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Everything posted by DaN

  1. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    I really want to siggy this, do you even realize how dumb that sounds? Put it in your sig if you wish, you obviously have no understanding of the law. I'm getting quite annoyed with you, you're taking the whole Freedom of Speech thing WAY too seriously. I don't care if you're an American and you're burning a flag, I don't care if you're Japanese, I don't care if you're Mexican, all you're doing is showing ignorance. Your only excuse for posting your pieces of crap is because of Freedom of Speech. You don't even live in America! :roll: Your taking a piece of cloth to seriously, do you know what some people would give to even have a ounce of your freedom? In china people cannot even keep blogs without getting hauled off. I don't live in America, Why does free-speech only apply there?
  2. Start of this year I was an IT Technician at $50-60 an hour, but I didn't work allot of hours, as a subcontractor I spent allot of time driving around working when I felt like it. Now I'm a truck driver (Quite a change from IT) work 8am-2pm. (depends which run I get) I would one day like to be a pilot, I am a student (pilot) at the moment.
  3. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    I really want to siggy this, do you even realize how dumb that sounds? Put it in your sig if you wish, you obviously have no understanding of the law.
  4. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    Did you know some people find words offensive?! Why, should free-speech be held back because someone is to fragile to not be offended by every tiny little thing imaginable.
  5. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    There doesn't need to be a reason to do anything, so long as you don't harm another person in the process. Still, if you do something like burn a flag you should be prepared to justify yourself sensibly or be thought an idiot. I do have justified reason it's called free-speech and is upheld by civilised countries.
  6. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    There doesn't need to be a reason to do anything, so long as you don't harm another person in the process.
  7. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    Yes you can say that, and no you would not be arrested for it. Err. Yeah, you would be arrested. It's a death threat. Those are illegal. It's not actually a death threat to mealy say that your going to kill someone. There needs to be a certain mannerism about it. Death threats impact someone else's rights, so I don't see their relevance to this discussion.
  8. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    Yes you can say that, and no you would not be arrested for it.
  9. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    Show more respect for the Aussie flag than that Dan. Seriously as its been pointed out earlier, people have died for that flag, and all you promote yourself out to be is a disrespectful ignorant [puncture]. Wake up to yourself. :roll: People have died for many a thing yet people still disgrace that object. Why should a flag be treated any different? People don't die for the flag, they die for the country it represents. Seven of my family members have died for Irish freedom, yet I don't hold this [cabbage] patriotic view that they died for the flag, they died for Ireland and it's freedom. Not some [bleep] [developmentally delayed] Green, White and Orange flag :roll: They died for your freedom, that includes your right to burn the flag. That's certainly worth respect.
  10. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    Show more respect for the Aussie flag than that Dan. Seriously as its been pointed out earlier, people have died for that flag, and all you promote yourself out to be is a disrespectful ignorant [puncture]. Wake up to yourself. :roll: It's only a bit of cloth :roll:
  11. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    It's good to see an intelligent post every now and then. Flag burning doesn't have to be a protest, my flag burning was not done in protest but out of curiosity.
  12. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    That's not slander, that is opinion.
  13. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    But free-speech is the right to protest.
  14. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    What exactly are you fighting for? Okay, okay, okay, I just wanted to say something here. I don't know if that statement was trying to be mean and rude or simply innocent, but judging from previous posts of yours, I'll assume the former attitude was wanted. Kriegsmier has lain his life down for other humans, and may be in the future. That is worthy of great respect. [/hide] For what exactly? I'm a strong supporter of free-speech and Kriegsmier does not respect that, I do not respect Kriegsmier because he showed non to me. What is Kriegsmier fighting for? because he did not like my free-speech? You're both people who are failing to comprehend that opinions exist outside of your own viewpoint. He doesn't believe in free speech and that his opinion is right because he happens to be a soldier, you don't believe there's any way other than free speech. This argument is going no where anytime soon. That's a good point you make and it does highlight the problem with free-speech.
  15. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    What exactly are you fighting for? Okay, okay, okay, I just wanted to say something here. I don't know if that statement was trying to be mean and rude or simply innocent, but judging from previous posts of yours, I'll assume the former attitude was wanted. Kriegsmier has lain his life down for other humans, and may be in the future. That is worthy of great respect. For what exactly? I'm a strong supporter of free-speech and Kriegsmier does not respect that, I do not respect Kriegsmier because he showed non to me. What is Kriegsmier fighting for? because he did not like my free-speech?
  16. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    Did they give their lives for a symbol traditionally displayed on a piece of apparently flammable cloth, or for a collection of moral, ethical and political values...? I know I'd be pretty upset if some jackass assaulted someone else because of their treatment of an empty symbol rather than showing due respect for, say, the legal code I died to protect. Actually people have died for the actual flag itself. People have also died for free-speech there are people in China who can be thrown in jail for their blogs, in America they would just be sued and in Australia nothing would happen. What exactly are you fighting for?
  17. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    Doesn't that contradict the symbolism a bit? How?
  18. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    Some interesting responses here, but people assume flag burning is done in protest. What if you where to burn a flag not in protest, but in celebration of the freedoms it represents?
  19. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    EDIT fixed quote. What law did I supposedly break? Burning a flag is legal so long as it's not during a fire ban, even then you would be in trouble for the fire not the flag. Like it or not burning a flag is free-speech, America has never been very supportive of free-speech (for a western country) so burning their flag for free-speech seems quite adequate, Ive seen that flag burn several times in my life for various reasons, one time it was a group of Americans (well 3 Americans) burning the flag in celebration for their country. It's people with that attitude that give Americans a bad name.
  20. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    There's a reason I didn't link to the video. I think the way it is burned has allot to do with how people respond.
  21. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    Such as cars :twisted: The flag is a symbol and so it the act of destroying it (Im sure that's also from a movie) , I burnt a flag to see what reaction I would get, I didn't break any laws at the time but some people would argue that it should be a crime. Running down a New York street, past ground zero dressed as Osama Bin-laden, waving a burning flag on July 4th might push the boundary of free-speech, but the simple act of destroying a symbol so long as its yours to destroy (i.e No criminal damage) should be protected speech however pointless it may seem.
  22. DaN

    Flag Burning.

    Several moths ago myself and one other individual set fire to the American (USA) flag and put the video on YouTube. Most of my responses where like this. ^Actual Quote^ While I understand not all Americans are like this (Have to point that out or some idiot has a go) how many of you find it offensive for someone to burn your flag? After all America claims to uphold free-speech and free-expression. So is it ok to burn a flag and if not, how can you claim to support free speech and free expression? I consider flag burning to be perfectly fine if someone wants to burn an Australian flag, I''l even lend them a lighter.
  23. If the Government disagree with you, they should ban you?
  24. Why would the Captain risk his license and career like that? Seems pretty stupid to me.
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