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Everything posted by xXru1n3dXx

  1. And yes, it is working now obviously after all this time. Seriously, why bump? If someone wanted to see an old post they would look themself, no one needs you doing that for them and downgrading the forums with old threads on the first page.
  2. I'm just an old user/player, but not famous. Living in Australia dosn't make me able to turn up to TET events anyway.
  3. I know i'm not getting everything, don't intend to, but I know for sure i'm getting a new PC. This for my B-day (December 9th) as well as X-mas. (Parents told me to write up a list). Adam X-Mas/B-day 2006 Wish-List 1) New PC: Hopefully with specs of - Intel Core 2 Duo (Conroe) X6800 2.93GHz, 2Gigs (DR? Or latest one)RAM, 500G-1Terabyte worth of disk space (750Gigs preferred), LogitechÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî G5 Laser Gaming Mouse, LogitechÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî G15 Gaming Keyboard, 16x Dual Layer DVDÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâñR/W Drive w/ LightScribe Technology, with a 2nd DVD/RW drive, floppy drive, any compatible decent up-to-date motherboard compatible with the Intel Core 2 Duo processor, any decent power supply, sound card along the lines of Creative Sound BlasterÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî X-FiÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî High Definition 7.1 Audio, NVIDIAÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî GeForce7800 graphics card (dualÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s would be nice, but donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t have to), decent Logitech speakers (like LogitechÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî Z-5500 5.1 505-Watt Speakers), extra fan, liquid video cooling, 19-21inch LCD monitor. A Physics Processing Unit would own, but not necessary. Preferably a case that looks like this: 2) Games: PC - Microsoft Flight Simulator X., Ghost Recon 3:Advanced Warfighter, Battlefield 2142, The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II, SWAT 4, Rise Of Nations (Gold), Vietcong. Ps2 - Call of Duty 3, Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater, Killzone. 3) New Phone: Nokia N80 or Sony Ericsson K790a. 4) Sun glasses: Gold colour, high tech/sporty looking. I am also interested in the Rudy Project brand from http://www.esunnies.com.au/. I like Rudy Project Kerosene, Platinum colour. 5) Any season DVD pack of The Amazing Race. 6) Nintendo Wii/ PS3 (as a family gift, can wait a while for it for price to go down but Wii is cheap already). 7) Ufologist Magazine Subscription, 12 issues (two years). http://www.ufologistmagazine.com/Sub.html 8) Alarm clock, preferably with a LCD light that shoots the time/date on the wall. 9) 1 or 2 Gig flash drive. 10) Clothes
  4. As I said in another thread, use Super to convert a movie/video file to a gif. So basically find a good screen recording program (Camtasia, Hypercam etc) make sure after you film it's saved as a WMV or AVI (WMV preffered though) then convert it with Super to make it into a gif. Alternativly, you can use Adobe Imageready to save videos to gifs aswell.
  5. Use a program like Super to convert it from a .gif file to a WMV or whatever video file Youtube accepts. As others said, gif files are a picture file, not a video.
  6. Yeah seriously, searching it on Google would have been faster then typing up a thread about it. Well anyway, you can download it here: http://www.hyperionics.com/
  7. Don't know about owned, but the first game I played was Doom when I was 3 or 4 years old.
  8. Err pking is the only reason i'm still here. But then again, it's been going downhill all year. Theres nothing wrong with pking someone, and if you feel guilty after killing someone, then don't pk.
  9. Well it was over here (or something real similar) in the Superdome (at Sydney Australia) a couple months back. It was called The Amazing Human Body though, not Bodies. Was pretty cool, I went with my parents and a friend. I swear some of the people there discussing the bodies though seem to be future-doctors. Overall it was a good experience, if it comes near you see it, you don't come across things like this often. Edit: Yeah ours is a little different, heres the link anyway: http://amazinghumanbody.com.au/
  10. I am here, and I bloody well wish it was winter. At least then the weather would stay in one bleeding season instead of changing its mind all the time. <3 winter. But anyway, it's currently around 22ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâðC here in Sydney with 63% humidity.
  11. I havn't even started yet. This is the first time I have ever felt very un-motivated to start a new skill. It just seems so boring and pointless when I could be doing other things. Whenever I do start (just to get my ST up) I would most likely stop at 60 so I can say all skills are 60+ again. Other people seem to be finding it fun however, I just don't. But then again, I havn't tried the skill but all the reading about it makes it seem like a really boring skill.
  12. 1) How many hours do you play a day? School days: Can be none to about 5 hours. Weekends/holidays: None to 10. 2) Are you addicted to games? I used to be, but this year i've been in more control, and I can tell because my grades have raised alot this year. 3) Do you have after school activities? Used to do Football (NRL), but quit that this year. I've been doing Athletics since I was about 4 or 5 though, and still am.
  13. I play Source a lot. I hope tip.it does some type of tourney one day.
  14. Agreed. I love the Saw series by the way, still have to go see the third one though.
  15. Good luck with the drop party, I won't be turning up though, playing RS at 4:00 AM on Christmas isn't exactly what I have in mind. :wink:
  16. wow if that true then that the stupidest dumb rule ive heard. +1 for your Great grammer and spelling :XD: You're one to talk. It's grammar. :wink: But anyway, I may enter, but not going on RS tonight for a screeny.
  17. Thanks for clearing that up everyone, really appreciate it. :D
  18. First off, read this: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=530179 Then you will see this has already been posted: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=550037 Also how come you didn't say your favourite? *Edit: My bad, didn't notice your sig. But still, you should have said something about him.* And I like Armin Van Buuren, Paul Oakenfield, Darude etc. Reported the thread BTW. Now I will sit here wondering why I posted this when I was ment to be studying, rawr.
  19. Area 51 is real. I have no idea why quite a few people believe in it as a mythical place. The whole alien thing however, only the people who work there/government would know that. I doubt they are there though. Might be a few UFO's there for all I know (depends if you believe Bob Lazar or not ;)), but I doubt aliens are there. But yes, the universe is amazing. :3> Back to studying for my maths and english exam tommorow. -.-
  20. Tried opening the source but got some error. But by looking at the picture you posted, Sydney is currently 9th. :
  21. Hey guys, at the end of the year i'm going to get a new PC, but we're (my dad and I) are confused on a little something. Basically, we just need to know the difference between "Dual Core" and "Core 2 Duo". They sound the same, but what are the differences (if there are any). Thanks in advance.
  22. skeletor from the tv show heman? If I recall, I believe that was Thundercats... Don't ask how I'd remember that... nah, it was heman and the protectors of the universe. skeletor is the guys name im googling a pic of him Sorry, just had to say this. :P He looks very intimidating in that picture. Don't mess with Skeletor! He'll redesign your house! Lmao, havn't had a laugh from these forums in a while. I knew something looked odd about his hand and all. :P
  23. Yeah sounds like it. Only thing i'm looking foward to is the bank space tbh. Hunting just dosn't seem catchey at all, seems bland, but might as well wait until it comes out before I comment.
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