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Everything posted by ortiz9471

  1. Please, give him a hint, don't give him the answer. A good hint would be: Change the base. Right now it's in binary, you have 3 other bases to choose from. P.S. any hints for 9.1? A have a picture.. with the bottom taken off..
  2. What's your problem? Homeless people have friend and family also. You think you're above them, people care about you not them, just because they have an addiction and/or are down on their luck? Well, you're not. These are real people. Real lives.
  3. I met Casserole over a year ago in the fishing guild (maxed stats) That was when there were actually very few 126s (compared to today at least) and he was the first I ever saw.
  4. Bank: Port Phaytmatys (sorry spelling lol) General Store: Lighthouse Haven't done either of the quests..........
  5. Ok I got some help and am on 9.1 This is intimidating... :ohnoes: EDIT:what I mean by that is hint please :wink:
  6. Cheezits. There my favorite food, and it's my nickname from a few kids due to the fact I brought nothing but a bag of cheezits to lunch for a week...
  7. I have some homemade marshmallow shooters made out of PBC piping :wink: I even made some clips for it, for constant shooting. It's fun to bombard my family with when they visit :anxious:
  8. spolier... What is missing...FROM THE HAND? oops I edited out what I said after realizing some could take it as a semi-spoiler.. Help with #6 please? And don't say change the order, people have been saying that.
  9. Might want to start your blog when you have more then 30 seconds :wink: Nice woodcutting I guess!
  10. Hawt stats =D> I like your blog because you don't have a gazillion pictures sticking out they are all in links :D
  11. "whatever floats your boat" "when you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on" My favorites :D
  12. Alright, what should be in level 4 that isn't. What is missing? What can't I see right now.. I tried eyebrow, brow, eyelid, lid, eyebrows, brows, lids, eyelids, color, hair, face, head, and other things. I just don't get it!
  13. It's WAY safer then driving a car, honestly. Think about the ratio of number of people to fly planes and number of people to get hurt on a plane (millions of people flying to several getting hurt). Now how many people have been in a car? I would say anybody in a first world country like ourselves (I'm assuming you live in one because you're on the internet...). And how many have crashed? Most of those have been part of a crash even if it was small. Also statistically, you have a better chance of dieing from a bee sting or lightning then dieing from a plane crash. Even if you're not allergic to bees :lol:
  14. The only way would be to gain up thousands of pest control points before hand and use them all.... This could actually get you from 1 magic to 99 in a couple minutes :anxious:
  15. Oh and I forgot to add, you have low hp and non-combat skills indicating that you are a pest controller :wall: That's disappointing. It really is.
  16. I HATE how they are helping new players. They don't learn anything about the game they just get a free pass through the hard beginning. I remember mining tin and copper east of varrock, going to lumby and smelting it, going to varrock and smithing it, then going around to the various specialty shops and selling each piece at maximum price for my money. (so if I made 10 bronze meds and a bronze long or something I would go to barb village, sell the meds to the helmet store, then go back to varrock and sell the sword to the sword shop.) It was tough. It was a long process. But that taught you were things were and gave you a basic understanding of the game. Now you have people going into the game with a free pass through this with some help from the tutors, but they still don't know anything. It's annoying, because this is where all those beggars come from who don't know how to work so they just sit and beg.
  17. Add a rune kite and the power ammy is the best of those :D It will only cost you like 210k for it all... pretty cheap for the very best outfit.
  18. The German people bribed them :evil: (completly kidding) Maybe they are testing out what would happen if they put links into the forums on those forums first, since they are smaller? And is it actually a link, or just text effects (well that would be new to..).
  19. Unlikely, since food and feathers hold no data - they're one-use objects and will surely continue to stack. Offhand, the items it might affect in the future include Rings of Forging and Recoil (glories, game necklaces and duel rings already stack separately according to remaining charge). Any other ideas? No, they wouldn't do rings of forging. That would be terrible. Since the charge would be stored on the object, you could use yours down to 1 charge then sell them at face value. The reason the whole system with the rings of works is that the charge IS stored on your character so you can't cheat everybody else.
  20. You stop burning salmon at 60. I recently fished from 30-60 on these guys and cooked everything trust me, you burn salmon at 56 all the way to 59. You stop buring trout AROUND lvl 40. I think it's 40, but not 100% sure as I didn't really pay attention to that.
  21. Honestly I think all of those names are bad.... but that's just me. I like mine: "oh rly now"
  22. We were all a little over ambitious at one point in our RS lives, it's fine. I once went for 85 mining POWERMINING IRON. (waaaay faster then you) and went [developmentally delayed] pretty quick. Trust me, going for 99 mining on COAL AND IRON is no piece of cake, good luck on getting it in the next 20 years. I hope you do it and prove me wrong, I honestly do. I would love to see you get this, just saying that you're a little over ambitious.
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