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Everything posted by Kill_Thomas9

  1. I've known quite a few guys who have gotten marijuana laced with cocaine, LSD, PCP, you name it. All because no one regulates. Another reason to legalize. Once I got weed laced with PCP.... but the thing is, it was actually amazing. I guess I'm really lucky I didn't end up thinking I was a chicken or a goat or something. Most of the people were fine, but the guy who got the marijuana laced with LSD died. I forget exactly how, but I think it was suicide "technically". Probably not suicide under the influence of what he didn't realize was LSD. I know for a fact that that is complete and utter BS. LSD will be destroyed by the time you get the marijuana to burn. So it can't be cooked either. So unless you're telling me that the guy slow cooked brownies with LSD laced weed, then you're lying. Quit spreading false info. I'm sure the LSD wouldn't be destroyed by the time the brownies were finished. Brownies don't get that hot when you cook them. Unless you're already high and you put the oven at max temp to cook the brownies faster.
  2. LOL. You being serious with that avatar..? Again, it is about drugs in general, such as heroin and meth, the ones that can kill you. But being high off of anything from meth all the way down to sharpies(yes I have seen it :shock: ) isn't good for you, and I usually advise people against intentionally impairing their judgement and harming themselves, but more so that they can harm others while impaired. You bring up a good point (although this is the exact opposite of what you're trying to say). Snuffing sharpies gets you "high" only because it cuts off the oxygen supply from your brain due to the fumes. If marijuana was legalized, people wouldn't have to resort to such methods of getting high. Did you hear about the young couple who suffocated themselves to get a high and died because of it? If marijuana was legalized, we wouldn't deal with the problems. Thanks for bringing up such a great point! Yet another reason why marijuana should be legalized! P.S. Your sig is awesome. Especially considering the fact that the guy was talking to me :P
  3. And you know, I just realized something. Higher potency is a great thing. That means you breathe in less tar, and less of anything bad, while still ingesting the same about of THC. Which actually means a healthier joint. If you think about it, the government could even engineer a cannabis plant that is much more potent than currently (maybe 10x more), which means you breath in 1/10 the smoke for the same high. Which is a great thing.
  4. *My edits in bold* And on the pothead post, Kill_thomas got it right. Talking about psychedelics making you "think" and how that is "dangerous." That be pothead/drug user rhetoric. I know those tests seem legitimate, but the marijuana from the 70's they used was low grade marijuana that had been in a footlocker for over 20 years, and had depreciated in potency. The pot from the 80's is much more reliable, but the potency had still dimished over the decades it was there. Still, pot is about 3x stronger than it was 30 years ago. But potency doesn't really matter all that much. Back in those days, people made a joint, and smoked the entire thing throughout the day. These days, people take 5-8 hits (5 breaths of smoke if anybody doesn't know what a hit is) and they're good for the day (or at least 4 hours). Exactly, potency is actually a better argument for legalisation. 1. When you buy weed on the street you don't know how strong it is. 2. If weed was legal and you could buy in a store, you would know how strong it was. 3. Therefore, you could adjust your dose accordingly. It's like beer and whiskey. You don't drink the same amount of each just because they're "alcohol". You adjust how much you take because you know one is much stronger. When buying weed off the street, you don't know. If its legal, and you get it from a store, then you DO know. Wow, very good point. I hadn't even thought of that. Not to mention pot you buy off the street can be laced with harder dugs (cocaine and such). We should all go start our own country with this system! We'd be the most popular country in the world! (I'm joking about the country thing obviously)
  5. GOOD GOD NO! It would have to be illegal to fill joints with anything other than cannabis. Otherwise it would be like cigarettes, only people would actually have a reason to smoke them! And growing your own cannabis could also help make sure they don't become like cigarettes.
  6. Where would you get it? :? It would either be government grown (less than ideal -.- ) Or you could get a seperate liscense that would allow you to grow as a company and distribute as certified stores. Of course the government would be very careful handing these out. You would have to sign some sort of contract, and would be sent to jail for life or something if you sold it to anybody without a license. And I imagine when you get your license, you would have your picture put into some central computer database, and whenever you go to buy pot, you would have your license scanned, and your picture would pop up on the computer to verify that you're who your license says. It might also be possible to grow your own pot (with another license of course).
  7. *My edits in bold* And on the pothead post, Kill_thomas got it right. Talking about psychedelics making you "think" and how that is "dangerous." That be pothead/drug user rhetoric. I know those tests seem legitimate, but the marijuana from the 70's they used was low grade marijuana that had been in a footlocker for over 20 years, and had depreciated in potency. The pot from the 80's is much more reliable, but the potency had still dimished over the decades it was there. Still, pot is about 3x stronger than it was 30 years ago. But potency doesn't really matter all that much. Back in those days, people made a joint, and smoked the entire thing throughout the day. These days, people take 5-8 hits (5 breaths of smoke if anybody doesn't know what a hit is) and they're good for the day (or at least 4 hours).
  8. Draw some chest hairs on yourself, use some instant bronzer, and wear a speedo. They be sure to give you the job :thumbsup:
  9. I think responsibility is the key here. And people don't seem to realize that drugs such as marijuana can be used responsibly. Nothing in excess can be good for you - pot included. And if you don't use it right, things can go wrong. Maybe there should be a test available at age 18 that will determine wether or not you can use marijuana responsibly. If you can, then you receive a license to smoke (not deal) marijuana. It would still be illegal to trade it, but you can smoke it legally.
  10. They just have an ominous aura about them. Not to mention how unpredictable their movement is. Where they gonna go? Under the table? In that crack? Or maybe... they're gonna getcha! :ohnoes: Thats a good point. They cling to the walls. The turn any direction in an instant. If they bite you, you get swollen and itch. Sometimes they look like little black blobs on the wall that skitter in any direction possible.
  11. Caffine is known to cause dependance, heart attacks, cognitive issues, and other heart issues.
  12. No offense taken. I don't know why you would feel the need to point that out though. If by pothead you mean "someone who occasionally smokes pot and actually thinks it can be good" then I'd agree, yes I'm a pothead. But in the interest of being fair, you have to call everyone that drinks a "drinkhead" too. I'm confused, are you talking to me or an above poster? Your post is semi-long and a few posts could have been made while you were typing. He was talking to Quoi_Tu I think by "Pothead" he means your opinions concerning illegal drugs such as the good/bad side of it. That and the fact that the illegal drugs are the psychedelics, but the legal ones aren't. And the fact that you pointed out a problem to that. And this is a duscussion on the anti-drug program (mainly pot). Not about the legality of shrooms and LSD And if the only risk we're talking about is being arrested, then it makes no sense to keep it illegal. Legalize it (sorry) and we eliminate all risk.
  13. I hate how he says "But you gotta call now. We can't do this all day ya know?" It's just so stupid... I can't believe it... YES YOU CAN DO IT ALL DAY.
  14. I'd say people are afraid of spider because they're freaks. They have legs around their entire body, tiny little heads, and humongous mandibles. Not to mention some (black widows) actually look evil or something.
  15. Lmao. When you go to a bar and you see people drinking and relaxing with friends, do you think "man, these guys are beyond help." What's the difference between a group of people who drink and a group of people who do weed? If anything, people who blaze are safer. Alcohol is much more dangerous and if you don't believe me you can check pretty much any survey which looks into it. There are two reasons why marijuana is illegal. 1. The government dislikes anyone who questions their motives and marijuana is a drug that makes you more likely to question their motives. So, they introduce a system of scare tactics and indoctrinate the childrens' minds with it. 2. Those children grow up, carry the ignorance, and infect their children with it. Quit spreadin the stigma man. Marijuana should be gone simply because it's illegal and not worth the risk. As for drinking, if you moderate, and know what you're doing, it's fine. But too many people don't know what they're doing. Ok, disregarding the illegal point, (being illegal doesn't mean anything other than the government has deceived the general population) what risks are you talking about?
  16. Why don't you go ahead and read some of the links I posted on the previous page. They'll tell you about how there is no conclusive evidence of any link between marijuana usage and road fatalities. Funny how all the anti-drug sites beat around the bush and don't say anything. Marijuana experienced an increase in potency between 1960-1970, but has remained at the same potency level ever since. Pot can also lead people to be antisocial, just like television! Amazing! Saying marijuana leads to learning and development problems is a flat out lie that has been disproved through numerous tests. The rest is basicly saying teens can be stupid while high. Just as adults can be stupid while drunk. Kids can also get hooked on video games. Yes. Marijuana use can lead to addiction. But not to the marijuana. Notice how they don't specify what the addiction is to? Translation: Marijuana doesn't have any long term consequences, but you might get caught with it and go to jail, or come to school high. Just like video games and and Advil, you can become depressed because of them, or experience anxiety. Funny... I don't see anything about how adults can have sex while drunk and get people pregnant. Yes. Much more is known about it's health and social consequences. It is known that marijuana isn't as bad as was thought in the 80's.
  17. The guy makes a topic on drugs that isn't negative, and actually discusses how we can improve our system of education, yet you imply that he's insane and needs locking up.. You're the one that's insane ffs. You have the consensus, the politicians, and the soccer moms on your side, but not reason. Reason will never side with you because you're IRRATIONAL by nature. You, the manipulated idiots, continue to enslave yourselves, but it doesn't matter, because you don't know it and you think you're so "free". Others however, want to change the way they think, and want to enjoy themselves without having to damage their bodies by taking alcohol. So they choose to take safer drugs. Yet people like you, can't just let them do it, because you must protest anything that doesn't fit into your neat little idea of what life should and shouldn't be. You make me sick. Bad things can happen on alcohol, and they happen on weed too. Bad things can happen on anything. Aeroplanes are a good example. Just stfu and let people live their lives the way they want to. IF they harm others, punish them. If they don't, what's the problem? you ignored every single point in my post and bashed me when i never bashed you ffs take his meatrod out of your mouth and think about yourself for once, there are no "safe drugs", your harming yourself and your lungs by smoking and if you want kill yourself go ahead but when other people inhale your smoke theyre lungs are getting worse to thanks you!, i don't give a shtick if you inhale more smoke from your city/area because your actually making yourself die quicker because smoke in your city and smoke from drugs=worse lungs for you in the next 40 years than if you never smoked at all and lastly Take his meatrod out of your mouth Your point is completely invalid. And you want to know why? It is because of this. Microwaves are bad for you. Splenda is bad for you. Television is bad for you. Looking at the sun is bad for you. Second hand smoke is bad for you. Skipping breakfast is bad for you. Excessive running is bad for you. Listening to music through in-ear headphones is bad for you. Drinking cough syrup is bad for you. Consuming Advil is bad for you. The smell of new car is bad for you. The house next door being tented for insects is bad for you. Holding your sneezes in is bad for you. The mercury in the fish you ate for dinner last week if bad for you. Shall I go on? So many things in this world are bad for you, you don't even realize it. Condemning marijuana because it is "bad for you" is stupid beyond belief. I could go on and on for pages about all the things people do that is bad for them. Yet people still do it.
  18. Honestly, I don't fear death. Sure, I would rather live than die. Just as long as I'm not going to hell. And even then I wouldn't fear death. I would feel the same way about it as I do about school. I dislike going, but I don't fear it.
  19. Oh yes, because rescearching multiple sites before making a topic plus actually giving us a good start to debate something is fail. [/sarcasm] Seriously, don't use the "FAIL" card unless there is actually failure involved. Actually there is plenty of evidence that the anti-drug campaigns don't work. If anything they cause people to become more inclined to try drugs. I define fail as not working. If you have a plan to stop the Russians from nuking the US, and they nuke the US anyway, I would define that as failure.
  20. I can tell you right now beyond a resonable doubt in my mind that I breathe in more smoke every time I go camping than I have my entire life from marijuana smoke.
  21. Anti drug commercials don't protest anti beer, they protest anti marijuana which is heavily addicting You didn't read the entire post, did you? Sir. I suggest you read each and every one of these links: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Can_you_get_a ... _marijuana http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/c ... yth9.shtml http://addiction-dirkh.blogspot.com/200 ... ctive.html http://www.drugpolicy.org/marijuana/factsmyths/ http://www.drugtext.org/sub/marmyt1.html http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/c ... myth.shtml
  22. Uum.. Now that I think of it, I'm afraid of thousands of insects crawling up my body, into my mouth, and down into my lungs. Then suffocating on them.
  23. First off, please don't let this turn into a flame-fest! I don't want this topic locked. Anybody who has been to school after the year 1990 has undoubtedly been bombarded with anti drug programs. But have any of these programs actually succeeded? Or are the states throwing their money away? I was introduced to my first anti-drug program in 5th grade. It was a program named DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education). The message was very simple. Perhaps too simple. Alcohol = Bad. Cigarettes = Bad. Now this isn't a bad thing to tell students, but there is a major flaw with it. Alcohol is not bad. Drinking alcoholic beverages is a perfectly acceptable practice in moderation. And that is the problem. By telling children alcohol is bad, and that is all there is to it, it confuses them. They see their parents drinking a beer, and wonder why it is acceptable for them. What the government doesn't realize is they're actually doing more harm than good. What they're doing is enforcing the idea that alcohol is only used to get drunk. Let's look at Italy, shall we? Children in their teen years, and even younger, drink wine with their parents. And it is accepted. If a child went to a good friend's house, and told his parents he had a glass of wine, his parents would most likely be perfectly fine with it. But if that happened in the US, the parents would ground the child, reenforcing the idea that alcohol is used solely for getting drunk. In 7th grade I was introduced to my first anti-drug program that dealt with more than just alcohol and cigarettes. They told us that despite our beliefs, only around 30% of students our age had smoked marijuana in the last month. Now I was amazed by this statistic! 30%? That was 3 out of 10 people in every row of desks in every classroom in the school. They then proceed to tell us about how "addicting" marijuana is, and how much it ruins people's lives because it is so "horrible". But this lead me to wonder "Why would 30% of people use it if it were this bad? I don't see a third of the population ending up in rehab or living on the streets." So I did my own research. I read about how marijuana isn't addictive. Just the feeling of being high is. It isn't any more addictive than chocolate. Most smokers have nearly no withdrawal symptoms if they quit. Marijuana doesn't kill brain cells, despite what the school's lies tell us. The entire concept of a "gateway drug" is flawed. It just doesn't work. Marijuana doesn't cause cancer, despite what the lies told us. Marijuana doesn't cause you to be depressed, or not care about the future. The THC from marijuana left in your fat cells for days after smoking does not harm your cells in anyway (that includes brain cells, liver cells, etc.). Everything I had been taught for over a year was a lie. I researched multiple sites, to be sure of what I had read on my own. Whereas I never would have previously considered smoking pot simply because of the fact that I assumed it was "bad", I knew that it isn't "bad" at all. When I first tried the drug in ninth grade, it was a wonderful experience. And as I expected, I was not in any way drawn back to the substance. I didn't try it again for nearly a year when I just happened to be at a friends house, and he has some on him. It wasn't addicting. I didn't become "stupid" after smoking. I didn't suffer short term memory loss over the ensuing days, weeks or months. I didn't experience any kidney failure. Most surprisingly, I didn't even develop cancer as a result. So. What is your opinion on why school anti-drug programs have failed so badly?
  24. I don't believe the commercial, but I think what" supposedly" happened was the Sham-WOW soaked up the stuff off the top of the carpet, and then the carpet soaked it up off the table, and then the Sham-WOW soaked the rest up off the carpet again. Here's a more believable explanation though: One side of the Sham-WOW emits high intensity radio activity, which positively charges the atoms in the spilled liquid. Then you notice how he flips the Sham-WOW over? That is because the reverse side of the Sham-WOW is negatively charged with electrons. The liquid then "jumps" onto the Sham-WOW, and is soaked up by the sponge-like material inside.
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