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Everything posted by kamykazee

  1. I found this for those who want a recap on the series: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3CcyUAHtdk&feature=player_embedded
  2. kamykazee

    AP Exams

    Such a different system than what we have here.
  3. kamykazee


    Haven't read all 13 pages but bottom line is - drugs are drugs. People do them for 4 reasons: 1)To forget/ameliorate problems in their own life 2)To impress someone and then getting addicted and cant stop 3)Stress, which is actually kind of #1 4)Pleasure, but this is rarely the case in my opinion. Wheter you try them or not it doesn't matter. You won't get to hard drugs unless you have some serious problems. Softer ones like alchohol, marijuana and their affiliates are meh, they won't kill you or do harm in moderation. Even smoking isn't that bad unless you do it like a maniac.
  4. kamykazee

    AP Exams

    I'm just curious - how are these rated? 2 our of how much? What is the maximum score? :P
  5. I just saw Naked Gun again, not sure which one of them. Some of the gags from it are just killer, like one where Drebin and a bad guy bribe each other with money to tell information :D Good comedy even by todays standards :P
  6. My eyes hurt from the fast succesion of clips.
  7. I had no intention of seeing it but after hearing all the awesome reviews it got i guess i'll go watch it today :P
  8. My guy friend told me it was the chick version of the Hangover. So I thought it was going to be really funny. That was one of the most stupid movies I've ever seen. I only found that sister character (the manly-army girl) funny. Everything else was just, eh. And they tried to make such a raunchy movie end with this serious nice relationship between the girl who sleeps around and a genuinely nice guy. I'd give that movie a whopping 2/10. The only possible association it has with Hangover is that they are bridesmaids while the others are with the groom. That's where it ends. Hangover is a just a feel-good movie while this one is about...i'm not even sure lol. Just because it's about girls doesn't mean it has to rely just on romance and personal conflicts. They could have chosen to make it funny but i guess it was targeted towards a female audience?
  9. Bridesmaids - from the poster i thought it would be just another mindless farting movie. Apparently it is not. The first 30 minutes were (for the most part) great boredom. That's not to say it didn't have unexpected moments in them but it felt monotonous overall. The part where they try dresses on is where the movie kicked in for me...maybe also because it's kind of an unexpected situation. It's not that kind of set-up where you feel it's a cliche. When i least expected it they put in that gag which was fantastic! There weren't other particularly other memorable moments in the film.....however the ending managed to make me emotional and happy, instead of it just being another corny 'been there, done that' type of ending. This movie was not bad, but i wouldn't call it brilliant either - that's a whole different class. It was...good if you can get past the initial drag. Cheers Racheya - it was worth my time ;)
  10. There are people who enjoy the lore and people who don't. Most don't read them because: 1) It takes effort to start reading and few want to do that in a game 2) Some don't know about it 3) Some know about it but have a preconceived notion that it's 'lame' because it's....well fantasy. I don't read it either but when i did i guess it was ok. Obviously there are those who do read it as otherwise Jagex wouldn't invest time in making it. It's kind of the same reason i'm not going to read Suomi's interview, lol. I have a preconceived idea that it's something i won't care about and because it's long as [bleep] i'm not going to invest the effort to do it :P
  11. I wish i had the capacity to know what i enjoyed doing.....and that i could absorb ANY amount of information about anything without my head hurting. Well most things on this thread could be achieved given enough time and practice. Put in the hours for it and you'll achieve it eventually (not talking about physical related wishes).
  12. I try to eschew myself from politics and enjoy my life in other ways, hence i don't have political views that i am aware of.
  13. Well put i'd say, although you can't say there aren't debates. This week saw a debate between the writer of the article and several who disagreed with it, for example, despite the fact that the debate did seem to be more personal. That seems to be the case where people say they are open to debate but actually are not and become quite aggressive when their view is challenged :) As for the Times itself i'd say it's purpose is to be entertaining above all. By which means they achieve this boils down to each and every writer.
  14. I'm surfing on the waves, YEAAAAHHH...lol not really.

  15. That's the whole point - they are 'forcing' people to get more membership by such methods instead of making them want to do it on their own for the quality of the content and game itself. Why should i be happy or care that they are making money? The only thing i care about, with regards to Runescape, is that i enjoy it. Sure, theoretically speaking more money can mean more investment into Runescape, but im not seeing that. All i'm seeing is more money in their pockets for an increasingly less relevant game. Again, that's the point - you get things for doing nothing and it's all just to make you pay money for a game you aren't even playing. The article about MLP was ok in my opinion. It voiced my views on it, although i dont play the game anymore so i can't really say that i care or am affected by it. I have to say that it was actually wrong by saying that the majority of players disliked the MLP. From reading several threads here my opiinion was that the community was divided about 60-40 in favour of the update. In any case there were atleast as many positive replies towards it as there were negative. Either way i think those who dislike it now will eventually get accustomed to it regardless. The interview with SUOMI was predictable. No particular questions or answers that seemed interesting or any information that i couldn't obtain by searching the forums. Perhaps the full article will pose more challenging topics. Again my apathy towards it is probably due to the fact that i am not that active with regards to the Runescape community. Also it's possibly due to the fact that big hiscores names come and go - SUOMI is the flavour of the month now like others were years ago. The only interesting thing would be the achievement itself and not what the player thinks about it or his views on the subject. No disrespect towards him intended :) Haven't read the second.
  16. kamykazee


    I know you'll have fun writing the other one eventually, hawkxs :P Thanks for the artwork you did; belated thanks but well deserved! I walked 90 minutes through poaring rain in my attempt to find the headquarters of an agency. Alas i failed in my mission to find it but atleast i am all wet...
  17. That actually got me interested and i decided to read a few pages. Seems it's hating on the Democrat Party in America :P I didn't really read more than 8 pages of it and decided to go back to my regular reading. Seemed interesting though :) I'm currently reading The overflowing brain by Torkel Klinberg. It gets a bit too technical in some places but i am finding it a pretty good read so far.
  18. For the part that you joine a University with a profile nowhere near what you enjoy doing - that happened to me aswell. Unfortunetly i had to choose an area of expertise that would bring money in. Sadly this is a world in which we must adapt our Shifting back to you, i would say that having a stable source of income should be an important consideration in any future plans, and i think you made a wise choice in not simply giving it up. You could try music as a hobby or as a minor or even try it at another, more suited, college after you've finished this one. How many years do you have until graduation? Consider that if you manage a solid source of income, by means of a degree in engineering, then you could easily pursue a music occupation without the worries of a possible lack of income. Above all, though, you need to be positively sure that music is truly something you enjoy doing and not just a pleasant reminiscence of past years. You should be confident that it wouldn't turn out to be only a short period of enjoyment and afterwards you again found that it's not what you wanted to do. I know that will be hard but it could spare you alot of trouble and would tremendously help you in making a decision that best suits you. If it helps i haven't exactly found out what i wanted to do with my life either, although i'm 21. I can see where my life is going and i'm content with it, possibly because i don't know what are the things i would actually enjoy doing.
  19. Correction - Pixar appears to be a saint. If they really are remains to be seen. I think after the critical flop that Cars 2 proved to be, we might see a different face of them. If they ever make a Cars 3 then there's a good chance they aren't in it just for the art anymore :D Since all their films have thus far been great successes we could only see one side of them. And also, just because it has made ALOT of money from past films doesn't mean it does not want more. The more you have the more you want and we can see this by their plans to start releasing 2 films a year starting from 2012. Please note, none of the above necessarily mean Pixar is a money-grabbing greedy animation studio, it's merely speculation on my part. I am still a Pixar fan :)
  20. Tom Hanks said that? Last year Lee Ukrich, the director of Toy Story 3, said there definetly wouldn't be a 4th. Would be weird for pixar to turn on their word, not like them :blink: But then again, Jagex have also turned on their word quite alot as of late, so we can expect anything i guess >_<
  21. You guys disliked Ratatouille? O_o It was actually the first film i saw from Pixar (i had no notion of who they were before). It was trully a good movie for me. I know it was just the typical love story, evil guy, typical hero (blah blah) but it had its magic. After that i saw Wall-e, which was weird ... but i liked it, it was pretty good. Up was my next and was also pretty good. I then watched Toy Story and Toy Story 2 and when Toy Story 3 came out last summer i really liked it. I am especially fond of those little short films they show at the beginning :P
  22. You see, that is where we need to define where we draw the line; We would need to define whom this person may be (there must be one person like this out of a whole 7 billion, mustnt there?) and if he truly posses qualities and would bring benefits which would merit allowing such 'cheating', in order for the greater good. Judging by the statement you made, we could formulate something similar in the likes 'If we let one person into University then we have to let all who applied in', which clearly doesn't happen, atleast here. I won't make any more replies on this since we have derailed too much lol.
  23. What if he/she actually DID turned out to make a difference? Would 1 million dollars be that costly if that politician did indeed turn out to be a man of quality? I'll give you another example. While this isn't exactly cheating, it is related - pirating. Alot of people can't afford, for example, to pay 600$ to use Photoshop, hence they will get it from a torrent or whatever. Assume that some of them actually like doing it and turn out eventually doing it for a living - they will eventually end up buying it if they're really into it, hence giving the company a batch of loyal customers, correct? On the other hand, the majority will fiddle around with photoshop for a little, make some stuff, get bored, put it away, move on. Has the company been harmed in any way because of this? I would say it has in fact gained benefit because that person might tell his/her friends about Photoshop, whom in terms might end up trying it, a percent of which might end up in the afore-mentioned category that buy it because they are really into it. Wouldn't that eventually turn out to be for the greater good? If they didn't have the means to get a pirated copy in the first place, the company would probably have a much more restricted customer base.
  24. I wanted to think of an example regardiing cheating, one in which others botting, for example, would not affect other players in any way: they wouldn't be getting any hiscores ranks, they wouldn't take away training spots, they wouldnt affect the economy, and so on. Yet, they would still be botting and gaining levels, paying their regular membership in the course. It's a purely hypothetical situation, ofcourse. Since in this situation they are not affecting the game in any way (we assumed this), yet they still pay their 6$/month, they would in fact be doing a good thing, wouldn't they? Their money would be funding future development of the game, all the while not affecting it in any way. Ofcourse, although they dont get any hiscores ranks, people still view them as cheaters - how would they react to that? Would they care, since they aren't gaining any benefits? Would ethics have any value in this case, or would it not, simply because ethics must have a practical purpose (keeping people from gaining unfair advantages, in this case), which it apparently doesn't in our situation. Would ethics be worthwhile just for its own sake? Probably not. I am not really talking about private servers here, i am assuming these players play on the same servers as honest regular players. Although the private servers could be taken into consideration. Another situation: What if you cheated because you wanted very much to obtain an item. You cheated for 1 maybe 2 weeks, undetected by Jagex and none of your friends or anyone else for that matter were aware of your cheating. You finally obtained your long-desired item and then you never cheated again. That item, now that you had it, allowed you to obtain other desired items legitimately and it greatly enhanced your gaming experience. You then became an active and trustworthy member of the community, a role-model perhaps. What if, because you managed to take a shortcut with that first item, it motivated you to stay with the game and eventually become a model-member of the community, which wouldn't have been possible if you hadn't taken the initial shortcut by cheating, since we assume the initial effort would have put you off too much and you'd have quit the game. As a result of it, you are now bringing great support to the community and a key member of it. Would then, your present actions make up for your past wrong-doings? Would the current benefits you bring to the community justify and perhaps even be worth cheating for that 1 or 2 week period? What if, 10000 other people went down the same road you did and cheated for a small period, then become model-members of the community? Would then, the negative effects of their cheating be met or even surpassed by the good they bring to the community as of now? In other words, would cheating be justified if it eventually brought forth a far greater good, a greater good which perhaps would have not been possible without your initial cheating?
  25. Here you are, from Runescape Wiki Penguin Glitch uglitch As for the Dung Runecrafting glitch, as far as i'm aware it gave you alot of Runecrafting xp (even to the point of getting 99) while making runes at the runecrafting altar during a dungeon raid.
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