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Saru Inc

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Everything posted by Saru Inc

  1. Holy [bleep]ing shit. Those [bleep]ing drops o.O what in the ever [bleep]???
  2. 2nd solo :d had a lot of food left into zar ophase but ran out of ovl and didn't notice... so that used up a lot of food :\
  3. Vann is a noob and should be banned Disco is epic and should be modded Haseo is a newb and should give himself a break lol everyone sucks at first. Dw
  4. Grats @ Baileydafrog comping. I saw it in chat and took a screenshot. then thought it was weird that i took a screenshot so I deleted it. idk.
  5. Told Ya rots was life. You almost have as many kills as me now lol
  6. You can use in combat. I went to Ganoderms earlier and it was pretty neat. I was able to continue fighting Ganoderms while burying the bones that my stupid trash Shadow Drake was bringing me, eat food, etc, and the loot table was still on the screen. Even better was that it was constantly updating. So, if I wanted, I could stay in a small area, continue killing them, and let the loot pile up til one click grabs all my custom loot. Sure guys, this isn't ideal in every situation. But then again, nothing is ideal in every situation. This is a really cool update. And if you don't like it? Then disable it and carry on with your life, instead of saying "omg why was this released half finished, my dreams are now destroyed and I will die alone", just disable it until it is patched, then enable it, and resume looking for something else that you can focus your misplaced angst on. Edit: and for the record the big point of this is that you can just disable it. If jagex had released some half assed shit that you couldn't disable - then I'd be pretty mad too. I guess. I really don't know. I'm going to bed. Good night.
  7. some bullshit 81 yew logs and rune arrow heads i clicked all around that damn loot pile like "where's the actual drop??'
  8. pls no more saru stop you do too much ffs you're an addict rip first solo nex
  9. First things first, let's set somethings straight: 1) Yes I'm aware what year it is 2) See #1 3) See #2 That said: I solo'd my first Nex :D (Only 59 KC total.. With 0 KC before the KC update, iirc. lol) It actually went really well... til I goofed up two ice prisons in a row >.< (and the fact that my ice phase lasted like 3 ice prisons... not sure if that's normal or not.) I srsly ate like all of my food during ice phase. Zaros phase was painless comparatively.
  10. Been questing on Saruman44: Pris of Glue, Light Within, etc. 75 to 22k Agility, and 6summoning7
  11. If a real man means losing a set of drygores every time I die, no thanks. I don't make 60m a day. One sec I have a picture for this on my home computer Man up Jerome and forget to loot your grave m8 >lost 60m >made it back within 4 hours of game time Also for the record I was not the first person who forgot to loot their grave in blogscape. I think I was just the first to openly admit it Tldr; jeramabutt is a noob
  12. Wimp. Man up. Be a real man. like me. Do you know how many Ascension Grips I've had to buy from losing charges?? A lot. :cry:
  13. :D Also guys this app right here is the shit - and afaik, totally legal. and inb4 "mfw you need help solving clues" - I don't... It just makes slider and celtic knot puzzles take sub 20 seconds.... every time. Also they have a slider puzzle one that walks you through each step. http://runeapps.org/home MFW I find out in a week that this program has a keylogger and i lose all 30 of my accounts.
  14. NO ARAXXOR DROPS IN 50 KILLS I AM OFFICIALLY OFFERING A REWARD TO ALL PARTIES WHO PROVIDE INFORMATION THAT DIRECTLY LEADS TO ME GETTING A DROP: THE REWARD OFFERED IS 2.147BIL * -1 also I really want that Final Boss title... as well as The Master title. I saw my first one in game day today.. Nice.
  15. No I changed it to just different shades of green. The color combination was killing my Araxxor luck. 50 kills now no drop. :| In other news, did like 20 odd Nex today... and got 65-71 DG on Saruman44
  16. I bought a scythe because I thought it was the kind of weapon where I'd find some really cool use for it that most hadn't given any thought. It is such a bad freaking weapon. It looks cool though. I sold it back right away for 5m loss because I couldn't stand the sight of it anymore. That said... maybe there is some really cool use for it... somewhere out there.
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