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Everything posted by Dharockslayer

  1. Oh come on ego, he just posted a question. Why not answer it and not just backlash like in all your previous threads. I would like to try to get 1m in 4 hours, but I cant do something for 4 hours straight these days. And I value xp and money over just lots of xp or lots of money.
  2. You are not very tactical in my opinion :? . And just because your nuclear weapon always hits the ground, doesnt mean that its accurate. I mean, you do know everyone is leaving now do you? Leaving you alone in your little victory topic. Have fun wasting time on replying to this ^^. To make it a little bit easier Ive made some lines you would use. -You are just jealous -You are not a merchanter, and thus unimportant, go to another thread -I win, all complete strangers adore me now. Where are your strangers? In all seriousness, you are wasting time if you write a reply to this, just as much as I did while making replies to this and your other thread. In all annoyingness, its spelled "cheek".
  3. Lighten up, That made me laugh lol The supporters list is awesome :lol: He r germain!1 XD
  4. There is no party hat in my avatar, thats an inca temple :roll: . Fine you may argue your point. But what you are doing is not defending your point, its ignoring the point and just trying to 'defend' yourself from critism. And you may try to read through, lets say, maybe, the last 3 pages of this topic and the 5 pages of your other one. There has been nothing but off-topicness because people keep putting up non-sence. And its not just the unimportant non-burger king hat wearing people that do that, you do too. Duke freedom argued against your point, your reply? You are out of the game for over a year so your opinion is invalid. And why am I unimportant? Because Im not worth your time? If you really cared about that then you shouldve been trading instead of making posts trying to defend yourself. I am trying to steer this topic into on-topic ness, to make you learn from your mistakes. But you blatantly throw that away. Have fun in your topic. Since you wont budge in anyway and think you are ultimately right I see no point in discussion on this thread anymore. Since all the replies I get from you will be "I am better then you so stop trying to make yourself look important". Idiots rule the world! *leaves*
  5. Hmm, Tzhaar is in the lead. I hope to see them being updated just to compare them to predator once again :lol: .
  6. Actually, Yet again your ignorance doesnt allow you to learn from your mistakes. If 5-6 people are attacking you, thats a hint of you doing something wrong. "Only a select few can get a party hat, so I am better then people who achieve skillcapes'', thats a rough translation to you. I suggest you take critism, take your time to learn from your posts. Like most of the people around here. We are not your enemy's, we are not the dark side, we don't care about your feelings, your items, your intelligence or your real life. Just about your replies, so I suggest you stop trying to defend yourself and just take it like a man, instead of b*ing about like a child. I applaud to you if you read past the ignorance part. Since you would already be offended by that.
  7. Aye, if I used more midtones, the face would come out very, very old. It took me 1 hour to make the face and 4 hours of constant refining to get it right. You are probably right about the anti-aliasing though :oops: . Never really do that. Oh, and the pink text and bored arent really my choice either, but the girl I made it for likes those colours. So not much say in that.
  8. You expect me to make a sig this detailed for you? Even up the pace? Either you come up with some reasons for me to do it, or I wont. I only make pixels anymore for friends, when I have the time, how I want to make it, for free. I am not corruptable for any amount of cash. Besides, you only have like 6 posts. Not really worth my time. Sorry if this is harsh, but its the reality. No good pixel artist will waste time on something like this for free, unless you have a friend.
  9. Well goodluck with that. You will need it, but what if you will lose most of your cash? Ofcourse there is some chance of you getting huge amounts of cash, but also there is the chance of going bankrupt. If you are going to try and prove it I suggest not selling all of your rares. So you wont lose it all if it goes wrong.
  10. That my friend isnt insults, its critique, two very different things. If you call him a bluff, ofcourse hes going to respond. Why do you want to know if he is able to buy a partyhat? Thats right, because you want to compare it to your wealth to see how much richer you are. You are making excuses like that too you know. You have no solid proof either. And the very nice person thing isnt relevent to the topic itself. Look, it isnt wrong or less whatever to apoligize. I apoligize for this topic not going the way you want it to be. But its not only us that is making this into a rather heated debate.
  11. Excuse me?! People always fear and hate what they cant understand or do? Thats the biggest load of * that Ive heard. What I understand of it is that you find Merchanters better then the normal people because they understand how to buy and sell? To me it looks like you are trying to praise them above the people who dislike them. Wich is wrong. Maybe it was wrong for Qeltar to name party hats "Burgerking hats". But if he wanted to get one he could just sell most of his stuff. Therefor he is able to get one. Rendering your comment about that pretty much useless. He just preffers having usefull expensive stuff over useless expensive stuff. Yes, some of the merchanting involves skill. But that was in the old days where one was able to buy all the half wines and crack up the price loads. Now it just involves selling an item for high and buying for low or waiting for an item to rise. That involves next to no skill. And I hope you agree with that.
  12. yeah, I know, I started out really good with the face, then I kinda rushed the background :? . First time trying to make a pine tree bark, really hard apearantly >.< . I should work on my grass too. I liked the path though, but thats probably just me. Critism can never be too harsh, I know Ive made far better pieces. But I really wanted to just get it over with. After all its a hobby, I don't earn anything from it and its my own free time. If it starts lacking fun, then there isnt really a reason to continiue working on it with full detail.
  13. =/ Sorry for making you feel offended. I just thought that since you were basically defending merchanters, that you were one too. I wasnt generallizing fun. I was just saying that most people dont like to merchant. I was not downgrading merchanters, I just said that I would prefer doing skills or atleast something with is more action packed then to buy or sell.
  14. Ego, Qeltar is entitled to his own opinion. He doesnt say he finds it easy to obtain 4 party hat sets. He says he finds it meaningless. Ofcourse it is an achievement to have lots of cash, but spending it on a useless hat just for bragging rights and maybe some extra cash over time is just odd. Yes, the game does in most ways end up in yourself gaining money. But it doesnt mean the game is all about cold hard cash. Its about fun. If you find it fun to earn cash by standing in pretty much the same spot buying and selling stuff, be my guest. But most of us don't. Personally, I rather look up to a person who set up a cult and picked millions of cabbage and generally having fun. Then to a merchanter who has spend lots of time on the forums or falador getting cash just for the sake of bragging. And people respect additude often more then cash or skills. Its the strangers who look up to those last two. Oh and one last thing, why do you need that lvl 120's attention?
  15. Its a girl in the woods :P . Spend about 5 hours on the face, and far too little on the background >.< Commence commenting :
  16. I love the cartoony look of the guy in full dragon :thumbsup: . Although the sword is a bit weird-angled though.
  17. It's possible that I misunderstood, but I read his/her comments as saying he/she would prefer a sara sword over a sara GS straight up. I've certainly heard other people say this. Anyway, I don't care what people want to use, but so many of the opinions tossed around about high-end items are from people who have never used them and just don't know what they can do. For example, I've seen comments like "the sara GS is the worst one for dueling", which is pretty funny to anyone who has used one in a no-food spec-on duel and seen the reaction of his or her opponent. ;) Hmm, well that explains it. And I would want to see someones face when I sara spec them. Unfortunally, Im too poor. And the saradomin sword is ownage. In my opinion looks better then a whip and can train strength, although its 2-handed. I wouldnt mind laying down 26m for one.
  18. Then you don't know what the SGS can do. Simple as that. I agree with you that the saradomin godsword is awesome, amazing, and far superior to most weapons. But maybe he wants to have a saradomin sword to have a good weapon, and to spend the other millions on skills. Personally, if I want to get a weapon, I need to have the cash. And most of the people I know dont have an extra 100+m lying around in their bank. You would have to get that huge amount to get a sword, wich is although better then most weapons, still only about a fraction better to a whip. I find the extra bonusses and the huge koing ability nice, but I wouldnt lay down an extra 100m+ for it. Id rather spend it on a dragon fireshield, lots of barrow sets, skills and whips. Im not jealous of people with lots of money. But personally I rather have good skills then a rare or a multimillion sword.
  19. You had no proof of him being a droptrader. Only because of his items. I know it stinks for macroers to take over. But you only hurt yourself when you dont trade with them. Because the item will be bought anyway. He was wrong in calling you a noob, but you werent right either. Ah well, continiue your actions, if they make you feel good. Personally I dont really care about rulebreakers unless I have some sort of proof of them being a rulebreaker.
  20. Picking cabbage, and killing chompy birds. Quite relaxing it is.
  21. 85 slayer 99 ranged (3 more levels ) 99 cooking Maybe 99 firemaking All skills 70+ ( if I feel like runecrafting )
  22. I suggest start learning anatomy, It can work wonders on making body's. Good luck, won't rate them though O:)
  23. Mournings end part 2 was unreal, Ive broken my mind for a day and a half before I consulted a guide on rsof. This was when it just came out. I seriously hurt my brain on that one, its so epic is sueable. We need more quests like that. Ive been waiting for the Red axe too, and ofcourse Devious minds, and recently Darkness of the hallowvale. These are good storylines. I like the gnome and the goblin storylines less though, goblin is terribly easy even without a guide, and the gnome one, meh. Fight some high leveled monsters, do some medicore puzzles. Great xp rewards though.
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