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Everything posted by Marco

  1. As it says in the Runescape guide, just report abuse when you see it.. As far as successful reporting goes.. In my experiance I think only one player has been banned as a result of Offensive Languange despite it being the most common thing I'd report when I first started the game. Now I never report people for Offensive Language unless the person avoids the censor and says something of great offense to the people around, by great offense I mean... Well.. Very very bad things. The most successful report that I send which so far has had 100% rate in action being taken is Advetising. Although I've only actually reported about 7 people for this everyone of them resulted in them being banned. Not one of those idiots that reports people for saying "try searching on tip.it" or similar, I only report this when a player advertises a macro bot site. For exaple "Go to (macrosite) to get Yew bots". If I see anyone saying "Search Google" or "Check your Hotmail, I e-mailed 30 mins ago" I'll never report. Reporting Macroing very rarely ends up in bans and neither does Password Scamming. Impersonating Jagex Staff has an almost 100% success rate for me. So far I've had.. *checks*..17 messages from Jagex thanking me for reporting, when I told a Pmod this he said I should have been a Mod ages ago and Recommended me or something but alas, nothing happened. If you try the Knowledge Base now it gives more detail on what and when you should report abuse.
  2. Hahaha! I was there for that :P officially the 4th person to get through that stupid gate.. I love that guy in the back calling everyone else 'Door Noobs'!
  3. I've never seen the point in fighting such high level'd monsters like Lesser and Greater Demons because of their high Combat Skills. You'll spend more time missing or hitting low numbers and eating than you would fighitng lower monsters like Hills or Moss Giants which give higher Experiance Points per hour.
  4. Mmm okay you got a point with the Magic and Range pures but I just want to concentrate on the Melee formula, maybe I'll figure out how they come into this properly (if possible) another time. Guess I should rename the Topic to suit what I'm on about.. Uh huh, if Pures are working at all at low levels then it's because typicaly a Pure Pker will not be the player's first account, so they would already have experiance in how the game works. I wondered about that actually, if the Melee Combat is equal then why isn't is equal to level up? But... then I checked the Combat Calculator and it is actually equal so forget that =p
  5. Yeah good example, exactly what I mean. People just want to see big numbers now..
  6. I'm talking about melee combat differences in Attack, Strength and Defense. Are these three really equal? Many PKers believe Strength has the upper hand in every combat situation between melee players with Attack 2nd in importance and Defense usually kept at either 5 (Steel armour) or 40 (Rune armour). They argue that the bigger the number you can hit, the more likely you are to kill someone 'Obviously all about power'. o.0 Is this really true though? If you look at what Runescape's Knowledge Base has to say about typical PKers; Just to clarify the three skills; Attack - Having a higher attack level means you will hit the opponent more often. Strength - Strength ultimately determines the amount of damage you can deal with a hit to an opponent. Only determines how hard you can hit someone (nothing to do with woodcutting). Defense - Defence refers to the chance you have of being hit from attacks. Nothing to do with how much you can get hit by. Theoretically if two players who were exatcly the same combat level using the same weapons and armour were to fight with the 1st player having typical PKer statistics of Att.50 Str.60 Def.40 and the 2nd player having balanced skills of Att.50 Str.50 Def.50 then they would die at exatcly the same time. Of course this is so unlikely to happen because hitting is random, the 1st player may hit 8s every time while the 2nd player may hit any number withing their range at no set frequency. If this is true then why would people spend extra time leveling up say just Strength? All swings and roundabouts, while you be able to do more damage with a Strength pure a Defense pure will take less damage.
  7. I can do 15 with a Rune Longsword at 70 strength. Calculator says I should be able to hit 16's... Cheeky calculator.
  8. In my opinion that's a good change. People shouldn't have been saying it to begin with, as the real version of the word was censored. It doesn't bother me at all, since I always just say "darn" or something else. This new censor is really getting on my nerves. Not only is my only word to let out frustration, 'dam' blocked, but also part of my name; "bong" It should be Bongo but no one seems to notice that zero. Also this censor just doesn't work, just went into Varrock bank to see someone who just discovered the most popular "F" word was now sayable by just typing "2(the word)2" Seeing that it's a new censor if enough people ask Jagex to uncensor certain words d'you think they will? Heh, just seen crowds of people realise you can say what you want if you put a 2 before and after any word.. Bring back the old censor..
  9. Yeah unfortunatly the original Um Bongo (English 90's juice drink) was taken, lucky guy...
  10. Oh yeah, another thing, these kiteshields by any chance called rune (h) or something along those lines? What does (h) stand for and what colour is it? I really should know this at my level..
  11. Nope, no truth in that whatsoever, no matter how long you spend away there would never be a reason for Jagex to delete items jsut becasue they're member's. Don't worry :P Oh, and your 'friend' sounds.. Like a pretty desperate scammer. PK him. Hah joke..
  12. Oooookay.. I come back after a week revising for AS levels and suddenly some nutjob starts talking about these 'Trimmed Wizard Robe' and 'Trimmed Ranger Armour' items as if they've been there for ages! I don't know if I missed some massive news story about F2p'ers getting all this formally member only clothing so I'd gratefully appreciate any information anyone has on it. What I'd really like to know is... Price for the above mentioned items. Where in World 1 they're typically sold in. If they can be found in F2p worlds (other than buying from players). Any Statistical Bonus. Pictures!! Thank you. Um Bongo (the juice drink)
  13. You just said he sold it for 55k. What happened to the other 5k?
  14. Marco

    High alch

    Woah that's the calculation for the High Alchemy price?! I thought it was like the price in a specialist store at stock level of 2.
  15. Congratulations again Tip.it staff! Exclusive interviews with such famous players an' all. This can only boost Tip.it's reputation as the first and best fansite and now with close links to the greatest players. *bows* I personally hope this interview will help clear out a lot of the crap Zezima gets from players blindly insulting him. Nice questions oddfaery. He says he doesn't post but do you think Zezima reads forums?
  16. Bit longer than 6 months mate.. I think certain people use RuneScape too express themselves in a way which they can't do in real life. For instance I know a few people who, in real life are shy and introvert but when on RuneScape they come out as cocky extrovert idiots! Probably this whole internet security feeling, where you can pretend to be what you want. If you call someone a 'noob', you are a 'noob'.
  17. Yeah as said above, when you make it, check that all the letters you pasted are the same level. I see you put 'eggs' slightly higher because off the 'g's' going off screen but that's how they are normally.
  18. I doubt it. I had my axe head flying away even at 99 woodcutting. >_< ! :oops: Sorry Forsake, I meant the doctor that comes when a piece of rock or whatever hits you on the head!
  19. 'All events are random' 'Some events are more random than others' (Animal Farm [sort of]) I haven't got a faulty axe or pickaxe since.... maybe November last year! Did Jagex take them out or do you stop getting broken items when you reach a certain level?
  20. Examine the Earth Wizard in that circle of Elemental Wizards. "His hands are covered in mud. At least I hope that's mud."
  21. Is it me... Or have the Tip.It mods switched the General board with the Media Discussions board without telling anyone...
  22. Just the one, level 80. I don't see the point in multiple accounts as I don't pk. It's especially stupid to have a pure Woodcutter or Miner, why not spend that time Woodcutting or Mining on your main?!?
  23. Ugh.... I feel sick... I once asked Shiva what I should do to bring in long-term money, and he told me to smith. And so I smithed. The only time I saw Shiva after that was at his last solely hosted drop party in the desert, amongst all the people gathered there, Shiva called my name and asked how my smithing was going.. I told him it was my highest skill level by far, and the last thing he did was a smiley face. Woah, I didn't plan on writting this much...
  24. Change worlds every 13 minutes, avoid crowded places such as Varrock fountain, west bank, east bank, east mine, west mine... In fact just avoid the whole of Varrock really, also Falador, oh and Lummbridge too.. Actually just stay on top of the Ice Mountain, and as Weasel said; This is especially important to remember at the top of the mountain, The Oracal is a Jagex Staff member in diguise... :shock: Mention the aforesaid to NO ONE!
  25. The good ol' bad ol' rocks; (two rocks {gold}) The ultra flashy, super high tech new veined rocks; {gold} Personally, i prefer the new style :P
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