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Everything posted by Dharockslayer

  1. perhaps. but my god, the constant crying about updates gets so old. seriously, oh no merchanting is ruined! thats before you even knew the extent of the update. nah people who make drama threads like this might want to lay off the mountain dew. Well said. All people do now is complain.... If you dont like the updates, dont play. :roll: And no, they will never take away drop piles. PKing has been here since RSC and they wont take that away. I concur, I mean, Its not like staking hasnt been around since RSC #-o . People complain, and they always will, stop whining about the complainers. Because that will only make you just as worse as them. It wouldn't be my worst fear. But if you had to dig up the grave to get loot, It would stink if you pked someone in full ahrims and forgot your spade >.< .
  2. Mournings end (part), its the first quest serie Jagex made and really needs an update 8-)
  3. Hey you can either make sweet revenge and show us something really awesome, or you can walk away with your head bent. Im more of a person for the first option, then again, Im very vengefull :lol: . It doesnt have anything to do with effort, more on experience and originality. And you shouldn't blame anything on your work other then yourself. I don't find the pictures amazing, but you might be able to make a great scenery or something from scratch. Screenshots and Paint don't really mix well, I've tried. Goodluck in all your future works :thumbsup:
  4. I remember 5, he trained with chins when I did too, he said that my body or helm wasnt as good as his, cant remember wich part. Long story short, he forgot to put on protect from melee on when he changed in human form. He died and I got his guthix cloak, wich I still use ( thanks 5 ;) )
  5. Good luck wolfy! But pick moar cabbage :P I stopped after 1 week of firemaking, maybe some time Ill have 99 too.
  6. Tons of people would summon at lumbridge to kill the noobs, the macroers are simply able to run away because they are programmed that way. And people would be killed out of the wildernis. Won't happen. Good day.
  7. The more you whine about you losing your precious glory amulet and how unhonourable we are, the more we want to smack you down and take your glory's again. Basically, stop whining, it isnt working. Pretty much like this post won't have any influence on the whole. Rcers shouldnt whine because they enter the wilderniss. Rc Pkers shouldnt whine because the Rcers are whining. Everybody happy now?
  8. On tip.it forums, noone can hear you scream. In the wilderniss, It won't matter. March to victory! Lets show them, that tip.it wont be messed with this year. Loyal to tif!
  9. If trade is gone, and Drop is gone, then they have strayed too far away from what we know as "Runescape". It would completely kill it. My response would simply be quitting. It just wouldnt be worth my time or money anymore.
  10. People react bad to change, if this change has a negative effect on them, they try to change it back to its original state. The only way to do this on Runescape is simply by whining, ofcourse constructive critique works best. But for the simple minded, its the best solution. Deal with the whiners, because the whiners will definitly not care about you.
  11. Ive cabbage bombed that place lots of times, and I've always seen rune symbols. But I always thought the split icon was a sun rune :wall: . I hope itll be a fun skill to train like hunting, or have some sort of connection to hunting.
  12. Exactly what I was thinking. I was like yay summoning! But there has to be a catch of some sort >_> <_< Maybe im just paranoid.
  13. I would love to be in the top 1000 of chompy bird hunters 8-)
  14. The fact that spinach rolls added nothing to the game and was widely known as a scamming item led to the rather obvious ( and pretty late ) conclusion that they shouldn't be traded anymore. Nobody would scam cabbages however, because everybody knows you can pick a cabbage from just about everywhere.
  15. I hope they throw it in the bin. History proves that listening to players and their complaints merely screws it up more. This post actually does more negative effect in the long run. Actually, they listen to the majority, and the majority is mostly 13-12 year olds who just want to have an "Ub0r pwnz0r" account with 1200 blue partyhats. These people don't understand the game enough to actually make changes. But some people here at tif actually try to understand how the game will flex if an update is made. How the market will be effected, how pking is effected, how skilling is effected, all sorts of variables. If Jagex listened to intelligent players more then the masses, then yes, the game would improve loads.
  16. OMG yay free post count? \ [/sarcasm] <_< Ive red the article, and yes, I do agree with it. Jagex is using far too extreme methods. I don't stake myself, but some time when I felt like taking a small gamble I would simply take my dds and 200k and give it a go. Nobody is going to bother with the dueling arena anymore. Simply because: -1v1 staking is ruined -In a tournament, the lvl 126's often win or those with the best armour. If only the most supreme can win, why would the lesser people bother staking 1m? It'll end up with another fight pits. Another abandonned place. Real world item traders still use the wilderniss, what are you going to do about that Jagex? Make a brick wall instead of the ditch? Or, I dunno, make it so you can only bring mithrill or lower armour to battle RWIT. They've killed a small bit of the RWITers, but they've killed the whole staking community. Nice :roll:
  17. Because she was pushed over the edge by cyberbullying adults. Perhaps you should re-read the article. :roll: Ok, then please, answer this for me. How about those kids bullied in real life bringing guns to school and killing their whole class + teacher? That seems to become popular. Go out with a bang! Sure, you can blame parents that drove her, her own parents, but wouldnt you agree that some people are just high suicide risk? Suicide doesnt happen like "Oh, Another day, hmm, first ill have breakfast, then Ill kill myself ". It almost always have something to do with bullying or not being accepted. The same goes for the school shooters.
  18. Thats what I did last time, RSC is the main fansite people go to these days. Its gigantic. Most of the clans are RSC based community wise. Although Tip.it is a force to be reconned with, it dwarfs to rsc. Ill smash in RSC skulls anyway :wink:
  19. I doubt the usual "The contents of this message has been hidden" And the "Topic Locked, belongs in another board" would have a mayor impact. Besides, over half of runescapes population doesnt even know about RSOF. So that would still leave lots of immature people rolling about. Very true article Qeltar, although most of this is nothing new for me. But the parents of that girl sicken me, they are trying to be protective how? To get messages of people who might talk behind her back about her? Since when did talking around someones back actually hurt the person who has been talked about. If you wanted to hurt the person you would've just said it in her face. Myself I have been talked about loads of times behind my back, and probably most of you people have been too, but it didnt harm me in any way at all.
  20. Hmm, I don't like them appearing like buttons, they stand out too much. And some icons are I think copied from RS itself, like the fire and the skull ( although it looks better then the actual slayer icon to be honest :oops: ). I would prefer the current rs interface over this. But thats just me.
  21. No way I will miss this This is TIPIT *smacks some rsc heads him*
  22. Amazing, good luck with making these pixels ^^. They all look sweet. Ive set up a free signature shop up on the OoC boards, and even there there are huge amount of people ordering one. So I quit that. And making free pixels is great, now Im not the only one in my kind :lol: . *highfives*
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