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Everything posted by Quer_Skulll

  1. are you kidding me, when your tired your brain is at it's creative peak! (because your thoughts are weirder and more original) tho i'll see if i can help you tomorrow
  2. did you stretch or squash in any way because those are rather fat looking stratocasters :shock:
  3. i don't mind it when i'm drawing or painting. i don't mind when i'm writing a composition of a song either.. well i dont actually write that down i just play and remember it.. but what i do mind is when people read the lyrics i write, i always slightly feel embarresed. lyrics/ poets are rather personal anyway. o and incase it might help somebody, for me being tired boosts my creativity. when i'm tired and pressured i just write and draw my best stuff like crazy.
  4. i heavily dissagree on the brilliant part. it's big, not brilliant.
  5. if i were you i'd do a different text and remove that green circle :)
  6. i got that much out of it :? but what i mean it's a bit exaggerated. even if it isn't serious it just sounds a bit.. you know.
  7. :lol: "calling all pixelers!" heh *captain planet theme style* Depth! Shape! Palette! Minimal color use! AND PINK! combined they are CAPTAIN PIXEL!
  8. you could've pm'ed me to start a new thread, i could've made a new base animal to.. sorry but continueing on the old thing... well just i don't support that.
  9. What.. :-s yeah :P What's it with people and pile's of coins anyway :P i like the walls, border. character shading and the statue.. but to be quite honest i'm not a fan of thise piece. i think it's mainly because of the floor, floor color and it's texture. maybe its just because the red totally doesn't go with the blue character. if it were up to me i'd go for cut stone.
  10. i really enjoy "komt een vrouw bij de dokter" ..but hell you probly won't know it.
  11. Wow is obviously better then runescape.. but i wasn't really enthusiast after playing wow, it was fun the first 3/4 weeks but after then, to me it just got a bit boring and well it was a bit of a let down. WoW is more populair then it's good (it is still good however, just a little over-rated)
  12. ... O.o sorry but those two civilizations are easy to distinguish from one another. really.. they look totally different. but well asian civilizations.. i can distinguish some but not all.
  13. 75 and under is qualifications for mental [developmentally delayed]ation, so I hope your test was wrong. :P I was being cynical. Either this forum is stuffed with geniusses or you all took a test that has a median of 150. A real IQ test takes up 6-8 hours and costs a small fortune. I doubt any of you know that. true.. the amouny of people that say they have a very high iq on this thread is really freakish :-s makes me wonder which one isi true and which one has taken a REAL test. i score at 122 at IQ but that means nothing, i still don't do well at school.
  14. off topic: bioware and bethesda! woo! only gaming company's i know by name, there just that cool! On Topic: a street musician or music teacher..
  15. Dh: he's relaxing it and holding a pirate scabbard in it (which i'm planning to replace with a more pirate-ish sword) while holding a gun pointing at the viewer. did i make any mistakes i can't see for myself with the arms? MrsChrystler, thank you! :) and i will assume that Jak is Sereth? Ferahgo, thank you! look less bold are you referring to the single colour'ness of the his facial and head hair? since the single colourdness is fully intentional.
  16. Hey guys guess what! i found out Elvis is alive he's just hiding in the rocky mountains allong with Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain! plus last i heard is that Steve Irwin is there to! really no offense.. but get over it, he's dead. all your expressing now is hope, your just hoping he's still alive, but he isn't. edit: well he's only alive in one way and that is as Rafiki would have said: "he lives in you!"
  17. your beliefs are not necissarely your religion.. if my death would mean the end of poverty, war, corruption, disease and starvation then yes i would die for that. but that is not the case, my death will mean nothing, just another life ending and that is all. so no i chose life.
  18. damn wrong thingy again :shock: what the hell is wrong with me :shock:
  19. it be a new work at progress arrr, a wip for sereth.
  20. actually i went to school early this morning got back, went to work and got back home late.. i didn't really have the time to do that, sorry mate. edit: which is why i'll be heading to bed now so i still won't be able to do that, sorry.
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