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Everything posted by xXru1n3dXx

  1. Wanna tell us what browser this is and if it is up to date? Also screenshot or copy/paste the error and put it here so we know what it says.
  2. Judging by the way you type the person who owns the keylogger would have trouble understanding what the hell you typed anyway. But anyway, I doubt you have a keylogger as you're using a Mac. Also, bookmark the Runescape site so you wont type in the wrong URL in the future.
  3. It's seems like a disgusting habit and I haven't tried it, never will and sure of it. I'm glad my family are all non-smokers.
  4. One of my most favourite GC games. :) -- Did your dad kill it? :( They're awesome looking things.
  5. *PunkBuster. Anyway, did you do what mastermule52 said and run the game an as admin? Read: http://www.totalbf2.com/forums/showthread.php?t=112185 Anyway, you need PunkBuster to play on most servers as it prevents cheating. Download it and upgrade it regularly.
  6. Pixies ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ Where Is My Mind?
  7. Looks like there is. Completed aswell.
  8. Pink Floyd ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ Another Brick In The Wall (Part II)
  9. The game is legit, but was boring. TBH I forgot about it.
  10. Lucky comeback. :x
  11. Bon Jovi ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ Hey God
  12. Liquid Tension Experiment - Biaxident <3
  13. The only band I used to listen to a few years back (and still do) is Bon Jovi I guess.
  14. YES another skyfire fan! 8-) They're awesome. :) Opeth - Windowpane
  15. Well MFS:X is good. I've got the deluxe version, but i'm waiting for another gig of ram just so I can play it more efficiently. But I would recommend like others to get MFS 2004 if your computer cant handle MFS:X.
  16. What are you talking about, lots of people know Trivium. They are an awesome band though. Black Sabbath - Iron Man
  17. Devin Townsend ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ Truth
  18. I'll copy-pasta my post from the other dreams thread. Should be interesting.
  19. Source - Better physics engine, graphics, gameplay - but thats my opinion (gameplay), so can't be taken as fact. Download steam for free here: Using the Steam client you can pay for CS. However I got source by getting Half Life 2 (CS:S came with it) from the shops. I'll recommend source as it's easier to play (and has the zombie mod ^^).
  20. [what the heck] lol u cant move the ball with your mouse :XD: At least read what I said. :| If you read before jumping to conclusions you would have noticed I said a CHEAT DOES THIS. And DOOMY just explained it, I wasn't going to post it here though.
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