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Everything posted by xXru1n3dXx

  1. That DET portal crap? Man that works so well I don't even "exist" (don't have an account that works), so I have no internet access unless someone signs me on with their account. If anyone cracks that thing then I would definitely would like to know how aswell, but I doubt anyone would.
  2. Because people don't want to be part of the minority that will get shot during the rush. Read up on the killer a bit, seems like a pretty screwed up guy. I read one of his stories he wrote, just had non stop swearing and hatred in it, then of course the violence.
  3. Authorities know it, but haven't released it. All I know is he is apparently a 24 year old Chinese man.
  4. Net send is really annoying at our school. Everyone who does it thinks their a wizard. Funny though because some teachers are actually walking up to the computer labs to tell off the people who do it and threaten them with not being able to use school computers anymore. As with games, I just use my flash drive to play games such as Virtual Cop. The admin (teacher) accounts have a program though that can see what all other users in a computer lab is doing, so thats rather annoying.
  5. I got stuck on the exact same spot. I just gave up, I really couldn't be bothered. I'll try that guide aswell tomorrow.
  6. Amorphis - Am Universum Apocalyptica - Reflections
  7. Well for these forums: Was on Kingrazo's Signature Store, back when I thought typing in red was cool. He made awesome sigs. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=5344&start=60
  8. Resident Evil 4 isn't the best game ever, but it was pretty damn good. Resident Evil 5? Barely know anything about it.
  9. With scape boards I kept forgetting my password so I kept making new forum names. Barely posted there, but still read. I remember the wait for these forums to get up and running. I basically checked every day until I saw it on the tip.it site, but I just gave up, ended up making me join almost a month late (July 2004) when they did come out.
  10. Trivium - Ascendancy A Perfect Circle - Mer de Noms
  11. Seems like they weren't treated very well. Obvious though. 'I heard my coffin being made'
  12. I don't have any confessions to make, and if I did, it wouln't be here. Did you get the idea of this topic from that Bishop who said people should confess more often? Just saw the article yesterday so i'm just wondering. (http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,21481044-2,00.html)
  13. xXru1n3dXx

    April Fools

    I just noticed my Xfire account changed the names of the games I play lol. 119 hours of Hello Kitty: Cutie World. Awesome.
  14. xXru1n3dXx

    April Fools

    I thought this whole board went completely down hill overnight in spelling, until I noticed the word filters were in effect to annoy the hell out of us. :P
  15. xXru1n3dXx

    Hey TIF

    Why aren't you out drinking? You fail as an Aussie :P Ever come to think he lives in the U.S? The drinking age is 21 here. Lol. Happy b-day Zonor.
  16. Bon Jovi - Captain Crash And The Beauty Queen From Mars
  17. For some reason my dreams are in the horror genre. No I wouldn't consider them nightmares, but there of that type if you know what I mean. The two main things I dream about are: These two different type of cemeries, I can't really remember what happens but I remember the way it looks pretty well. I basically walk near the graves in one cemetery, and ventue into this underground tomb where a coffin is in another cemetery (there separate dreams by the way), can't remember the rest that happens. The second type of dream I have the most is something to do with planes. Usually i'm on it and it crashes. I don't die, but it does crash. The latest plane dream I remember though was when I was on the ground in an airport and a plane crashed near me. Then not long after that planes were flying over my head and I was grabbing them out of the sky. I haven't had these dreams this year though yet(I think). The oldest dreams I can remember having was when this space shuttle was outside my house, around a KM or 2 away. It was preparing for launch but I woke up before it happens. The oldest dream overall that I remember is being outside in this backyard of some house, it was night time and satellites were flying all over the sky. The rest of my dreams are random, but I seem to be dreaming less lately.
  18. The name given to UFO's during the WW2 period where pilots saw them through their planes? I think the name Panic! At the Disco is a pretty bad name. As for good names, I can't really think of any.
  19. You made that joke already, Mr Funny. To the OP, good job answering my questions on page 1. Edit: Oops, quoted something and responded to something I shouldn't have. Removed now.
  20. Well I read this and another forum daily. Until early last year I used to read places like General and General P2P, but got sick of the re-posts, idiotic posters and the overall boringness of the place. So basically I just read the non related RS stuff such as M&M and OT. And to do with the BBcodes, I guess I know them. Oh, and i'm more of a lurker and don't use the PM system much.
  21. The documentary based on the footage supposedly taken from Area 51. http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid= ... +Interview
  22. Same here, except for me it's a tie between A Change of Seasons and Octavarium. Dream Theater epics ftw! :) Octavarium is awesome. Anyway it's too hard to pick so i'll say a few which come to mind: Bon Jovi - Two story town, it's my life, living on a prayer. Amorphis - The smoke. Trivium - Like light to the flies
  23. Edit: Ended up listening to this again. <3 this album.
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