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Everything posted by Kill_Thomas9

  1. Is that how much those bose ones were? The link didn't work for me.. (and about 1/3 of my songs are 256kb/s, and the other half are 128 and down)
  2. If you take your iPod, connect some decent headphones, and listen to a song at 256 kbps, it will sound fine. But if you take the same headphones, connect them to something else (say a computer) and listen to that same 256kbps song, you will notice the difference. The normal iPods (video, classic, etc) are even worse than the nano/touch/other flash drive based iPods. The old iPods I believe have a better sound quality (or it might be that they're worse.. one of the two) than the current models. But anyway, numerous people have done tests confirming that the sound quality is atrocious on iPods. Maybe Apple is lazy, or realizes most people can't tell the difference?
  3. Kill_Thomas9


    Hmm.. the iPod. A wonder of technology. A status symbol if you will. If you've got the money, it's a great piece of technology. But why does the sound quality suck so? If Apple is going to spend millions of dollars designing some new model people like, and put an accelerometer into it, and pack it full of a bunch of use(less) [cabbage] such as "shake to shuffle", why does the music that comes out of it so horrible?. It doesn't make sense! Could they not spend a few thousand developing an iPod that sounds better? The entire point of an Mp3 player is to listen to music. It's like making some super hardcore computer with 16 gigs of ram, a crazy graphics card and a 4.2 GHz processor just to make it compatible with a monitor that supports 256 colors. I just don't get it. Can anybody come up with any good reasons why Apple would do such a thing?
  4. I can't believe there could be so much discussion about "Metalcore isn't metal. Nobody says it is. Don't say people do." Underøath = metalcore. NOT metal.
  5. Is the bose site not working for anybody else? I've been trying to go there for the past few days, and the site won't load :wall:
  6. Yeah, that's why I play PvE servers. Much easier to do everything.
  7. Honestly, I don't like the first song. It's too un-music like.
  8. You have a perfectly reasonable standpoint. But I'm afraid you are one of the few the government has succeeded in corrupting. The only (and I mean only) long term side effects are a slight increase in your chance of developing cancer, along with respiratory illnesses, both of which can be reduced if the marijuana is smoked with a bong or a vaporizer. And, I might add, if marijuana were legalized, you would see much more development in ways to smoke it which are less harmful to your health. Currently not many people use vaporizers because they're so expensive, and not as many people use bongs because it takes more weed for the same effect.
  9. Nagrand has always been one of my favourite zones. Probably because after the bleakness of hellfire and the gloomyness of zangar you're suddenly out in rolling green hills and bright sunshine. Plus it kinda reminds me of 2 of my favourite newbie zones.. barrens and STV. Halaa PvP is fun too if it ever happens on your server, although it's usually pretty much ignored. I love nagrand. The PvP is awesome, and on my server (Blade's Edge) people are always fighting over it Just dinged to 70 on Saturday, and got my flying mount. Played about 6 hours, lol. Then that night I spent the night at a friend's house, but he fell asleep at like 11:00, so I got on. Played AV for about 4 hours, 50% win rate on alli. Got 7k honor. Then yesterday I played AB for about 5 hours and won 2 games... None of my friend's were home, and the ones that were were about to go to Ventura (town south of me). Got another 6k honor and like 16 AB marks of honor, so I'm up to 1.4 honor now, and have about 20 AB marks. So I need 10 more marks, and I can buy my Merciless Gladiator's chest peice. Plus I already have 30+ AV marks, so idk what I'll buy with those. Then today blizz announces that the Wrath release date is Nov 13. I reserved mine about 2 weeks ago or something. Today I'm home sick, so I'm hoping to get my chest peice. Btw, they dropped the price of the Battle Chest (the thing you buy that has both the original WoW game, and the BC expansion) down to $20. I paid $40 for that peice of crap 4 months ago!
  10. Man, that is awesome. Just think of it this way: Teachers go to college fro 4+ years and get paid about half as much as you will make per year, working three times as hard. That is an awesome job. I don't know how you could pass it up. If you go to college, chances are you would have to give up your girlfriend and brothers anyway. You can still keep in contact with them. Go for it!
  11. You can play without TBC. You just can't be a Draenei (alliance side) or a Blood Elf (horde side) or advance past level 60. If you want to be a hunter, you shouldn't really need TBC yet because the best race for hunters is the Night Elf (on the alliance side). I'm not sure about warriors and rogues, but rogues are usually humans. Draenei make excellent priests and shamans because they have an additional racial healing spell. They also make impressive looking warriors because they're so big. So of you want to be a warrior, shammy, or priest, I recommend getting TBC right now. Otherwise, you can buy it at your leisure.
  12. I guess I could try another pair of those, seeing as the only one's I've tried are skullkandy, and they are very different (they look more like the apple in-ear canal headphones) than the ones intriguing linked. If everybody says those are better than just normal earbuds, then I guess I'll try them.
  13. Yeah, I really can't wait to see them live. I love the third track (a fault line). The ending to that song is awesome!
  14. This is just my personal opinion, but I believe that bands that "play in the name of god" are exploiting Christianity. I'm not saying that they do it consciously (although I wouldn't be surprised if some do), but when you have a message that says "We believe in god, and our band is dedicated to playing music devoted to Jesus", I think that you can get more people to buy a poorly produced or not artistically talented record as long as it is "for Jesus". Now I'm not saying that Underoath is a horribly untalented band (in fact I find their drummer to be particularly talented), but I just don't enjoy the possibility of bands exploiting something that may be very personal to a certain group of people (myself not included). And I guess the fact that I can't stand listening to bands that sing about god, but that's just because I'm an Agnostic. I'll quote Spencer here:
  15. You know what I can't stand? When people say "you're gunna get addicted to weed!", and in response, the smoker says "No I'm not. I can stop any time." So then the first person says "then why don't you!". Well... I can think of plenty things you like to do, that I could say you're addicted to. And if you say you're not I'll say "then why don't you!". Your favorite television series for example. If you're not addicted to it, then why don't you stop watching it? Well have you considered the fact that people might continue doing something for a reason other than being "addicted"? Personal enjoyment? You must be addicted to sleeping on good beds. How come? Because you refuse to sleep on the floor. What other reason could there be for not wanting to sleep on the floor?
  16. Are you friking kidding me!!??!! Did you bother to read any other posts before posting? Please, for the love of God find me an mp3 player with a screen resolution above 204 ppi, and over 24 hours of battery life. If you do find one, it will either be huge, or have almost no storage space. If you're looking for better sound quality, and don't give a damn about anything else, then the iPod isn't right for you. But if you care at all about how it looks, feels, or preforms, you may want to consider an iPod. I personally can't think of anything that would be more comfortable in my back pocket while sitting on it.
  17. Just because I thought you said it before I had to double take, I reccomend meshuggah. Probably a bit niche in terms of tatse, but still a great band. You really have to listen to the entire album at once. But I still love all the songs on the album. It's amazing how some of the best songs on the album (such as the "Emergency Broadcast" song) are at the very bottom... The Only Survivor and Emergency Broadcast are two of my favorite songs. Actually, they're all great for different reasons, except for Breathing In a New Mentality. That song is just too hardcore for me. Gotta love Christian Metalcore! (if you're me anyway) Yeah, who doesn't like Sublime?
  18. Why would that be? You're confusing me, and you've only said one sentence :? . Anyway, I think it's a close call between DTGL and Lost In the Sound... I think I like a few of the DTGL songs better than the ones from the new album, but I like this new album better as a whole than DTGL. It seems like Spencer is even better at screaming than he was in DTGL if that's possible. I just love the sound of his screams. If you remember back to They're Only Chasing Safety, he started nearly all his screams with an "R". Now he hardly ever does that. Also, it's kind of funny how the only person in the band from the original album in Aaron :P Btw, can most people can't actually type "Underøath", but I can :thumbsup:
  19. Just to be clear, I don't think it's appropriate to smoke weed all the time. Times you need to study for school, or during the week, or before work are definitely bad times to smoke. They interfere with your education/work. It has been proven that your ability to learn is temporarily reduced for sometimes up to a day after smoking. But you may also want to take into account the positive effects of marijuana smoking. Aside from feeling good, smoking weed can help you relax after a stressful week at work, so you can be more rested for the coming week. It can also help with physical pain. For example: nausea. I can guarantee you that if you've been throwing up all day, and feel absolutely awful, and you smoke weed, (assuming you aren't allergic to it) you will feel a million times better. If you've been sick for a few days, and haven't been able to eat, you will suddenly get your appetite back. You will most likely stop throwing up. And you'll be able to sleep for a while. This is one of the reasons they have legalized marijuana for medical use in some states. I'm posting this because so far, it seems like nearly all (but one) of my posts has been pro-pot, and I don't want it to seem like I'm only looking at one side of the argument. The most important thing is to know what enough is enough.
  20. Do you mean normal smart playlists, or the ones they just introduced? I'm not sure about the one they just introduced, but normal smart playlists are playlists that contain all the music of a certain category. By that I mean it will automatically add all the songs of a certain Album, album rating, artist, bitrate, composer, compilation, date added, date modified, parts of the song name, disk number, genre, last played, last skipped, play count, name, rating, podcast, season, show, size, time, year, video type, etc. The list is about twice that long. You can have as many filters as you would like. You can limit playlists to a certain number of songs, you can have the songs selected randomly, have it update automatically. Just about anything you can think of. ----------------------- You're forgetting the fact that it comes in a 16GB model. So unless you really need the extra storage, or just have to have it because it's new, or really want the new features, there really isn't a reason to upgrade from 3g to 4g. (I guess there are quite a few reasons..) But if you're currently using a 2g nano, you can be sure there won't be a new one for at least 6 months, so now would be a great time to upgrade. But I bought my 3g nano in December. 9 months ago. It still works perfectly fine. I only use about 4 gigs of storage on it, and sure the shake feature would be nice, but the only time shuffling bothers me is when I have the ipod plugged into the dock, in which case I can't shake it anyway. But at least my fingers would be able to press the play/stop button more easily... (the dock is kind of in the way on the 3g nano)
  21. Hmm... I've got an idea. How about instead of posting crap about how much iPods suck [wagon], or how much you hate iPods for NO REASON AT ALL, why don't you post something useful? I know I'm going to get flamed for "mindless consumerism" here, but I'd like somebody to post another mp3 player that has all of the following features: 16 GB flash drive 2 inch display w/ at least 240 ppi resolution video capability w/ at least 30 fps click wheel (or other touch interface) backlit screen full color display 24 hours music play back ACCELEROMETER weight under 1.5 ounces (nano is 1.3) Not to mention the features: Cover flow Tons of games (ones that take advantage of the accelerometer Smart playlists Not to mention the fact that you can shake your iPod to shuffle it. (Not as dumb as it sounds) Oh yeah.. It comes in 9 different color choices.
  22. The reason I didn't want in-ear ones is because my personal experience is that they don't stay in very well. They're always slipping out of my ears, and I have to push them back in ever 10 seconds. I've only used skullkandy in-ear ones though, so others might not be like that. I don't know. If skullkandy are the only ones that do that, I'd be fine with them. The only thing is that I usually talk to my friends with one earbud in my ear. And in-ear ones might make it hard to hear. (I guess I can always take them out when talking though.) Intriguing: I need base. Lol. If they don't have good base I won't buy them. Extra stress on need here. Turning up the base on my EQ just won't cut it. Thanks for the suggestion though :P SilverSword: Do you have any idea how much those would be in USD? I don't know the conversion for other currencies. They seem to have fairly good reviews, and don't look to shabby.
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