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Everything posted by ortiz9471

  1. I get called these a lot: noob (because I'm not an idiot and won't sell the rune ax i dont have for 12 feathers, a bronze pick, a bucket of milk and some shears) auto noob (because I started a new account and didn't train cb yet) macro noob (same as auto) stupid noob (same as regular "noob") all forms of "fegit" and "gae" noob (for same reasons as "noob" and "stupid noob", but also primarily because most of RS is made of 10 year olds who are insecure and think they look good if they can insult somebody else) lets see what else..... liar noob (when the actual noobs don't believe I have more then 10k) loser noob (when I don't fall for a scam) haha, noob (when people see me burning logs and think I'm so stupid for wasting the willow logs, when they sell to the general store for 5gp each! Apparently they think I could be making big cash by selling them all to the store) omg noob (same as "loser noob") There are more I think.
  2. I agree with you, my LEAST favorite are those that are like "pur3 pk33r". But what's even worse is when somebody goes and does "pur3 pk33r34". Not only are you taking a bad looking, cheap, generic name, but you're adding numbers to make it look even worse... and even less original.
  3. 3rd age armor costs what it does because of its rarity. The dragon chain costs what it does because of its rarity. Before barrows and 3rd age, there were less dragon chains. As more kqs and dusties were killed, more came in, and more people had them, so the price went down. Dragon isn't for stats, and hasn't been since barrows came out-it's a status symbol. It shows that you have enough money to blow on some cool looking armor that isn't even the best.
  4. Hahahaha I have a shirt that says more cowbell on it :wink: But the link doesn't work for me :-s
  5. Whenever I do something repetitive that could easiliy be autoed then I teleport at the end of every run, each run taking about the same amount of time, it's almost guarenteed to get one for me.
  6. Heh just noticed something kind of ironic- look at the bottom of my sig :wink:
  7. p.s. means post script, it came come after any written script because post means after. Also, may I help clear up the issue on the prayer? ALL PROTECTION PRAYERS work 100% on ALL MONSTERS. ALL PROTECTION PRAYERS work 50% on ALL PLAYERS. If a monster attacked the KQ with range and the KQ had the range prayer on, then it would not hit. But because protection prayers only effect players 50% it is still possible to hit, just less likely. This is also the reason that people hit through protection prayers in the wilderness. Now, please shut up. p.s. I am not just theorizing this, I have sent messages to JaGEx and I'm almost positive it's in the KB. (oh and btw, don't flame people for putting p.s. right after you had said that it was immature to flame somebody for a grammar issue such as improper usage of the word "your". It makes you look like a hippocrit and complete jerk)
  8. ya, I use the barb village method and just today sold a lot of trout like 100 at a time for 30-50 each and a few hundred salmon for 25 each. (cooked)
  9. wine :wink: brings attack down to 0, you really can't hit.
  10. I've had many new accounts but every time I get like 500k from a friend to start and this time I'm starting with nothing and nobody donated anything so it's a long journey...
  11. Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. starting bank and stats/current bank and stats 3. goals 4. thanks 5. hyt's!!!!! (there will be more added, I'm just starting this.) 1) Introduction:It's quite simple - I'm starting over. All of my accounts have been lost or locked, and after a break from RS I want to play again. I'm making a blog to get me organized, motivated, and just out of pure boredom \ 2) Starting and current bank/stats Starting bank/stats: Current bank/stats: pretty familiar? :P note:I'm not a skill pure. Combat just isn't my priority and it doesn't make sense to me to do combat first - it makes sense to first have some food and a way of getting more, and some cash to buy more efficient weapons and armor. 3) Goals: (I will add bars later!) stat:starting/current/short term/long term fishing:1/40/50/60 cooking:1/40/50/60 firemaking:1/43/60/70 woodcutting:1/40/60/70 Why those 4 stats? I'm f2p, I like training those, and they are resourceful. 4) Thanks: To foodfight13 \ For being a good friend. Nobody else so far! 5) Hyt's Well I just happened to bump into benoit4whc at the same moment I was clicking on his 99 cooking blog (congrats btw) but I didn't take a picture or anything. Yes it's short, yes its not very informative, but yes I just started it today and will add more.
  12. I find it SO sad that I don't even have to hit the link to know what you're talking about... :-w
  13. Hey! Good job on 99 cooking it sure is a lot of work! Kinda weird, the same minute I click on your blog I see you in game and start talking, and I've never talked to you before :P haha p.s. im oh rly now : p.p.s. partay time
  14. Countless full runes, str and power ammys, death runes, addy arrows, glories, rune arrows, dhide, mage outfits, dds, drag scimmys, etc. (basic pking things)
  15. You really need to update those first few paragaphs on the first page :wink: Nice blog but get another entry in there! Happy scaping as always, ~Ortiz
  16. people eating eggs, or alching their phats has no effect on the prices, but if the same people then went and bought another egg of phat, then the prices would be influenced. Yes, because it is based on supply and demand. The supply is already at 0, so getting rid of an egg wouldn't do anything. It's just that when that person wants another egg to replace it, that increases the demand making the prices go up.
  17. I'm sorry, but how can they be "kidnapped" Was their RS account stolen, TIF account stolen, what?
  18. Those people who would do god spells on me while killing green dragons.. in hopes of getting 200 iron arrows.. like they were expecting me to NOT have tellies or anything all it does is waste there bloods and my time.
  19. Same exact thing happened to me, I used to send in like 3 appeals a day and all would be automatically declined in the 10 seconds it took to check the status of my appeal after sending it. Last time they got my hopes up by waiting 3 minutes before sending the automated mesage.. :wall:
  20. maybe you have lower stats than him? Um, that doesn't matter. A max hit is a max hit, they can hit it on anybody. It will just hit less often on him. ever think he was talking about a different one before flaming him?
  21. Ian without pointless threads to just randomly post on when the forums are a bit slow... it would stink. And talk about pointless posts? Look at your last one. --------------- OT: I don't have any 99s I can't even imagine how hard that would be in f2p!
  22. Acutally, recently Jagex made a multi-million dollar deal with the ad company. That's probably for a couple years, so lets just say thats 1 million dollars per year. (could be lots more, could be lots less, but this is approximate.) Now, Aren't there 2 million members? That's 10 million per month. Maybe there are only 1 millino members, that's still only 5 million per month. Ok, big woop, my numbers are very approximate and probably quite a bit off. But my point is that Jagex makes way more money from members then the f2p group. Way more.
  23. Well it's actually not new members to 3rd age armor coming in, its members that don't have/want more 3rd age armor to 3rd age armor coming in. Very few people want it simply because very few can afford it, and if you can't afford it then it doesn't matter if you want it or not-you're not getting it. (unless from a clue)
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