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Everything posted by Dharockslayer

  1. I dont really see allot of depth, and it could use some contrast.
  2. Since pretty much everyone who goes to sara godwars is in a team and soon with lootshare on. How will those hilts ever get in the economy again? :? Since what I am thinking is that it will be deleted from runescape, only to be replaced by gp. Meh, just have to wait I guess. No interrest in coming back for a 1v1 arena wich might come as late as June.
  3. On the stake you go Honest 1 :twisted: . Need someone with 99 firemaking here. Good article, too bad I couldn't be at the MMSSW.
  4. Lucky me, nobody on my friends list chose to prove their "superior intelligence" by skilling nonstop. Call me funny, but if something's designed for idiots, it's the skilling system that bots could manipulate in the first place. I've seen thousands of woodcutting macros. When was the last time you saw a pking macro? Case closed, idiot. Fair enough. Still. No more worrying about losing your stuff just because you are a level 70-something, and some kid who sits on RS 10 hrs a day decides he wants your stuff when you go on a treasure trail. But you're absolutely right. Case closed. Player killing is no more, and it's about time. \ You're right, instead you will have a level 126 monster hitting high 20's and 30's on you while ice barraging and teleblocking at the same time, wich large range, the ability to open doors and do agility courses. Have you seen any pker so buffed up like this? Have fun doing your trial, untill you come across one of these guys.
  5. How in the world could anyone ever prove that? You couldn't, however if the maple logs keep getting sold to jagex, thus removing them from the economy, it would result in them going up in price after a while since there is less of them in the economy. So somehow it could be proven. And I would love a price graph for some items :D . And to those who think merchanting is dead. Please think outside of the box or move on.
  6. Push the mute button monkey, You can do it!
  7. A probably googled picture with some text placed on it... Do you really want me to rate this? I mean seriously.
  8. Let me tell you, why do you quit a game, because its boring. If most of the stuff you did revolved around the wilderniss or duel arena, and they take that away, the game becomes boring. Thus making you quit. People who quit over an update that completely undermines their playing style are right to quit. They should not stay if the game bores the hell out of them ( I mean obsessed much? ). Yes, they have the best interrest, No they don't always execute things right. Jagex isnt an almighty being, they make mistakes too. We are there as players and costumers of their game to either complain or suggest about changes in their product. Offering them knowledge of how to change the game or how severe it hit the costumers.
  9. Lose 50% of the loyal players in to combat RWT Lose another 25% of the players to combat IQ? Whats next :P And yes, I do take rumours like pranks first. Only when Ive seen absolute proof I will believe it.
  10. Ive put my question marks with some of your posts. But this, this just gets my 100% of support. If these children *cough* Extreme wannabe mods *cough* are offended by a user named Krazyfaken, then please, go play Habbo hotel. Its these kind of people that get offended if they are told they are a cabbage, or even a cart. If Jagex knows whats good for them they will have to try and keep their loyal players instead of all the new kiddo's who don't understand nada. And I have seen absolutely NO account ever changing username. Ever.
  11. If all bots were gone, but trading and pking and all that was still alive, then Im sure we wouldve seen a brilliant runescape.
  12. Since when was F2P Runecrafting actually alive? I mean if you are a great runecrafter you can get over 6 airs per ess. Thats maybe 90 gp? F2p runecrafting was never really alive like the in P2P. Im soooo for first making all ess pure essence, and then just rename it. So the price wont plummet as hard as it would be if it was all named essence first.
  13. agreed, TC has as much mathmatical knowledge as a russian bordello girl that never recieved an education due to her "job". Appearantly you don't qualify as a great mathmatical genius either. Total Number of Votes: 73816 12% (8934 votes) 18% (13576 votes) was planning to do player killing later on. I dont think that those 74k votes represent the over one million players that play runescape. Yes, lots of people pk, but they asked what people did in the last session. If there was a poll asking what you did mostly last week, Im sure player killing would be more then 20%. But yes, I doubt that 90% of the people focussed on pking. No way it can be that high. Ill probably revert to f2p and do some cabbage picking with my friends and maybe some bhing. Members just doesnt seem worth it anymore.
  14. So, you rather let them goldfarm billions on runscape and get away with it then have to suffer for a bit while they work out the system? Please just think before you talk about how its horrible....give it a few months Im not saying that Im not happy with the bots gone. And sure, give it a few months, give them some money, play how they want you to, with no fun. Im stunned by your intelligence, Ive never seen it that way. Screw freedom anyway? Who needs it when weve got woodcutting \
  15. Whats the use of playing a cheater free game if all it is is grinding and no more multiplaying aspects. Sure you go ahead and interact with strangers, but if I cant interact with my friends normally, then they can keep their oh so great cheat free game. And obviously they killed botters -.- , they killed a whole part of the interraction too.
  16. Yes, their intentions were great, I completely agree. And yes, they got rid of a whole lot of stuff. But if they take their obsession for the letters/numbers 3 and K to trading and dropping, then they arent going to get the 5 and $ from me. I am completely sure that some people will continiue to play this game with loads of joy. But when Jagex took away the freedom, it got me thinking about how much of a grind this game is. The update opened my eyes, that yes, Ive grown out of Runescape. Its time to move on. For both Jagex and players alike.
  17. Sad story, alas I couldve known something like this would happen.
  18. There wont be any pkers left to level mage, so yes, the prices will fall.
  19. YOU TRIED JAGEX This is going in the guinee's book of records of MMO with the fastest way to get rid of most of the peoples fun.
  20. I guess hes got a point in hackers having no reason to steal accounts. Since the game stinks now :lol:
  21. Have fun playing the game how you played it before the update. To most of us here it has aten a chunk out of Runescape. I just realised that you, sir, are a fool for not thinking for the other people. It just shows how much the Rs community has become. All of the RSC players will agree that they have gone too far from their original game.
  22. Ha..haha.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Bye Runescape :boohoo: *Quits*
  23. "AaaaaAAAH I fell on my keys!" "ACK that stings, I mean Im not bleeding or anything but geesh" "My tombstone gives me the power to defy gravity" "What? No piramid?" "Put down your weapon, you have 20 seconds to comply"
  24. Yep, I play the game they produced with lots of fun. I might not agree with some updates they make, but thats no reason to hate them. If someone would really hate Jagex he would boycot the game. I haven't seen anyone do that yet.
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