaging bull, well one of the 18 rampaging bulls currently surrounding them
  4. I enjoy walking, I walk to and from school everyday (about 4 miles in total) I often daydream while I walk, often about how I would have had handled situations I found myself in during the day differently if I had superpowers, or amazing martial arts abilities. I especially like walking in the rain, but only if it's really heavy rain, 'cause I just love the feeling of sudden warmth when you get inside, also, it makes me look really hard, as I'll normally only be wearing my school shirt (very thin), a zip-up hoodie (not that thick, also unzipped) and my trousers (also thin). I like to think that I'm making all the big "tough" guys that I walk past feel insecure, 'cause they're wearing big coats, and this scrawny 15 year old is barely protected at all, but he doesn't care
  5. Granted, you're dissapointed, and then beaten for making such an odd wish I wish sweat didn't smell
  6. Or gay. I mean, really, if he goes to all those lengths to save a princess that gives him nothing, it could only be because she's his favorite gal-pal. You could argue that this isn't true because that would make most superheros gay, but just look at Spider-Man... Yeah, but Mario had a girlfriend in the original Donkey Kong. (I think her name was paula or paulene.) I think we've uncovered what the true mystery of Mario is, is he gay?
  7. Granted, but you can only control one at a time, so a big group of people gang up on you and you're burned as a witch (I don't care if your a guy) I wish for a consequence free existence
  8. Before you can knock me unconcious I kick the needle out of your hand, it goes flying into the air and lands in your eye TPUM will be beaten to death with an old bass guitar
  9. I use my powers of deduction to figure put where the door is (after a marathon Barney session of course :thumbsup: ) and rip the TV out of the wall and use it as a battering ram to knock the door down I put three live Tigers, a King Cobra, a coupl'a scorpions and six penguins into TPUM's room while they sleep
  10. Granted, but something really sad happens, so everyone cries loads, and we all drown in the rivers of blood I wish I could stay at home and play on Warlords all day tomorrow
  11. I throw the dust I've been saving in my pocket for an occaision like this into the rabbit's eyes, blinding then I stomp on it's head and use all the superpowers I gained from the radiation that kehllz exposed me to to break out of the room, unfortunately, the effort is so great I lose my superpowers afterwards, so we won't be seeing them anymore TPUM will be crushed by a boulder, Indiana Jones style
  12. Granted, but it's a big pile of it, and you're buried underneath it, what a way to go I wish I had invented fire OT: Ok, guys, new rule, if someone posts the "I wish my wish wouldn't get corrupted" wish, you are now allowed to kill them in whatever gruesome manner you choose, but you have to tell us how first
  13. No, he's not an enigma, he's a plumber
  14. Am I the only the person who thinks that that sounds like it should be in a Cyanide and Happiness strip
  15. Granted, but you get beaten up for being a nerd I wish for a moment's respite
  16. granted, but because you never eat people think you're some kinda freak and cast you out of society oh and by the way guys, please stop posting the whole "I wish my wish wouldn't be corrupted" or any variation of that, it's not original, it's not funny, and it's definitely not cool I wish for the secrets of the universe
  17. granted, but because the food's so amazing you eat loads of it and a become super fat, so the boyfriend leaves you, 'cause of the fatness, you'd chase after him and kill him for breaking your heart, but you can't, because you're such a tubbo I wish for extra long arms
  18. Granted, but because your stuck flying around in the airyou can't get the egg, so it gets stolen and used to fund an evil genius who takes over the world, I hope your happy I wish I had a better processor in my computer
  19. granted, but it's mutant cake and it has legs and arms and a mouth, and it eats you as a punishment for all your crime against the race of cake I wish for Jesus' beard
  20. On Supreme Commander when I accidentally make my commander stray too close to the enemy base, and by too close I mean he's about 20km away and he gets hit by the ridiculously big artillery gun and I lose -.- on Medieval II: Total War when I have an assassin will full subterfuge and I can use him to take out difficult targets like generals and even the occaisonal faction leader, then he gets killed on a 95% chance of success killing a priest or something
  21. I can't really say I've ever been a victim of bullying There is this one guy in my year that you could say that me and my friends "bully", but it's not as if we don't do it for a reason, we do it because he's an annoying little [puncture] who tries to force himself into our friendship group (inviting himself to parties, sucking up to the more "popular" members of the group, that sort of thing) only one of us actually likes him, and that's because he's the one he's always sucking up to (he does practically whatever this guy says and actually makes him sandwiches every day) we make it very clear to him that we don't like him, but for some reason he thinks we're joking and continues to try to hang out with us. One time he was really pissing me off in form, on a day when I was in bad mood anyway, I finally snapped when he threw and empty can at my face, so I picked him up (he's really short and skinny, and he weighs about 6 stone) threw him on the floor and stomped on him twice and just sat back down, no one said anything, none of the teachers like him either.
  22. granted, you drown in a sea of smilies I wish for loadsa munny
  23. In my opinion, the main problem with video game movies is that producers never really take them very seriously so they assign some second rate director to them, this means the film ends up being a mere shadow of what it could have been, but fans still flock to cinemas to see it, so the producers still get money. Games based on movies aren't always bad, I enjoyed the lord of the rings games for the PS2, but generally, games based off the movies but not directly related to the actual plot are better, for example Battle for Middle Earth and Star Wars Battlefront. This can work the other way too, if a movie is based on a game but is not confined to the game's storyline it could be quite a good film, for example I would definitely watch a film set in the Halo universe, even if it didn't follow Master Chief, perhaps it could show the adventures of another Spartan, or, because I think it could actually be pretty funny, if the right person was chosen to direct, a Crash Bandicoot film.
  24. Farmer Fred (I think it's fred, the one that gives you the sheep shearer quest):I told you to shear those sheep like, 3 years ago, now where the [bleep] is my wool?
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