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Everything posted by insane

  1. insane

    Public Nudity

    Lol, it's a shallow thing to say, but I agree. :oops: And I think this is one of the biggest reasons I am against it. The idea of men gawking non-stop at naked women is sickening enough as an idea in my head... that I should have to watch it in practice every moment of every day would make me want to vomit.
  2. insane

    Public Nudity

    What makes you say that? I mean, besides your subjective opinion? It's clear you replaced the word 'modesty' with an emotional term 'shame' to make your point look more valid, but if you put (what I think is the) correct word (modesty) in place of shame, your sentence looks quite invalid.
  3. Well, knees is a bit extreme, but honest to smeg mate, I really do find it comfortable. Have you tried it yourself? You never know you might convert :) I don't have any pants that are loose enough to try on.
  4. I don't see how belting your pants to your knees is "comfortable".
  5. Of course it's a reason, but I don't think ten-year-old children take into account the consequences their actions can have.
  6. He is completely bigoted towards Christianity/Christians so any post he makes about such religion should be completely disregarded.
  7. I think I've said at least 5 billion times on this thread that it's only my opinion and am not trying to force it on anyone. Yet you constantly come back and try and argue my opinion so I'm left defending myself. Then you come back with the "but it's only subjective" argument. Again, see above. I'm only responding to attacks on my opinion.
  8. Getting drunk is more than moderate consumption, I thought? I enjoy a beer every now and then, I'm not against alcohol, but getting drunk is NOT healthy. So yes, ignore the studies, because they're irrelevant. That's fine. I never contradicted this. Just because I can't give numerical data for this "line" doesn't mean I can't legitimately believe alcohol is a waste of money. I hate going to movies and I hate buying food there too. Renting a movie is cheaper and more sociable. Yeah but the next day your games console is still going to exist. Unlike your "night out". I think going out to a movie is one of my least favourite past-times.
  9. Then why throw money away on anything we don't need to survive? Bah, you just aren't trying to understand me. I said RELATIVE TO GETTING DRUNK, MONEY IS BEING THROWN AWAY. Basically, if I can have an amazing time with my friends and not blow money on alcohol, I see spending money on alcohol to have a good time purposeless. Frig. I could have fun with my friends standing around doing nothing. However I'm sure most of us choose to enhance that from things such as movies, video games, sports or alcohol. Yes, and alcohol is the most expensive of all the things you mentioned. It's also the least healthy, and the most temporary.
  10. Then why throw money away on anything we don't need to survive? Bah, you just aren't trying to understand me. I said RELATIVE TO GETTING DRUNK, MONEY IS BEING THROWN AWAY. Basically, if I can have an amazing time with my friends and not blow money on alcohol, I see spending money on alcohol to have a good time purposeless. Frig.
  11. ...... This entire discussion is pointless in that I never said it was a waste of money. I said "why throw money away...". You're not getting that money back, waste or not. You keep saying that I'm applying it to everyone when I never said I was. I gave my personal reasons that I believe to be true and because you don't agree with them you're trying to pin me as the bad guy? That seems awfully hypocritical.
  12. Relative to not getting drunk, it's a true statement.
  13. Why throw away money, brain cells and dignity? If you need to do that to enjoy yourself, then it's time to start getting creative. See, this is the problem I have with non-drinkers. Why be so judgemental? Who's being judgmental? I gave my personal reasons for not getting drunk. Do you have a problem with me answering your implied question?
  14. It turns into someone elses problem when a drunk 18 year old hops in a car. Smoking cant ruin someone elses life like that. Second hand smoke?
  15. Why throw away money, brain cells and dignity? If you need to do that to enjoy yourself, then it's time to start getting creative.
  16. Am I the only one that caught the sarcasm here?
  17. Usually studies give you general results. Obviously other things play into it, but generally speaking, the earlier you start, the more problems you'll have.
  18. Contrary to popular belief, a beer belly isn't caused by beer. All it does is make us more susceptible to eat bad food like pizza, macdonalds or whatever. Haha, c'mon all you drinkers, you know it's the truth. God knows I don't think about salad with a six pack under my belt. :P Isn't there alot of carbohydrates in beer?
  19. Fate is not the same as being able to predict the future. Fate is being unable to change the future, even though you do not know what the future will hold. Are you a materialist? If you are, then what is the difference between an animate and an inanimate object that makes animate objects have "free will"?
  20. Is it not consistent for you, a materialist, to completely deny free will? If you are a materialist, would you not believe that our thoughts and actions are completely predetermined by other material entities? I know the Heisenburg uncertainty principle would make our actions impossible to predict, but it doesn't change the fact that we have no control over them?
  21. In some countries it is legal...
  22. insane


    I can't live without my built-in laptop keyboard. Everything is so nice and close so if your aim is true you never need to stretch your hand for anything. I once spilled an entire glass of iced tea (Canadian, not American, big difference) into my laptop keyboard and nothing bad happened :|
  23. Because the OP is white. If the OP is black, he would probably have referred to his neighbour as white. People always use racial adjectives to use someone of a different race because otherwise it's assumed they are of the same race. Either way, it's kind of politically overcorrect to worry about someone describing someone accurately. If they were infact "black" what's wrong with calling them such?
  24. Anaheim's first goal should not have counted. Luongo was forced into the net by the Anaheim player and they scored while he was in the net? That's ridiculous.
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