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Everything posted by DaN

  1. Playing with HTML can be fun. Unfortunately most people don't know how to do it properly and end up creating a complete mess of code which breaks in every browser. The websites that offer skins to use on your profiles are just as bad and result in really bloated code that are incredibly slow to load. Myspace should change to only be able to edit a select few fields. Background/Bgcolour and font colours. Only sponsored pages should be able to be skinned properly with css. Unfortunately for every nicely designed Myspace page there's about 500 poorly designed ones. I agree more often than not I dont even attempt to read the profile espesially when its black text on a dark-mid background. Unfortunatly alot of profiles seem to be done like this its as if people dont consider the possibility that someone might try to read it. I also wonder what the security implementations are I havent checked it out properly but can users embed full java script into their profile? or worse activeX? My space seems pretty bad for that I only add people I know. Alot of people I know dont have internet and Most who do dont have any social network accounts I didnt a year ago.
  2. How do you know the sites joke? unless you reasearch first.
  3. I found that site because my webhost got listed. m thinking I should probably report my own sites to them an put one of their stupid badges on my site as a medal of honor unfortunatly these people are too easy to offend so its not really worth bothering.
  4. Im not likeing the look of this right now We are so screwed.
  5. Facebook is far better than myspace. MySpace profiles look like [cabbage] almost noone on myspace has a half decent profile and they load so much rubbish code into CSS it should be crimminal. Honestly if you use one of those profile generator sites to copy code from you really shouldent be customising your profile because chances are noone can read your stupid text over image frontpage98 style crap anyway. The basic elements of design and coding stardards have gone compleatly out the window at MySpace.
  6. DaN


    Your Guilty as charged Your lawyer will probably advise you to plead guilty.
  7. SCAM 98% probability. As a general rule never touch anything to do with Western Union. Sounds to me like an attempt to launder money. Im not 100% certain how its being worked but noone with even half a brain would even answer a request like that.
  8. Upload the avatar I have today.
  9. The truth is you can make far more money by sueing someone than you can selling a CD. The RIAA put the price per song as $750 or something stupid like that. When you download a song no one loses anything in fact being able to sample music encourages people to buy the CD. If a consumer pays for music they shouldn't have rootkits installed on their systems or be unable to transfer that music to their ipod so why would they pay for a CD full of malware when I can send them a DRM free copy (I have 57GB of music)
  10. Stealing is when you take something from someone and they no longer have it. Downloading is simply taking a copy of the file in question.
  11. i think the flight simulator is googles way of saying "up yours" to Microsoft who released a google earth like app a while ago (or were planning to)
  12. Christians are the ones who cause all this debate the rest of us dont want to hear your garbage but you knock on our doors stop us in the street and even call us on the phone. I wish you would just leave people alone instead of harassing them at every opportunity you get.
  13. Your wrong and judging by that :lol: you think your smart for having corrected someone. You should probably look into things before trying to correct someone. Ill admit you probably were not around at the time its was a while ago. You're probably right. I remember when Jagex added 12 new spaces, but that certainly wasn't a doubling. I've been playing since Christmas '05, I believe. I probably did miss a major F2P bank update. Sorry, I sounded pretty arrogant. I just thought they were exaggerating the size difference. #-o It was before my time, then. I found a news article from 03 a few days ago about bank space being increased. I didn't realise it was That long ago.
  14. In the 21st im surprised that anyone could question whether or not its ok for people to love each other.
  15. Your wrong and judging by that :lol: you think your smart for having corrected someone. You should probably look into things before trying to correct someone. Ill admit you probably were not around at the time its was a while ago. I tried it for 3 months then whent back to F2P the world (P2P) seems to have doubled in size since then. Or as ive seen countless times before they only get greedy and it dosent take long until they are after more. Your Correct Service providers wont give Jagex a discount if they cant afford their bill. My thoughts exactly and there lies the problem f2p will never be satisfied as f2p I was always just happy with the game I was being given for free.
  16. I use http://www.hostgator.com But the best advice I can give you is to search http://www.webhostingtalk.com for reviews on hosts your interested in you should also ask any questions you have there.
  17. Cabbage :P No, but I'm assuming that there's about 4294967295 different items. Sounds a lot, but if you think about it it seems possible. Also, they would need a normal integer - 16 bits - to record how many you have, but they might also use another long integer to play it safe, or the server might crash when you collect howevermany gold. I can't find a fault in your calculations, though, but only 1 gig for storing the banks of 5 million players seems a bit weird. I love the way people make assumptions about the backend of runescape as if they have any clue what lies beneath. Since Jagex has never opened the source code and database to us any calculations made are utter bull. Jagex already did that in fact they doubled F2P bank space and oh look your still whining didnt shut you up the first time wont shut you up this time. The bottom line is Jagex provides a free service since F2P don't pay anything can someone please explain why they should get updates? To ask for MORE is Just ungrateful.
  18. DaN

    The bible

    Id say Pen&Teller pretty much sum it up.
  19. I read about that if I recall the mother said something along the lines of "Its a good name, it really suits her" Honestly some people just need a hammer to the skull.
  20. Thats what we call Phishing. (note the spelling) Its an attempt to steal login information. that link goes to a scam site its a cheap trick at trying to mask the true url instead of saying "Click Here" they place the address of the site they are trying to impersonate.
  21. I did something similar except I placed a glass of water inside an open computer that was on my desk.
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