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Everything posted by Jeffro108

  1. I second that ! i third it =D> if people want to quit they can quit. They dont have to keep playing just because they are on the high scores for your amusement make that a forth \
  2. I think it would be nice because it would get those people whose parents don't want to pay to have a chance to be a member.
  3. I really don't think that it is needed because I don't think that many people sell more than oh say 300 things at a time. If there was a buy all or sell all button then there would have to be a screen saying are you sure? I really don't think that this is needed but it wouldn't really hurt.
  4. If jagex bans you just for using a different ip address then thats dumb cause I play at my friends house a lot. But yeah don't give him your pass.
  5. I would say then if the teams start to get to uneven in the begining then I think that the guthix portal should do what it is doing now by teleporting you to the team that has less players so it will then even out the game. Or you can just make the guthix team only get 2 tickets. :-k
  6. Yeah I think that it is a great idea. =D> I think that in putting this in that it will hopefully :pray: bring in more people that you can pk out there so it will bring all of the pker's back. Great idea I love this. =D>
  7. Great idea I really really like it. I think that it would help even out the teams because sometimes one team gets stacked and I think that this would even it out. Awsome idea \ =D>
  8. /\ true very true but it's not all about pking it's about training too..which gets expensive I would know as I have lvl 71 magic and it has cost me quite a bit..I would suggest making your own airs and mind using a fire staff and training with fire strike it's very cheap. Also killing creatures and getting their drops can help too. As for pking yes it can get expensive but mages are kind of the strong ones and can pwn those who are in full rune :lol: . It would be nice if the shop prices when down to what they were in rsc 90 for chaos 180 for death. good times good times I'll miss you rsc I'll miss you :cry:
  9. I would say, (as there alredy is gold amour) that there will be sevral new rewards from lvl 3 clue scrolls. 1. Full gold trimmed green (when worn you can do earth strike for free ( 5% spec used) 2. trimmed white, wind strike, same as above 3. trimmed red, fire strike 4. trimmed blue, water strike. it will need 50 defence to wear same as granite, it weighs about 160kg (the dowside) Having it it as wind wave, blast, bolt, would be very stupid. It would mean mage's coiuld easily train up magic, i would say the amour cost sevrral million Wadda think? Why would mages wear armour?!?!
  10. Yeah there is already enough money in runescape world we don't need more coming in every month or what ever. I think no.
  11. I would even be part of that crew except I'm f2p:( but hey it would still be a good idea. The only thing is that you would have to get trustworthy players to do it too. I like the idea though
  12. the only thing is that you might not get everything that you put out back because if you destroy it you don't get anything back! So if you could get the stuff back that would rock you should have the dummy and put your best outfit on him like what you would normally wear or just something to show off your rare or cool stuff that you have!
  13. Every one who is slamming f2p and p2p read this and shut up http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=393776. There are good f2p that are probably better than some p2p but i'm not going to go there yes some f2p are macro's and newbs but hey so were you at one time. Just take a chill pill. This post was about trying to get more bank space for f2p not slam f2p because they don't pay. Just click on the link and read it. It might make you smarter :D
  14. I do belive that this would go on the rants page but w/e. Well i'm really sorry man to hear that you got your account banned. I hate that their are people in this world that would do this it just really trips my trigger. Yeah my friend got his account bad because he used and bad name and he made up the word (btw the name was fursnakler don't see whats so bad about that) anyways...yeah you really have to be carefull..you can't even kid around because someone might take it wrong and then you end up getting banned. Again really sorry to hear that I know how long it takes to get 3k coal you put in a lot of work! Sorry man don't know what you can do.
  15. I don't think that is such a good idea because that is more of a members thing and gems in the first place don't give you mining exp so why should they give you mining exp now?
  16. Why is newb so bad it just means new person..also n00b or noob means a high level person who acts like a new person or is just plain stupid so there really is a word noob or n00b
  17. /\/\ also when you get to 99 the cape should be platnium...maybe a llittle sparkle coming from it or something. I'm not sure if this will go through but w/e but I like like the idea of progressing capes.. but i dont think that would be as good if there was a sparkle altohugh i like the platanuim idea... i think the fire cape should still stay unique as the only moving cape well not really moving but it just has like a shinyness to it like crisper I guess whould be a good word.
  18. /\/\ also when you get to 99 the cape should be platnium...maybe a llittle sparkle coming from it or something. I'm not sure if this will go through but w/e but I like like the idea of progressing capes..
  19. maybe they have some strange plan for it...or maybe there really is one but no one has found it yet...
  20. I support! This is a great idea I have been wondering when someone would come up with this idea cause the friends list really really needs an update
  21. f2p have enough bank space. yes you might have to drop a few things and buy them later but that is not that big of a deal. If anything all we need is bank spaces only for the costumes that randoms give us that might free up one or 2 spaces for you. As a f2p i have no trouble infact i have over a row free that i can use!
  22. well how about if the so called "pause button" was more of a log out but when you go back to your bank you don't have to re-enter your bank pin or something like that
  23. Do you think that woodcutting is easy cause that is basically what i'm trying to get done here is have it like woodcutting where you might get a few ore's really quick but then another doesn't come for awhile. I think that jagex would figure out a way to make it so that it would come out the same. The only thing that would change is you won't have to click too much. Also instead of the 30 coal rocks in the mining guild bring it down to around 5-10 or something like that. I'm pretty sure that this would even it out the coal coming into the market.
  24. Yeah i can't wait for it to come out i think that it will be either tuesday or wednesday.
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