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Everything posted by Kalphite

  1. Kalphite


    Shopping for new laptops blows
  2. Kalphite


    I'm gradually getting the hang of things more at work but I'm still convinced that javascript is bullshit. My boss has been super understanding about how much work it is to get caught up but it's still stressful feeling like im floundering around through this all the time. I hung out with some coworkers for the first time on Saturday for a planned LOTR extended movie marathon. I only made it halfway through the second movie though. There is just no reason for those movies to be four hours long lol. Apparently the rest of them also gave up after the second movie was over too. I saw the Dear Hunter again on Saturday. They were decent but they didn't play anything off of either of my favorite albums of theirs. Same with Eisley, who opened for them. Definitely preferred the Dear Hunter show I went to in May to this but it's definitely better than anything else I would've been doing haha. I just wish I could figure out more ways to meet people. I've only really been hanging out with my roommate and one of my friends from college that's out here (and a girl from Tinder that was going well but utterly trainwrecked lmfao). I guess it'll all come with time though; things are already getting better and I'm definitely in a much better place mentally now than I was when I moved here about a month ago.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc9vbC4iJ44 never was much of a young thug fan before but holy shit this is greattt
  4. Kalphite


    javascript is a [bleep]ing stupid language. spent my whole day trying to write a single end to end test for a part of our software with protractor/jasmine and wondering why my test case crashed and burned consistently only to realize that its because all my functions were firing off at random orders before Angular even loaded. noob mistake but it's annoying as hell, now I'm going to have to spend all of tomorrow making sense of promises and how to use these frameworks to deal with async stuff. new jobs are frustrating lmao I also had to come home to deal with a clogged sink for the second time this week which is not fun lmao. adulting sucks. On the bright side now that all my furniture is built I've finally been able to start exercising again which has felt really good. Also I'm two days away from going to Bumbershoot which should be an awesome time even if the lineup isn't particularly incredible.
  5. finally found a dratini today at the beach so i'm pretty much satisfied with everything this game could ever have to offer
  6. Kalphite


    What are you doing out there? Things are gradually coming together out here a bit more. I finally have most of my furniture built aside from a night stand and god DAMN does it feel god to sleep on a real bed after 10 nights on an air mattress. My company had its end of summer party today too on a beach in northern Seattle. The weather was beautiful and it was nice getting to meet a few more of my coworkers. Still slowly trying to wrap my head around these JavaScript frameworks but I think I'll end up liking it here a lot.
  7. Kalphite


    Caught up with an old friend from my internship last summer last night and saw this laser show of Pink Floyd's The Wall which was [bleep]ing incredible. I love this city. Today I spent my whole day buying furniture. I now have a bed frame, nightstand, bookshelf, and dresser, as well as a kitchen table and chairs (which made for a really not fun 143 pound box to carry up three flights of stairs with my roommate haha). Just have to find a mattress and some sheets and put everything together and I'll finally have a fully functional room. This all just feels so adult and surreal lmfao. I just wish I knew more people here, feels kinda lame staying in on my first saturday night here but I'm sure more exciting things will happen in time.
  8. had my first tinder date in a year yesterday. Met up with the girl for coffee, then we walked through pike's marketplace and watched the ocean for a while before she had to leave to go to work (this all happened from 8 am - 9:30 am lmao). she was super receptive to touching and touched back throughout the thing and we kissed goodbye, so that makes this my first kiss where both parties were sober lmfao. she said she wants to meet up again, i was thinking about taking her to this laser show thing where you can like lay on the floor and watch these crazy visuals to music so I figured it would make a good segue into coming back to my place after but idk if I should just not wait so long and invite her right over because she basically said she was dtf at the end of the date lol. idk I never really make it this far so I'm probably overcomplicating it but it just feels real [bleep]ing nice for things to finally be working out haha
  9. i kinda doubt we'll even hit that tbh, the last couple quaterfinals didn't
  10. Finally managed to see Deadpool on my flight to Seattle. It was really good for a superhero movie and was really funny but I don't think it was anything *that* incredible. Also got through the first 2 hours of straight outta compton on that flight before my plane landed. LOVED what little I got to see of it, and I definitely need to see the last 30 minutes of it. I've been listening to NWA/Dre for a while now but I never really knew about any of the craziness involving that group. The movie so far has been definitely been doing their music justice.
  11. I'm just curious, what album topped out TPAB for you? That was my favorite of the year hands-down. Been jamming a lot of Joe Hertler lately. Hometown heroes from Michigan, they have a really big following in all of the state's college towns. Really good, upbeat funk pop. I've seen the band about 10 times at this point and have smoked a bowl with the guy haha. This is my favorite song of theirs. Such a nostalgic band for me.
  12. Kalphite


    Well, I'm finally all moved into my apartment in Seattle! The apartment is super nice. I just got my internet hooked up today. So far I haven't seen too much of the city, but I got to try a crazy good Korean place after I came into town and got to catch up with an old friend who's interning at another company here over drinks last night. Today I managed to go on a nice run around my neighborhood and now I'm on my way to find a gym membership. Also finally found out what I'm going to be working on when my job starts on Monday. Apparently I'll be joining a team that develops front-end framework for the company's user dashboard as well as a notification system for the application. The description I was given is still pretty vague though but I'll learn more when I start monday. I'm nervous though; my team apparently uses an all JavaScript stack using angular/node/mongoDB, and I've honestly done very little with JavaScript; most of my experience has been doing back-end work in C++/Java. Hopefully iy won't be *too* bad of a learning curve though.
  13. Kalphite


    They were both friends before, the three of us were best friends before this happened. They were friends from high school. This happened on a weekend when they came out from my hometown to visit me at my college town. We were all really drunk, so there was no way either of them were going to be able to drive home that night after it happened. I offered the girl an air mattress in my room, but she declined it in hopes that they could talk things out somehow, but instead everything got worse. She told me later that not taking me up on that offer was one of the biggest regrets she had. I didn't understand the date thing either, but she went through a brief alcohol bender after that happened and was in a terrible place emotionally, and set up that date while she was drunk. In her eyes, the only way that anything that happened could be okay was if they started dating somehow and that ended up just being the weird way they started that, and that it would somehow retroactively make everything consensual. But by the time the date came she was sober and repulsed by him and they barely talked and she kicked him out. It was a hard place for her because she was so close with the guy. I don't completely understand it either, but that was her explanation. Why is she so wishywashy and willing to keep doing all this with a guy who continually violates her boundaries and safety? Another thing that can explain her behavior is that while drunk she was kinda into him and once the vodka wore off she was grossed out by him. Maybe she felt like she would be judged or felt that he took advantage of the fact that she was drunk and had lower standards to justify her belief that he was behaving non consensually. I just can't understand based on the story why after she decided to sleep with him that she stayed there after numerous ass grabs or other such touches that made her uncomfortable. I know nothing about the specifics of this situation but my bs meter is ringing hard right now. Basically my stance. [bleep] them both My bad, when I said sleep with I meant literally, they didn't have sex, they just both slept on separate parts of the l couch. I'll respond to the rest later when I'm not on mobile lol
  14. Kalphite


    They were both friends before, the three of us were best friends before this happened. They were friends from high school. This happened on a weekend when they came out from my hometown to visit me at my college town. We were all really drunk, so there was no way either of them were going to be able to drive home that night after it happened. I offered the girl an air mattress in my room, but she declined it in hopes that they could talk things out somehow, but instead everything got worse. She told me later that not taking me up on that offer was one of the biggest regrets she had. I didn't understand the date thing either, but she went through a brief alcohol bender after that happened and was in a terrible place emotionally, and set up that date while she was drunk. In her eyes, the only way that anything that happened could be okay was if they started dating somehow and that ended up just being the weird way they started that, and that it would somehow retroactively make everything consensual. But by the time the date came she was sober and repulsed by him and they barely talked and she kicked him out. It was a hard place for her because she was so close with the guy. I don't completely understand it either, but that was her explanation.
  15. Kalphite


    I carelessly invited both of them to my going away party, which caused this shitshow. basically they were both really drunk, he claims it was an accident but somehow he ended up choking her for a second, then they made out. he claims she initiated, she claims it was nonconsensual. I didn't see it happen at the time though I was with them. They crashed on my couch that night and apparently he kept making advances on her that she denied. He didn't think he did anything wrong and thinks that he stopped after she said no, she maintains that he kept trying and touched her. This happened while I was asleep so I didn't witness any of it. I didn't learn about anything that happened after the choking until this summer (this situation happened in October). The whole thing was incredibly uncomfortable, and they tried talking after the fact but after a failed date of some sort he gave up on it because things were too weird and they stopped talking. She views this as being objectified and thrown away once she wouldn't have sex with him. There's more to it but that's the gist. She is pissed at me for not immediately dropping my friendship with him. I just didn't want to make such a drastic decision lightly and wanted to hear both sides of the story, but I hoped I could just make it until I left at the end of this summer without ruining anything but it's pretty clear that I [bleep]ed up and I'm really not sure what to do at this point. I feel like the right thing to do is to break things off with the guy, but its just so hard making a call just based on the word of the two involved parties when he's been my best friend for 7 years and she's been one of my best friends for 5. I'm probably being a piece of shit for even hesitating about this and I feel awful for making her feel unsafe and putting her in this situation. I'm just not sure if there's anything I can do to fix things at this point.
  16. Kalphite


    22 years old and permanently moving to the other side of the country in less than a week and I managed to upset one of my best friends so badly that she might not ever want to speak with me again because I didn't break off ties with another one of my best friends that hurt her really badly in the past. It's so difficult for me to break off friendships, but I know that there's no way that I can get through the week without losing one or maybe both of them and it's really killing me to go through this right now. I just feel so empty
  17. Kalphite


    I have had other moles removed without anesthesia that were much more sane and similar to what you guys all described. My dermotologist had removed half of it previously, but after a biopsy it showed up as something that could eventually develop into melanoma so I had to have the surgery done. I was fairly skeptical of the need for full anesthesia for this though. The justification I was given was that because it was so large and potentially deep into the skin it had to be a larger, elliptical cut around the mole. I haven't taken the bandages off yet though so I don't know how large the area they actually had to remove was yet. edit: turns out i had to have stitches to close up the wound from the removal so this makes a lot more sense to me now.
  18. Kalphite


    Had to have surgery today to have a mole removed from my leg today and had to be put under for it so I'm spending my second to last friday night in my hometown vegetating on my couch watching Outlander because I'm too woozy from the anasthesia to do much else. Woooooooooooooooooooooooo Having my goodbye party tomorrow though and I'm not sure if I'm ready for all of the feels that will ensue from that though lol, should be a great time though at least
  19. Somehow managed to go my entire life up to this point without listening to any of the Beatles' solo albums and holy SHIT this album is incredible
  20. Kalphite


    I mean they already crushed those dreams by saying its just a 10th anniversary black parade re-release and not a reunion lol
  21. This is one of my favorite Bright Eyes songs. Absolutely crushing.
  22. Kalphite


    Nice, cap hill is a great place to live while you're young. it can get a little crazy around there, but yeah it's definitely the place for all the young hip people (such as myself !) to be. also check out wallingford, which is near u-district, for a more subdued but still fun bar scene. i've been bar hopping there a lot recently. hmu if you ever want any more seattle recommendations or need a new drinking/pokemon go buddy! Yeah dude I'll definitely hit you up once I get out there! I'm just less than a month away from my move and will definitely be in need of all of those things ahaha Anyways, had a really good day today, I started the day off in kind of a shitty mood due to a couple awkward situations that happened with some friends over the weekend but I ended up getting korean food and going to a happy hour at a microbrewery (which was pretty delicious I must say) and it was a really awesome time and I'm feeling a lot better now. After that I ended up going out to some bars for another friend's birthday, which was really fun for a Monday night haha. Definitely feeling a lot better tonight than I did before haha. And to put icing on the cake, one of my friends hit me up today to tell me that she ended up scoring free tickets to see Disclosure next week and wanted to bring me along with her. SO [bleep]ING HYPE FOR THIS
  23. I've been jamming this album so much lately. It's growing to the point where it might be my new favorite Animal Collective album after 8 years of Merriweather Post Pavilion dominating that spot for me.
  24. Kalphite


    Yeah lol the times I've worked full-time have always been a lot less stressful than the times I've spent at school. It's just super nice not having to be responsible for your work while you're at home and actually having a good income. I'm just going to miss the social aspects honestly.
  25. Kalphite


    Realizing now I haven't posted on this thread in like a month lol oops. Anyways I've been having some good times these last few weeks. Last weekend I went to Blissfest with a bunch of my friends for my third time, which is a small but really incredible music festival up in northern michigan. The bands there are super diverse - blues, folk, reggae, funk, bluegrass, and plenty more - but it's all super high quality for how obscure the bands are.Had an incredible trip to Sturgeon Bay on Lake Michigan too there for one of the afternoons where we all dropped some acid and swam in the lake and climbed a sand dune. The lake had some crazy waves on it and we were able to go to this shallow sandbar a little bit off shore and just ride the waves back in as they came. Can't really do the experience justice in a paragraph here but it was definitely one of my favorite weekends of my life. I also managed to apply for an apartment in Seattle this week! The landlord said that she really liked our applications and was just waiting on a couple more things to clear before we put our deposit down. [bleep] the Seattle housing market though for needing to come up with three months' rent for a deposit when I don't even start working for another month though lol. Still, it feels really good to take that step and I'm excited for the place - it seems really nice and is in a really nice area on Capitol Hill, which has the most vibrant nightlife supposedly even though the apartment is on a quieter street between two grocery stores. I'm incredibly thankful I found a roommate that already lives out there to handle most of the searching though because trying to figure this out on my own would be awful.
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