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Everything posted by DaN

  1. DaN

    MySpace Stalking

    There is nothing wrong with going through your friends profiles looking for people you may know. But if you where to try and find someone on myspace who you don't even know just to get a look at them, that's moving towards the stalker side of things.
  2. I do plan to buy one eventually, I've been looking at Hilux's which I hear good things about but have no experience with.
  3. DaN


    Ironically, the more guns they supply to the so-called law abiding citizens, the more guns end up in the hands of criminals. Most criminals are citizens, and all criminals where "law abiding" (since no one is born a criminal.)
  4. DaN


    But if the child has parents that don't want it, what sort of life is that? We need fewer prostitutes and junkies having children. Just because they want an abortion doesn't label them a junkie or a prostitute. ...Oh, wait, I forgot I was replying to a post from DaN. Silly me. Before you reply and make yourself look like a presumptuous moron, you should read what your replying too.
  5. DaN


    But if the child has parents that don't want it, what sort of life is that? We need fewer prostitutes and junkies having children.
  6. DaN


    I have to agree, we are seeing the effects right now. The world cannot support our current population I hate to think of the problems in 20years time. Sooner or later we will have to address the population problem.
  7. What they really mean is "We're NOT Chinese!"
  8. DaN


    Do you know what its like to lose a child? "and the physical pain of giving birth" This isn't the 1970s any more, I don't know any mothers in my generation who have experienced "pain" in child birth, things are done differently these days of course the traditional option still remains but that's the mothers choice. Your arguing that it's better to lose the child, than to simply lose contact? Once the child is born if the mother changes her mind it's still legally her child it doesn't automatically get wiped from her past. The sperm in a condom is also a potential Human, is it not? (sorry thats probably borderline for this forum.) Abortion is not the same as killing a living Human, it is still killing but that's the choice of the parents, they have the right to choose whether or not to allow the foetus to develop.
  9. DaN


    But it's practically unheard of. Do people stop driving car? because your more likely to be killed on the road than have a condom burst.
  10. DaN


    Did you fail to read anything I actually wrote or did you just repeat yourself like a parrot? The argument I made was that it isn't your baby and it is not you going through the procedure. You know it takes two humans to create a child, so how is it not the fathers? Child birth is part of being a Woman, those who don't like it can always have their tubes tied if it is such a big deal. Pregnancy lasts just 9 months, where as a human life lasts 70+ years. I should live at least another 50years, so killing my child is to deny me 50 years with that child and saving the mother 9 months of her "procedure". I'm not anti abortion but both parents have rights and a human life should be put first, there are exceptions such as rape or if the father does not care and is not looking after the mother. Whether or not I would allow my child to be aborted largely depends on who the mother is, if it was just a girl down the pub then I would probably favour an abortion, but if it was my best mate I would ask her to keep the child.
  11. DaN


    OK, well if we're going argue like that, men don't carry babies, men don't have the right to decide whether a foetus lives. That's life. See how futile the argument "that's life" is? So you cannot distinguish the difference between something we control and nature. What gives you the right to kill someone else's baby? If you want to be selfish and narrow minded, then if the father wants to abort will he also get the same right to abort againsed the woman's wishes?
  12. it is a metaphor, redbull is not literally meant to give people wings.
  13. DaN


    OK, so the mother has to go through the pain (and I mean intense physical pain; men seem to think giving birth is a walk in the park - my mother almost died having me) so that you can have 'your' child. That's life, Sure it may not fair but that's just how it is with our species, women are the ones who give birth. But just because life isn't fair that doesn't mean we have to make it even more unfair by denying someone their child. Raising a child is a huge commitment its not like a father would choose to keep the child "just for the hell of it (well I wouldn't)", it is their right to have the child and if they are willing to take sole custody so the mother doesn't have to deal with the child once its born, that's even more reason to allow them to keep their child.
  14. Actually it's surprising what people are willing to outsource.
  15. DaN


    I don't think this is right. I do believe the father has rights, but it is the mother who has to carry the baby for 9 months, and it isn't exactly plain sailing, especially if it is a baby you do not want. The father does have rights but it should be the mothers choice because it is her body, and even though the baby does belong to the father, he should not have the right to tell a mother that she can't have an abortion. What if it's my child, what gives the mother the right to deny me my child? If the mother doesn't want the child she can release it into the custody of the father, if she doesn't have an abortion because the father want the child then she should not have to support the child she wanted to abort. Denying a parent their child because the other doesn't want it is selfish and morally wrong, I agree that it would be unfair to land someone with a child they don't want, that's why the parent who wants to keep the child should be prepared to take sole custody of the child.
  16. We should tell people you have to jump from the tallest building in the city before your wings will appear. That would solve allot of problems.
  17. DaN


    I think people have a right to abort if they wish. However the father should have the right to cancel an abortion, if the woman doesn't want the child let the father take it.
  18. DaN

    Street Racing

    I assume your in the UK. Last time I was in the UK they seemed to be everywhere some of their cars make more noise than a V8, I find myself tempted to pull their exhausts off as Im sure it would be quieter. The thing that pisses me off the most about Boy Racers is when they are trying to keep up with their mate and come flying around blind corners, which the UK has in spades. Funny you should mention that.. I own a 4.2TD Maverick, which isn't exactly fast off the line, and was challenged by some P-Plater in his [cabbage] Excel. I was tempted to jump the light and see how he reacts to me cutting him off.. taking in mind my Maverick is like a 2t vehicle compared to his 400kg or whatever :lol: My car is a commodore with stock transmission, Its not designed to race, but I still get allot of challengers. 6 months ago I raced a P-plater from the lights but stopped once I reached the speed limit while the idiot kept going, apparently he didn't see the words "Highway Patrol" printed on the car behind me. :roll: It really made my night :lol:
  19. DaN


    Take off is easy, full throttle, keep the nose down the centre line and rotate (pull up) at take off speed, its the landing that's hard. Each take-off is optional, but every landing is mandatory. We are along way from taking humans out the loop, rail transport will be first to automate and I think Air will be amongst the last to fully automate.
  20. DaN

    Street Racing

    We have a thing called the Cannon Ball run in Australia that runs between Alice Springs and Darwin, there is no speed limit on those roads. I've heard a few stories of people hitting Roos at high speed and getting wiped out. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing a street racer smash into a power poll and take themselves out. More often than not it's a kid driving what they think is a fast car. I had one the other day trying to race me, I was driving away from the lights at normal speed and some P-plater was blowing up his little piece of crap trying to race me from the line.
  21. DaN

    Did you know?

    According to a statistic I just made up, only 76% of those predictions will be accurate.
  22. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    Well, it is going in circles, at least it has started to from the last page.
  23. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    Obviously. I give you too much credit - I thought you could figure things like that out. If I'm saying that my previous post holds the answer, doesn't commonsense tell you to tell me why my previous post is "incorrect"? I know your trying to get some kind of reaction here, but you will be unsuccessful. Sorry, perhaps you will win with someone else.
  24. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    Celebrate what? Freedoms, Values, or is that not what the flag stands for? Why, people are still discussing related issues. I agree some of the value is gone, but its not dead.
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