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Everything posted by gspbeetle

  1. Livid farm? They cant be serious! I got 96-98 magic there. And talking about incentives, most people with 9x magic just alch their way to 99 and doesnt bother to get the shield or group veng. It is not because the reward sucks, it is because they rage quit after enduring the endless hours there and decided that they cant really stand it. There are alot other mini games that can add rewards for incentives, ie: game room, cat pits, MA, BA, Conquest/PC
  2. You people are just making things complicated. All we need is an indicator to tell when to buy ashes or dragon bones. Have a look at grimy's spread sheet again. We have only 2 limiting factors here, one the time cost and the other is the monetary cost. The income is the variable. How about you enlighten us with your awesome formula that links exp/hr and cost/hr and determines when to buy ashes or dragon bones? edit: bunyip: Thats not the point anyway, he has made his point.
  3. Income/hour does matter, you have to spend the time to make the money to start your training with. I'd say, [(income/hr) + (gp/hr)] / (exp/hr) = gp/exp
  4. Psst... how about desert bandits? I got my 99s there. You can get some runes, herbs and some anime too.
  5. It seems that your flipping is about putting a buy and sell offer at the same time. Hell, you can do that in the stock market as well, you dont have to sell exactly at the market price unless your bank or agent is inefficent. You dont have to wait for 180days, its about following the trend. Besides, long term investment doesnt mean you buy and forget then come back after a month and look what happens.
  6. I am truly surprised that you all do very short term investments. It is very risky and this isnt a good practice at all in any markets, unless you know the next big thing is going to happen shortly and you arbitrage. Like any investment adviser would tell you, have a look at the price trend before you put your money in.
  7. People pay 20M for +2 strength legs. Yet I see people at the G.E. whining that the whip vine is WAY TOO EXPENSIVE to justify the +2 strength bonus it gives. When I tell them that tassets are only +2 strength and are 20M they tell me it's totally different. When I tell them the vine whip doesn't even take up an equipment slot they tell me to STFU. Substitute availability? Since there are no other item that gives str bonus in ring slot or leg slot, so hardcores (or the one who can afford expensive stuffs) have to wear those for high level monsters. Chances are they will still be in favour using chaotics than vine whip for high levels monsters.
  8. But isnt that even if it turns out to be tradable or not, the risk of whip going to fall in price is rather small?
  9. I would probably wont bother level up slayer, its way slower than dungeoneering. Not too excited about the clan citadel, many mmos got that already. Really looking forward for the army axe, sounds awesome on paper.
  10. They do use midi, but they use their own instruments/sound front, whatever you call it. Midi is just the scores, nothing to do with the sound. So its neither, the output is just pure raw wave / analogue signals.
  11. Looks like either those shiny new stellar dawn and transformer online really cost them a lot of funds. I wouldnt mind that too, as long as they make RuneScape into a separate company someday. I dont really want to see RuneScape run by bankers after they got bankrupted by their shiny new inventions. They can still get money from RS by "borrowing".
  12. No, they are still using midi, except for sound effects, similar to pokemon games. They just dont use our hardware synthesizer, because they think their software one is more efficient and awesome, which is half true. Check my site if you want a dump of those files (google it, since you seem like to googe a lot). (If you really want to know more about rs hacking(not cheating), we can help you in the other forum)
  13. gspbeetle


    You need around 20% absorbs Just did it this way today, perfect for low defences.
  14. The KB stated that it only requires 70 runecraft to wield it, however we need 77runecraft to make the blood runes for charging it. So the question is can we blind the surgebox first then charge it afterwards, like how weapon poison works on spears? edit: Got my surgebox and yes you can bind it first then charge later. Paid someone in rsof dungeoneering help section to get me some pro gear and runes.
  15. Well, overload and restore special affect a rather large and loyal part of the community, which they have to make those decisions a bit more carefully. lv1 att pkers are mostly active in f2p and p2p lv3s are mostly skillers, so the effect would be lesser.
  16. They did add moral choices in the new learning the rope and latest void knight quest, but we still cant really be the bad guys in quests. Recently we got Dungeonering saga 2 , thats the closest to going bad, but we still dont have the good <-> evil bar yet. For PVP we dont have the rogue ranking to show how unhonorables you are anymore, but they did add PVP hats to brag how much people you have murdered or slaughtered. Guards still wont go aggressive even if you have a skull or you killed his buddy.
  17. The term "master difficulty" mostly implies for high level requirements for nothing good. Quest that actually kills people like haunted mine and dragon slayer are merely "experienced". hhhnnnnnnnnnnghhhhh. <3: So happy! What has fixed? Sprites? What are you all celebrating for?
  18. Most likely due to the fact that the credit card company will inform Jagex after the person has pass away.
  19. Its not likely they will be making a lost with RS even if their power bill goes up, RS is simply a money cow. Besides, somebody we know have told us that they are not interested in profits. [hide="Mod MMG]People like to focus on the revenues but the most important thing is that profits are the side effect of a great game, and that's going to be true of anything we do. It's never the reason for doing it.[/hide] I wonder what is pulling their leg lately. Or if they need that money for some reason? I really hope they make runescape into a separate company, rather than a product of Jagex.Ltd. So we can still play the game even if Jagex screwed up on either stellar dawn or 8 realms and go bankrupted.
  20. I am not sure why are we still in this pokemon analogy, we cant out heal damage done by players in this game without potions and food, even with 40% reduced damage and healing specials. Besides, we only have limited inventory stocks for food and potions, so there is no true stalemate.
  21. It doesnt mean they dont take the price difference into account. Maybe its some form of a price range with a dice or there are other factors that has been put into their magical formula. We dont know whats in the box and discussions are promptly dismissed for some reason, but anyways in the long run the higher offer will usually win.
  22. Both unfinished and finished broad bolts are going down while unfinished magic longs are going up. Cheaper ammo cant be bad, however feathers are still going strong. However, unfinished addy bolts are rising at a fast pace for no reason (raw materials are not rising either) while its finished products is dropping at a similar rate like other bolts. The effect of the removal of multi-tasking bolt fletching seems to be unclear for now, however it seems that now the DIY demand has grown.
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