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Everything posted by spuriousmonkey

  1. When i couldn't make laws yet I would just trade the nats i made 1:1 for laws. Plenty of people who trade laws with you for nats. So basically it doesn't matter, except that laws give more experience.
  2. A friend asked if he could hold my whip a bit. I said 'no'. He said 'don't you trust me'. I said, 'I don't loan stuff I can't afford to lose out of principle. Nothing personal about it.' Later he got scammed and he needed a weapon. I don't know of course if he really got scammed. But I gave him a ddp. I can afford to lose that.
  3. It's terribly embarrassing, but I didn't even know till I was lvl100 that a DDS existed. I thought all poisoned daggers were the same, like my own DDP. oh my Guthix...I am such a noob. I don't think that will ever change.
  4. Or maybe agility? That's alway useful considering the amount of running around that is involved with this game.
  5. You can do barrows already easily. The reason to do magic dart is mainly because it is economical. Just use your best spell and take prayer pots. Prayer everything if you are not sure about your abilities. Just save up the minds and deaths you get from the chest and once you get slayer 55 you can start using those for barrows and other things. I showed my friend how to do barrows and he is only a low 80s. ----- On a sidenote, i started doing barrows again because i really want a guthan spear before continuing my slayer skill leveling (80) now. It's been hard work so far without full guthan (still have rest of guthan from when I got scammed with leaf-spear). I only use 1 dose of prayer per run, or 2 doses when I meet dharok down below in the barrows, so it is quite cheap to do so. I still like doing barrows. I got at least 5 magic levels in the barrows. I will probably get magic 80 this week there, or beginning next week. It's slightly dangerous (when you get reckless) and there are nice rewards. Shame about all the walking, but it would be too easy without it. and yesterday i got my first d med there. God, I love this game.
  6. Just checked. Just the confirmation message that I am a member now. Not that I expected black marks.
  7. I lost touch with my regular friends when I moved from Europe to the US. I started playing on different hours. And in the meanwhile the old friends now have all quite. I have some new friends now with which I chat, but do not do activities together with. Mostly I have the occasional 'single-serving friend' nowadays (fightclub ref). You meet someone at a training location. You chat. Sometimes you help. And that is it. It doesn't really help that I keep irregular hours with my runescape playing. I can easily not play for a week, and another week I play every day at different hours. I occasionally hook up with a lower level, because i have the tendency to help out. I warn them not to ask for free stuff (i've had so many beggar 'friends' in the past). Some of them turn out ok. Some of them beg. And beg again. And I just put them on ignore. I'm playing this game for entertainment. To relieve some stress, not to add to my stress. A good friend lives accross the globe in Australia. We are a strange match. I could be his father. But we have the same sense of humour. We always have 'fun' chats. I met him because he was shouting something funny in falador bank and I went with it. And then you have the people that you think are your friends and turn out not to be at all. One long-time friend insisted I would loan him a lot of money because he lost his armour and weapon in the wildy. I refused. I knew he had the skills to get more money and in the past he had lied to me about his wealth in order to receive stuff from me. He gets upset. I just put friends chat off because I was doing metal dragons and wanted to concentrate on that. After which he never responded anymore. I just took him of my friends list. A month or two later he messaged me from another account. There was a problem with his main, hacked or banned, and I had to solve it. Needless to say I put him on ignore. I'm here to have fun. I don't need all that drama. I have enough of that in my real life. Somehow it was easier to make friends when I was a lower level. Most people of my level are focused on training. And actually I am guilty of the same sin. When i was still a lower level I was much more ineffecient in training and hence I had lots of time to interact, because I was all over the place.
  8. Of course the autoers hurt us. They made it possible that people bought runescape Gp for real money. It gives an unfair advantage to people who buy their way in.
  9. The game is ruined because it has reverted back to a more original state? That you are stimulated to level up by hard work instead of buying a level, i.e buying essence produced by macroers? I think the problem here is that the playing style of some people is effected and that of others isn't. That is not going to ruin the game. It just means that some people have to adjust their playing style. And you can of course complain about that, but it is just a game and now it will become more rewarding to put more effort into the game. Like it used to be. Nobody is forcing anyone to buy pure ess at 100gp each. Or at 50 each, or at 10 each. In this game you have the freedom to do almost everything yourself. You make less profit? And? Is that what this game is about? To make money? My friend was doing green dragons so he could sell the d bones and d hides in order to buy a whip. He asked why I didn't do the same. In fact I have been at the green dragons a failry long time. But I would never sell the bones or hide I collect. I use it to level myself up. I only sell what I cannot use, or cannot use in the future. Let's be honest with each other now. Is the game ruined now? No. Do some people have to adjust? Yes. Is it going to make the game worse? No. Are the autoers going for jews now? They might. Would the game be ruined if there would be pure jews? No. Would it mean high Alchers would have more difficulties leveling their mage for free? Yes. Game ruined? No. It just became more rewarding.
  10. A quick look at the pure ess offers on the official forums shows that pure ess is going for 40-50 gp each. That is about the same as the price of regular ess some time ago. So far so good. No need for dramatics.
  11. If you mine your own ess, craft your own nats, cut your own jews, craft your own bowstrings.... .... drumroll .... You actually still make the same profit. It's just the people that buy skills that are affected if the prices go up.
  12. No, f2p can make the 6 'basic' runes with their f2p essence. Not just elementals. There is still money to be made for f2p essence miners. They can make popular air and fire runes and after leveling a bit they will be able to make double and triple etc runes out of their ess. Things will just take a bit more effort. Nobody has killed off essence mining. The balance just has changed. And maybe we can say the balance has returned to normality.
  13. Must be a joke - make space in your bank???? - you will need a spot for salmon...and a spot for trout....
  14. I'm actually thinking about buying some f2p ess for making airs and fires. Hmmm...new opportunities.
  15. Maybe Jagex thought that if the autoers make real money of the essence trade then we can make real money of them by forcing them to make p2p accounts for their macroers. And maybe halfway through their first month ban them, forcing them to make another p2p account. haha Anyway, I think I am going to like this new update. I'm that kind of person that doesn't mind getting his hands dirty. I have never bought a bowstring or flax in my runescape life. The only thing i buy is basically iron ore. It's just too frustrating to do that. When I was still f2p i was a miner and managed to get to 71 mining. And after that I thought no more. But mining rune essence? I can see myself doing that. And I collect sometimes a bit of essence during slayer tasks (got 80 slayer this week../pats myself on my shoulder). The same for cooking. My friend asked me why i was fishing trout and salmon to get my cooking up. Just buy a few k raw lobbies, cook them, and sell them again. But where is the satisfaction in that? I also got to 80 slayer without cannon or guthan. Currently I still have 5k essence. That will last me a time. I just use it to make nats for high alching, and laws for teleporting. All for own use, not for selling. So in conclusion, I actually like the new update. Things got a bit more difficult again, and that can only be good.
  16. May I ask why you think that barrows may be ruining the runescape economy? It is not obvious to me.
  17. I guess you could maybe see repair of barrows armour and recharging of crystal bow/shield as some kind of money sink.
  18. Underground pass drove me crazy for days. But finally I made it. I still get annoyed thinking about falling there a million times and walking back again... grrr
  19. The same thing happened to me. Got full guthan with a leafbladed spear. Was also wondering why I wasn't regenerating at the kalphites. I just gave up on full guthan. I still have the armour, but not the weapon. Instead I learned the bones-to-peaches spell. Sometimes it is just as good. I guess I could buy one guthan spear if I sold some stuff, but I can't be bothered anymore.
  20. I ALWAYS bring a RoW to the barrows. People say it doesn't do anything there, but I will bring it anyway.
  21. Dharok - on prayer recharged in lumbie Karil - on prayer recharged in lumbie Verac - on prayer recharged in lumbie + 1 prayer dose Ahrim - with leftover prayer Guthan - no prayer Torag - no prayer So if I am lucky I use 1 prayer dose. If I happen to have a high hitter in the barrows I sometimes end up using 3 prayer doses (=1 pot).
  22. Thanks for the tip on abberant specters. I used to skip that assignment, but after reading you guide I started doing them. I just go in there with a full load of free salmon, 2 prayer pots and a super att and str pot. I first finish my salmon and then go on on prayer. I drop everything below aventoe. And get plenty of resupply of irits, kwuarms and rannarrs from each trip on average. In fact I now consider them good herb droppers! I really like them nowadays... When I am full I tele to lumbridge...recharge my prayer, ecto...load up again...go back... 3 times for 190 specters. thanks
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