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Everything posted by Kalphite

  1. Kalphite


    Had a pretty great night last night. Went to a casino with some friends for a little bit, then we all took some molly and went to this weird industrial bar for the rest of the night. Music was pretty bizarre but it was fun seeing everybody and I ended up making out with a really hot girl so its a pretty solid night / 10 in my book
  2. Bummer to hear you're not enjoying it, that series sucked me in. Went from not being able to hold an interest in any fantasy books past the first chapter for about 3 years to finishing both of the books in 2 weeks. To each their own though.
  3. Kalphite


    That's actually pretty [bleep]ed up; how can they give them something that they didn't own?
  4. Kalphite


    Just got a job offer today! Ended up getting one from Qualtrics in Seattle for a software development position. It's dramatically better than my other offers and Seattle is an awesome city so I'm probably going to end up taking it unless something crazy happens over these next two weeks. It feels awesome finally having one I'll be happy with lined up. If I end up taking it I'd be moving to Seattle in August. In other news, the exam I didn't study for is down and I feel pretty good about it. one more in an hour. ;____;
  5. Kalphite


    "Maybe next semester I won't procrastinate this much when studying for finals" - Me, every semester at finals 2 exams tomorrow, another friday, all cumulative, have barely started studying. whelp~
  6. Kalphite


    What did you get? I've had the worst luck with earphones lately, can barely get a pair to last a month. yo same, i'm so sick of this shit. i spend like 30-40 bucks on a pair of earphones and they break every month or two. not sure what gives, i avoid sitting on them and stuff like that. my walks to campus and bus rides have been sadly quiet recently. I've been having the same problem where I'd continuously buy $130 iems and have to send them back every two months when they broke. Then I found these. $10 earbuds that sound almost as good as my last $130 pair, and if anything happens it's only $10 to replace. Definitely would recommend / 10 Just got back from New York today for an interview with Palantir. 4 interviews and they all went awesome, then I walked outside the office and there was a food truck giving away free cookies. p solid day. Reeeeeeeally hoping this works out because Palantir would be such an incredible company to work for... Last night was pretty wild too. Got to NYC at around 8:00 pm. When I went to the hotel Palantir put me up at I realized it was like a $600/night hotel. I went to dinner shortly after at some random bar and sat down at the only open seat and started talking to the guy next to me. He turned out to be the CEO of a $1 billion + hedge fund lol. I ended up having a 2.5 hour conversation with him over wine and the best steak au poivre I've ever had. It was super interesting getting to hear his story and career advice, even if he was trying to convince me to switch careers into finance haha.
  7. Causa Sui's music is so beautiful. Fantastic instrumental psych-rock jams 4 dayzzz
  8. Kalphite


    weren't you just complaining about having 2 or 3 girls into you like last week lol
  9. waking up really [bleep]ing sick with almost no voice on a day where you have a job interview and an exam and another job interview the next day [bleep] me
  10. Started using tinder again. Three girls were interested in hanging out this week, but I couldn't get logistics to work because I was supposed to fly out of state for an interview. Missed my flight, tried hitting the girls up again, ignored. whelp~
  11. Kalphite


    wtf happened to this thread I was supposed to fly out to Madison, WI for an interview today, but my car broke down on the way. Thankfully the company is allowing me to reschedule my flight out there to another time, but it was pretty stressful. My car will never have air conditioning again either which is lame but it could be worse I guess; probably won't have it for more than another year or so anyways.
  12. Kalphite


    i vomed on my couch :(
  13. Kalphite


    did anybody else watch that shitshow of a GOP debate?
  14. Kalphite


    75 seems safely high by my school's standards; the average on my school's Data structures & algorithms midterms were in the low 60s generally. Is your class on a curve or straight scale? I hate weeks like this where I have to be up until past 3 every night working on homework. Thank god halloween is coming up right after all of this even though I still have had 0 time to buy a costume lol
  15. Kalphite


    MDMA is fun for everything, I would do it, and in my personal experience live bands can be more fun house music. I've binged 6 pills in one weekend before and I survived. Just remember to eat, drink water, and take the "recommended" vitamins and you'll be good. Alright haha. Yeah I mean I'm not new to mdma or anything, I've done it about 5 times at this point but it's always been at concerts or music festivals, just wasn't sure how it would be at a party rather than a concert, though the live music does blur the line a bit. My friend says shes buying them and bringing them up with her anyways so I guess we'll just see where the night goes haha
  16. Kalphite


    friend offered to grab bring some mdma up for a halloween party next weekend, there'll be live bands including my other friend's band and it'll be a massive party but i can't tell if it would be a good idea, most of my other friends wouldn't want to roll and shows are the optimal places for that but there'd still be plenty of dancing and people to meet and i won't really have a better opportunity til at least new years... still not sure if it'd be worth it because I know you're supposed to wait 90 days between uses for serotonin restoration but then again i've done it twice in a row before so idklol ^important thoughts while staying in on a friday night and miserably failing at getting anything productive done job interviews suck. I've had 5 this week and I have 2 more next week and while I'm grateful for all the opportunities i'm just so sick of dealing with this lol. I suppose there are much worse problems to have though. is marty mcfly going to be too overdone of a halloween costume this year?
  17. Kalphite


    Have you read the Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss? Seconding this. Joe Abercrombie's The First Law trilogy is awesome character-driven fantasy as well (also obviously a Song of Ice and Fire is mindblowing but I figure at this point it's so well known you don't need it to be recommended lol).
  18. Kalphite


    I was drunk pretty much straight from 9 pm friday night until I woke up this morning. gotta love game day~ especially when you don't even go to the football games lol. My school ended up losing in the last 10 seconds to a completely flubbed play though (University of Michigan vs Michigan State if anyone here actually cares about American college football), which really demoralized the campus but it was still a great weekend overall. Also ended up scoring interviews with snapchat and dropbox over the last few days which I'm pretty excited for as I haven't really been getting many interesting interviews lately. Lastly, found out today that I got accepted into an Alternative Spring Break program I applied to! I'm going to be road tripping to do a habitat for humanity build with some of my friends from a student org I'm in that's organizing the trip. I've never gone on any sort of spring break trip before, so I'm super excited for this haha.
  19. Kalphite


    i got my internship from google enetirely through phone interviews im having a really rough time and need help but i dont have anybody im comfortable reaching out to but im drunk enough to post here i guess [bleep] me
  20. Kalphite


    better than $7 of solid cancer imo job hunting sucks ass
  21. Kalphite


    still better than cigarettes. I'm for anything stupid that helps people get off of giving themselves as much cancer.
  22. Kalphite


    god I'm so jealous that you got to go to that slint show
  23. In a bizarre turn of events last night my (female and [bleep]ing hot) best friend that I never really got over in the past 4 years or so and I ended up kissing each other last night and I have no idea wtf is going on and feelings are weird
  24. yeah thsts wat u was hoping fr but i uguesss nwt ay lmaoooo
  25. Nah, never really progressed to that point. like I'd be able to touch her arm/back/etc during conversation but she'd always sit on a chair in a way that I couldn't really sit next to her to put my arm around her / anything that would make trying to kiss her seem natural. So I kinda knew where everything was going, asked more for closure than anything by the end of it.
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