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Everything posted by aoe325

  1. doesnt TPUM is a spammer :mrgreen:
  2. /\ Is a dancing banana :P < Hip Hop Hop Hip *trip* aaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!!!1!1! \/ Is weeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiird, no kidding
  3. did until very recently :-w TPUM will pm me to tell me some silly stuff
  4. because ur living in PurpleTown . . . . i guess :?: <------ its the question
  5. /\ is right < Post here alot \/ Is a dancing banana
  6. :shock: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TPUM is P2P
  7. ive got better names from some of my other accounts : Im a gu1de / Ed1ug a mi a lonely egg / Gge ylenol a testeur325 / 523ruetset not aoe325 / 523oea ton leroidescons / Snocsedoirel
  8. You will stare at Chuck Norris once! once
  9. 5/10 i see ur name from time to time and : are u sure u read the sig well :P
  10. l ove australians because they learn french at school :D Im from Quebec (Canada's french province)
  11. were reaching countdown from 1000 soon :D 728
  12. 762! ya rly * Abbasid caliph al-Mansur founds new capital at Baghdad, Iraq * Tang Military Leader Li Fuguo killed the wife of Suzong and shortly after that, Suzong died of heart attack. Daizong killed Li.
  13. you get to tell a Chuck Norris fact
  14. You swing ur axe at the tree! nothing interesting happens! duh
  15. 764 * Empress Shōtoku succeeds Emperor Junnin on the throne of Japan. * Telets succeeds Subin as monarch of Bulgaria. * Maurizio Galbaio becomes Doge of Venice. * According to the historian Theophanes, the Black Sea melted and ice bergs floated past Constantinople. * Offa of Mercia conquers Kent, and installs Egbert II on the Kentish throne. * Tibetan troops occupy Chang'an, the capital of the Chinese Tang Dynasty, for fifteen days.
  16. You get a noob duck!! thx for the phats :P
  17. You get a cola!!1!11!!!!one!111! ... what did u expect? its a vending machine!! duh..
  18. 766 * November 16 - Nicetas appointed Patriarch of Constantinople Only 100 more to 666 :ohnoes:
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